Wednesday 26 June 2024

Zodiac Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review - Zodiac Tarot by Lee Bursten and Luca Raimondo. Published by Lo Scarabeo. 2004 

There is another deck of this title by US Games so be sure you get the one you are wanting! Luca Raimondo is also the artist on Olympus Tarot and Pagan Tarot. Tarot plus astrology, both meanings on each card. cardinal signs are depicted in daytime, Fixed signs are night scenes, and Mutable sign are at dawn or dusk. The 7 planets are shown as a grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, son, daughter, and child. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are expressions of social change. The Golden Dawn method of numbering is used. Cups are shown as Waves, Pentacles as Stones, Wands as Torches, Swords as Clouds. 

This deck is featured in parts 64 and 65 of Total Tarot The Definitive Step-by-Step Tarot Course.

I would have liked more information about what the images were on the cards! 

Review by Wendy Stokes 

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