Wednesday 26 June 2024

Discovering the Lead Codices

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Discovering the Lead Codices - The Book of Seven Seals and the Secret Teachings of Jesus by David & Jennifer Ellington. 

The authenticity of the lead codices is a controversial one and there are those who say that the finding of the codices is a deception! If you are fascinated by the life of Jesus, this is a book that will entertain you and you will be, in parts thrilled, and in others disappointed. The book details a few high profile archaeological discoveries that have proved to be forgeries.

Was the Ark secreted away into a cave in Jordan near mount Nebo or was it a New Ark aka a New Covenant? Did Peter possess secret Nasorean knowledge for which he holds the keys? Did the eight pointed star symbolise Melchizedek to whom did Abraham show obeisance? What is the significance of the House of Jesse? Who were the Hebrew Christians? Who were titled “the poor”? What were the mysteries associated with the Temple of Solomon? Does the W letter shin represent the shekinah or female wisdom energy? 

This is an intriguing story! It is an account of the finding of the lead codices and the reader is taken on a fascinating journey, meeting all kinds of strange characters. It would make a great film! Like a Dan Brown! 

Did someone cause the car to have defective brakes, was Christianity the earliest form of the spiritual teaching of Melchizedek and revived by Jesus, is an Angel a priest bearing secrets, was the first Temple not in Jerusalem but where Jacob had his dream, did Jesus appear to the disciples not on the road to Emmaus but to Bethel, was the dealer a Freemason, has lead to gold a special significance, who were the Essenes that settled by the Dead Sea and was the ascetic James the Just a Nazorite High Priest of the Essenes, were the Ebionites the family of Jesus  - all kinds of mysteries occur in this extraordinary story! 

The Menorah, the Ark, the Spirit, the Fire and the Cherubim were the five absent items of the Second Temple. I loved the story which is highly controversial and some say fraudulent! It reads like a Dan Brown blockbuster novel! We must be careful what we believe as we can be convinced if we want to be - this is the basis of confirmation bias! 

Also by this author: ‘Jordan Lead Codices’; ‘The Ancient Language of Secret Sound’ and ‘In the Name of the Gods’. 

Reviewer  Wendy Stokes https://wendystokes, 

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