Friday, 29 September 2023

Seasons of the Witch Mabon Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Seasons of the Witch Mabon Oracle by Lorriane Anderson & Juliet Diaz. Boxed set of 44 cards and guidebook. Published by Rockpool Publishing. RRP US $24.95 UK £18.99 (6th July 2023)

“ To find enlightenment, seek nowhere, it lies within you.”

Mabon, The autumn equinox a time of balance, slowing down, evaluation, surrender, transition, creating boundaries, letting go, clearing blocks, developing new perspectives, and preparing for winter. A time to enjoy the season as colours and energies change. The deck can be used throughout the year, not just for autumn equinox. Yule, Beltain, Samhain and other seasonal festivals are also available. 

Queen Mab Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Queen Mab Oracle Divine Wisdom from the Queen of the Fae, by Tess Whitehurst. Boxed set of 45 cards and guidebook. Published by Blue Angel Publishing. July 2023  £19.99 ISBN: 9781922573773

 Channelled by the Rocky Mountains author, Tess Whitehurst, we peer deeply into the images, created by two illustrators, Melanie Delon and Cecilia G.F. The box has an attractive glint. The figurative images are female, young, slim and pretty, as one would expect from fairyland. Crowns, butterflies, flowers and the moon are suitable motifs. There are some multi-cultural images too. The principle colours are sombre russets, dark blues, browns and greys, so for me, this is an Autumnal card oracle

Thursday, 14 September 2023

The Essential Lenormand Review

Mind Body Soul Ezine Book Review: The Essential Lenormand - Your Guide to Precise and Practical Fortunetelling by Rana George $21.99 Published by Llewellyn Worldwide.

Monday, 11 September 2023

The Lantern Oracle

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Lantern Oracle by Angelina Mirabito, illustrated by Yuly Alejo,  Boxed set of 44 cards plus guidebook, published by Blue Angel Publishing, £17.99

Maybe this is more a deck for young people who will see their age group largely reflected in the illustrations though the deck is divided into four sections, Maiden, Mother, Guardian and Crone so all ages of women are reflected. Information on how to cleanse and use the cards includes a 40 day card working process where journaling is suggested. The book’s write ups assist with times of change, challenge and confusion. 

Two other spreads are provided: A 4 card ‘Lantern’, and a 5 card ‘Luminosity’.

Saturday, 9 September 2023

The Real Witches' Kitchen Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Real Witches Kitchen - Spells, Recipes, Oils, Lotions and Potions from the Witches' Hearth by Kate West, published by Thorsons/Element.

Useful and interesting, this book describes how to be a witch and enjoy the razzmatazz of creativity and discovery, either alone or to share with others. What is a witch? You will find out! The Wheel of the Year is important for rites and ceremonies, sacred space, spellwork, a Book of Shadows, and personal development and responsibilities which are promoted.

Gnostic Healing

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Gnostic Healing - Revealing the Hidden Power of God by Tau Malachi and Siobhan Houston, published by Llewellyn Publications, 190 pages, Paperback £12.99

"We are all an emanation of the divine" For those who enjoy deep metaphysical study, these two academics have put together a practical sysnthesis of 'Sophian Gnosticism', based on understanding which combines healing with Christianity, Kabbalah and Rosicrucian belief. The instruction is easy to follow and designed to facilitate a spiritual awakening and there is an importance stressed on the development of inner life. There are suggestions on how to work with negative people, for the laying on of hands, a healing for the self image, and a text for invoking the Holy Guardian angel. There is a section with a Gnostic prayer for the dying and baptism for the dead.

A Theurigist’s Book of Hours

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: A Theurgist’s Book of Hours by Jeffrey S Kupperman, published by Avalonia Books. £18.99

From the introduction: In brief, prayer nurtures the mind, makes us more receptive to divine beings, habituates us to the otherwise potentially lethal divine light, perfects our ability to contact the gods, uplifts our minds to those of the gods, links us to them, purifies our pneumatic vehicle, brings out the divine element in the human soul, and makes us “the familiar consorts of the gods”. Prayer is so important that “no sacred act can take place without it”. 

Wednesday, 6 September 2023

Tarot Interactions

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Tarot Interactions - Become More Intuitive, Psychic & Skilled at Reading Cards by Deborah Lipp, published by Llewellyn Worldwide, 252 pages paperback £16.99

The author is an initiated Gardnarian witch and high priestess of a coven and teaches Wicca and pagan practices. She has 30 years experience of Tarot. She is keen to express the importance of 'seeing the big picture'. The combinations of possible tarot readings is astronomical, 25,000 combinations easily. With the use of ten or more cards, we approach a quarter of a million possible combinations!

Sunday, 3 September 2023


Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Shamanism -Your Personal Journey to Healing and Self Discovery by Mark Nelson, Quality paperback, all text 264 pages. Published by Llewellyn Books US $18.99 : Can $26.99 U.K. £14.99

Wholeness, balance and harmony are suggested by the author as keywords for shamanic practice. 

Mark Nelson presents workshops, teaches and provides other services and programs on shamanism. 

The book provides information on the history of shamanism, the customs and practices with additional information on divination, rituals, journeying, dream work, distance healing, the natural world, ancestral healing, types of spirits, seasonal ceremony, sacred space, the elements and directions, crystals, death, spirits of place,  shapeshifting, soul retrieval, altered states, and working with power and shamanic tools. 

Saturday, 2 September 2023

The Shaman's Oracle Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Oracle card deck review: The Shaman's Oracle Cards for Ancient Wisdom and Guidance by John Matthews, illustrated by Wil Kinghan, Published by Watkins Publishing
Publishing in a good quality box with pull out drawer with excellent card stock. Pack contains hardback book, 52 cards and a template pictorial of a hand to aid reading. Pack price: £14.99, yes, brilliant value for money!

Information is provided about palaeolithic art which is found worldwide, in Australia, the Americas, Europe and China and has inspired the artwork for this deck. Each card carries a different image. Other information provided is about shamanism as an ancient spiritual practice. There is information on how to use the cards and how to frame questions. A sample layout helps with this process. Beautiful poems accompany each card. The images were excellent in transporting me into an inspirational space where the reading flowed quite naturally, sometimes without needing the book's

Pistis Sophia - The Goddess Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Pistis Sophia - The Goddess Tarot by Kim Huggens and Nic Phillips Published by Red Feather (Schiffer Publishing) Boxed set of 22 Majors-Only cards and guidebook £31.99

Kim Huggens and Nic Phillips have added to their very successful fully illustrated 78 card Sol Invictus - The God Tarot, published a decade ago. Sol Invictus is the Invincible Roman Sun God. This is an entirely masculine myths and historical tarot deck so it is no surprise that after more than ten years of development, an all female Majors-Only of 22 cards is available. Pistis Sophia takes its title from a Gnostic work from early Christian times with esoteric teachings from Jesus. Several Christian elements are included in what is largely international in scope.