Monday, 30 September 2024

Chicken Soup

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: 'Chicken Soup for the Soul - Stories that restore your faith in human nature' By Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen published by Vermillion in the  Books That Change Lives Series, this is one of the Chicken Soup series, a 300 pages paperback, 8 million copies sold from the self-help and inspirational category.

Druidry & Meditation

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Druidry and Meditation By Nimue Brown Paperback £11.99 172 pages

Nimue Brown is a Druid celebrant, a Pagan Federation volunteer and has completed her OBOD (Order of the Bards, Ovates and Druids) training. She has been involved with the Druid Network and is a founder member of the West Midlands’ Druid Gorsedd, Bards of the Lost Forest, has run a closed ritual group, a folk club and is an experienced workshop facilitator and meditation teacher. She facilitates meditation groups within the UK Druidry community and has written this insightful and stimulating book on the use of Western style meditation for group and individual Druid practise. She includes passive and active exercises to deepen experience and awareness, and provides philosophy to aid personal and spiritual development and an understanding of the sacred.

Friday, 27 September 2024

Hush Tarot

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Hush Tarot by Jeremy Hush, published by US Games Systems Inc. £20 Boxed set of 78 cards and guidebook. Card size: 5” x 3.5”. 

Image: 4 of Wands: Celebration of accomplishment. A time of celebrating and remembering all those who have helped along the way. It has not been always smooth, but you handled the thorns and now reap the beauty.

I like this deck and its connection between animal and human life, portrayed by the pen and ink artworks of Jeremy Hush from Philadelphia where he is the curator of Convent Gallery where he has his studio. The only spread offered is a four-card ‘Self Binding Influence’ layout. In the booklet, both upright and reversed meanings are provided. The Majors have keywords, and 50 words of upright and 50 words of reversed meanings, the Minors have 30 words of each. I think that a beginner might struggle a little,  but an experienced reader will find the artworks have intrinsic meaning and are inspirational. 

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Writing a Life Story - Sara-Beth Watkins

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Telling Life’s Tales – A Guide to Writing Life Stories for Print and Publication by Sara-Beth Watkins Published by Compass Books 134 pages paperback £9.99 
So many ordinary people want to write a memoir, an autobiography or life story but do not know where to start. The market is competitive so you must be well informed in order to give yourself a very good chance of writing a really readable, enjoyable and interesting book.  This primer provides the best start for a total beginner. The author is a tutor at the Open College and teaches creative writing. She has 20 years’ experience as a freelance writer, has written three fantasy e-books and two other books for

Monday, 23 September 2024

The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception

Mind Body Soul Magazine Book Review - The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, Now available as a free download.

800 ancient Hebrew and Aramaic scrolls were hidden for 19 centuries and discovered in the 1940s. This led to a complex set of relationships and dynamics in the academic research and translation of the text. Absorbing and finely detailed examination of the uncovering of the information that they contained, the Roman Catholic Church appeared to be trying to stall publication incase they challenged the account of the earliest origins of the Christian message. The Scrolls are thought to reveal who Jesus was and the actions of Paul in the early years after his death to take a story to the Gentiles despite concerns from the early church in Jerusalem, led by James. The book explains about the Acts of the Apostles and the damage Paul - a Roman spy - caused to the message of Jesus. Michael Baigent a photographer with excellent equipment fails to take photos yet again of important documents described within the text. Using Robert Eisenman’s independent authority, the Scrolls are suggested as the work of Jewish Zealots. Defenders of Masada and the Qumran community are also included within the story. Was Jesus an Essenes, a Zealot, a Nazorene, or belong to a movement to overthrow the Roman rulers? Was Jesus the unique individual the Roman Church describes him as, or was he part of an established set of religious beliefs?

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Universal Goddess Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Universal Goddess Tarot by Maria Caratti, Antonella Platano, published by Lo Scarabeo. 5 inches by 3 inches card size. £22.95 

This card is 'Angerona' Goddess of the Winter Solstice and represents 'silence' - the mother who never asks questions but welcomes you into her benevolent arms when you are tired or uncertain. This is a delightful deck, the paintings are of highest quality and are convincing as deities. The information in the insert is adequate and concise. There is a paperback by Antonela Platano to accompany the deck and a deluxe edition. This is a deck which will deliver a valuable reading every time, without fail! 

This card on the right is the card of Justice, here numbered VIII. She is the Egyptian Goddess of Truth and Justice and she speaks to us directly. Do you hear her voice say with great power and authority: "Bow down before me, for I am Ma'at, the Goddess of Truth, Justice and Order. Obey my commands and you will be rewarded by the same coin, or disobey me, and be condemned by the 42 judges. 

Monday, 9 September 2024

The Kingdom Within Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card deck Review: The Kingdom Within Tarot by Juno Lucina and illustrations by Shannon ThornFeather Presentation box set of 78 Cards and Guidebook Published by Schiffer RRP £31.99

‘For behold, the kingdom of heaven is within you.’

The Major Arcana has traditional Tarot titles. King, Queen, Knight and Page of suits, Pentacles, Wands, Cups and Swords. Suggested spreads are: The Triangle and The Cross. Information on questioning the cards, with additional information about apportioning time. Reversed card information is provided, along with archetypes, seasons and celebrations, and Myers-Briggs personality comparisons. 

Each Major card has the usual number and title, with its astrological significance, meaning and keyword, the Element, its Kabbalistic path, and its Hebrew letter and translation. Added to this is an explanation of the artwork, the upright and reversed divinatory meaning, and ten key phrases. 

Friday, 6 September 2024

Sacred Geometry - Francine Hart

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Sacred Geometry Cards For the Visionary Path By Francene Hart 64 colour cards and 146 page b/w book Published by Bear & Co Price: £33

Author's website:

This deck can be used with the Sacred Geometry Oracle Deck by Francine Hart or alone. Each card bears an original water-colour painting by this visionary artist who specialises in geometry and mandalas and lives in Hawaii where a place of quiet retreat inspired the design on the reverse of the cards (an artwork entitled 'Sunset Activation'). The card images were inspired by Spirit, geometric, science and celestial patterns, shape and form, wave and vibration, crop circles and chakras. Many bear fairly abstract images of creatures of sea, land and sky, including the human form. The cards can be read in upright and upturned mode and the reading upturned is an amplification of the stated upright value. The intention of the cards is for guidance, balance and encouragement. 6 spreads are offered, including a 3 card titled 'Synergy', a 4 card titled 'Earth

Wednesday, 4 September 2024

Sacred Traveler Oracle Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Sacred Traveler Oracle Cards by Denise Linn. Published by Hay House. Boxed set of 52 cards plus guidebook.

These cards show possibilities and potentials for the future. Life is a sacred quest - or a pilgrimage - towards our own self development and authenticity, where we seek clarity and learn wisdom and understanding. Oracle cards can be pointers towards this journey of enlightenment and can help us find our life purpose. The Sacred Traveler cards are designed to answer questions we might have and can be used for self readings or readings for another person. Each card has a meaning and a Sacred Traveler Message. There is also a section in the book to discover the hidden meanings in your nightly dreams and the cards can be used for meditation. The guidebook provides information on how to store, recharge, prepare, choose, layout and interpret the cards. There is a One Card Reading, a Daily Insight, a Monthly Layout, a One Year Spread, a 3 card reading, and a 5 card spread.

Tuesday, 3 September 2024

Deep Equality

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Deep Equality - Living in the flow of natural rhythms By Jocelyn Chaplin  Paperback: £9.99 Author's blog:

Feminist philosopher and psychotherapist, Jocelyn Chaplin, is a popular speaker and teacher and is the author of Love in an age of Uncertainly and Feminist Counselling in Action. In this latest book, she describes how we can only achieve fairness and justice in society by aiming for rhythmic rather than hierarchical behaviour.

Our earliest and most ancient memories are related to the rhythms of the planet, the flow of the tides, the patterns of the movements of the sun and moon and of our own heartbeat and other bodily rhythms. By increasing our awareness of these natural pulses we can improve our wellbeing. If we can flow in harmony with our energy levels and circumstances, we can be happier and healthier and experience more gentle and enjoyable relationships which offer true understanding and kindness.