Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Tree of Life Oracle by David Wells. Published,I shed by Hay House. Boxed set of 44 cards and guidebook. RRP UK £14.99 : US $22.99 : Can $29.99
Sample card 19th Path: Strength/Lust Defending the weak, peacekeeping, sincerity.
Here you’re confronted with your own shadow. Examine the stories you have told yourself about your life. Confront them. Be courageous and self-assured. Strength isn’t always loud. There are conditions in your life that are no longer serving you. A bitter cup is offered in these circumstances. The first sip is the regrets, but as you drink deeper, it turns into a honeyed elixir. You have removed your distasteful pride, and found what makes life sweeter. You may also find someone who needs support, perhaps defending them or lifting them up through your encouraging words and actions. Be a defender of those in need and ask what you can do to help. It may be making a donation of time, company, money, etc., you feed your soul.
This Oracle is based on the Qabalah, and features the tree of life, its symbol. This form of spiritual training has been used for centuries. The guidebook explains how to use the oracle, how to bond with the cards, how to lay out the cards, get a good reading from them, and consolidating the knowledge from the deck. The cards are divided into Magical Forces (the elements), Sephiroth (11 energies), the 32 Paths (using Major Arcana Tarot titles), and a Symbolarium (a made up name for the symbols on the cards). It really is easier than it sounds! All is explained. There is even a section on frequently asked questions and tips and hints to get the best readings. Each card is divided into its features, its meaning, and how to activate the energy. This tree has leaves, fruit and blossom, you walk the paths learning and developing your spirituality. It’s flexible, easy to use with profoundly spiritual values.
Ex Royal Navy David Wells is a keynote speaker and workshop facilitator with a special interest in Qabalah. The cards are illustrated by London based visionary artist Roberta Orpwood. I very much enjoyed her artworks.
Gold lettering on the colourful box makes an attractive item on my bedside table. It’s a very nice gift or buy it for yourself or to do readings for friends. A one-card reading each day, a three-card reading, a Celtic Cross spread of 10 cards, or a Tree of Life spread of 10 cards are highly enjoyable and very meaningful. Review by Wendy Stokes https://wendystokes.co.uk
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