Thursday, 29 August 2024
Fatima Oracle Cards
Tuesday, 27 August 2024
Body Healing Cards
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Body Healing Cards - Connect with the Soul of Your Organs written by Ewald Kliegel with artwork by Anne Heng. Set of 56 cards and guidebook in a magnetic flip box. Published by Findhorn Press. US: $30 Can: $37.50
These cards carry channeled messages to increase your awareness and appreciation of your physical body and assist in listening to your health and wellbeing. Through the guidance of the cards, our health can be protected and improved.
Monday, 19 August 2024
Arthurian Myth & Legend
Mind Body & Soul Book Review: Arthurian Myth & Legend- A - Z of People and Places by Mike Dixon-Kennedy.
If your favourite topic is King Arthur and the Round Table, you will love this reference book on your book shelves and will refer to it often. As a result of 15 years of study and research, the author has compiled 2,000 entries here for you to learn more about this enigmatic subject.
Some examples of nuggets of interest: Anfortas, the Grail King, was wounded in the scrotum during a jousting contest. Could his name be a corruption of Infirmtas - infirmity.
In the battle between Arthur and his son Mordred, they came to the battlefield to make a truce, but one of the knights was bitten by a adder on the foot, pulled out his sword from its scabbard, and its steel glinting in the sun, caused the opposing side to draw their swords and begin the battle frenzy that resulted in Mordred’s death, and Arthur’s mortal wound.
Thursday, 15 August 2024
Tree Wisdom Book Review
Wednesday, 14 August 2024
The Only Book of Wiccan Spells You’ll Ever Need
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Only Book of Wiccan Spells You’ll Ever Need. By Marian Singer, Trish MacGregor, & Skye Alexander. Published by Adams Media. RRP US: $11.95 Can: $12.50
In it’s 2nd edition, all the authors are wiccans of long standing having appeared on radio, in magazines and on TV. This book provides the basis for all kinds of spellwork, 100 are detailed. The 8 sabbats, correspondences, the use of gemstones, meditations, visualisations, manifesting. how to create a grimoire (Book of Shadows), understanding witchcraft and spellcraft are included. Important information about ethics is described and could have been more detailed.
Sunday, 11 August 2024
Reiki Card Deck
The card deck is designed for both experienced and non-experienced Reiki practitioners who are interested in self-healing. The cards use traditional and non-traditional methods of Reiki and are simple and easy to use. Each of the 45 cards carries a self healing idea, most of which can be used anytime and anywhere. The card backs bear a different simple sketch and a title. Overleaf is the instruction for the self healing method. Some titles are: Courage; knowledge; grounding; listening; clarity; compassion; gratitude; surrender; illumination; remembering; tranquility; flexibility.
Saturday, 10 August 2024
The Mythic Tarot
Thursday, 8 August 2024
Archangel Fire Oracle
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Archangel Fire Oracle by Alexandra Wenman. Boxed set of 40 cards and guidebook. Published by Findhorn Press. US $25 : Canada $31.50 : U.K. £15.99
This is an enjoyable deck of cards. It introduces us to 40 high ranking angelic icons who act as Divine Guides through the messages they transmit to us about spiritual evolution, of ‘ascension’ and ‘enlightenment’. The cards are divided into 17 different suits that relate to chakras, colour schemes, and frames and includes a balance of male and female energies.
Through these, we connect to our inner truths, our authenticity, to move to a place of deeper and higher consciousness. A similar on each card is to assist with attunement and to purify us so we can live to our greatest potential. By working with angelic qualities you can strengthen your connection to the divine.
How to Have a Beautiful Mind
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: How To Have a Beautiful Mind by Edward de Bono.
Excellent techniques for making you an enjoyable person to meet, get to know, to spend time with, in the short and ling term. How to argue without alienated your opponent, be fair, and let go of your ego and needing always to be right. How to be an interesting person, creative, enjoyable, kind! How to be a good listener, patient, interested, pleasant. The avoidance of being critical. How to be co-operative, containing your emotions, making choices, building a life purpose, expressing opinions, taking your turn, being fair to yourself, being constructive, dealing with boredom, finding other people interesting, having something new to say, dealing with anger, and so much more first class advice on how to lead a life that others will respect and admire.
Tuesday, 6 August 2024
Inner Realms Tarot
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Inner Realms Tarot by Saleire, Presentation Box set of 78 Cards and Guidebook Published by Schiffer RRP £40.99
“Let the spirit move you, the cards guide you, and your heart deliver the message.”
Solid flip to box with magnetic closure and quality cards, approx 100 words of meaning provided for each card. On the face of each card is the traditional Tarot title, a modern art image and several keywords to assist with readings. We are invited to trust our interpretations as guidance to help our Querent move forward, with our senses, feelings, thoughts and emotions, but not to use the cards for fortune telling. We are not to pass on negative energies and no reversal meanings are provided as uprights say all there is to say. There is an area in the booklet for first impressions to be written. Meditation is recommended.
Saturday, 3 August 2024
Soul Rescuers!
Taking ideas and beliefs from world religions, the work of the Soul Rescuer is described with Natalia's autobiographical background experiences, poetry and other texts. All about death, spirits, ghosts and haunting, poltergeists, etc. Soul rescue around the world, Spiritualism, possession, psychic protection, etc. How to heal the past, mediumship, bereavement, dreams, dowsing, an entire range of topics.
Thursday, 1 August 2024
The Fourfold Path to Healing
The Fourfold approach covers nutrition (healing the physical body), meditation (described as healing the mental body, though in most instances this is background information and advice), therapeutics (what is described as healing the lifeforce body), and movement (described as healing the emotional body). With non traditional allopathic material that has influences from Rudolph Steiner, and a non industrial approach to health, the book covers with each of the Fourfold topics: infectious disease, cancer, heart disease, hypertension, diseases of the adrenal cortex, digestive disorders, chronic fatigue, women's and men's diseases, weight loss, depression, back pain, arthritis, neurological diseases, and provides advice on how to be a patient, cooking, exercise, and other useful tips on how to live a health based life.