Monday, 3 February 2025

Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid. Boxed set of 52 cards and guidebook. Published by Hay House. RRP UK £18.99 :US $24.99 : Can $33.99 

Sample card: 51 Truth. 

Truth in word and deed is required of you. As well as resonating with your own personal truth, it’s important now to also demand exacting truth from others. We must enquire “is this real?” “Am I hearing truth or is that a lie?” Am I speaking honestly, or am I lying and manipulating to get what I want?” Remember, even a white lie will cause your light to fade and you will lose power, not gain it. A lie is a very low vibration of the ego world, ruled by separation and limitation. It a seduction by the lower world and serves no-one but the forces of darkness. This card reminds you to remain in the light of truth, even if it seems like a more difficult path. Truth will build a bridge across the chasm. Truth will lend you a magic wand of strength and integrity. Truth is freedom and provides blessings. 

The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle is divided into four sections, The Messages from Avalon, The Animal Guides of Avalon, The Guides of Faery, and Sacred Journey Markers. Based loosely on Arthurian legend, the titles reflect this energy. The guidebook begins with the story of Avalon. There is information on how to get the best from the cards, the purpose of the deck, an invocation to the goddess follows. Spreads suggested are a One-Card, a Three-Card, and a Five-Card reading, all with samples. Each card has an image, a number and title, and 3 keywords and the meaning of the card. Card backs are a chalice and crescent moon, suitable for upright readings only. Artwork is computer graphic collages I would think but varied and enjoyable. There are a few pages at the back for notes. Quality cards. 

Also by this Toronto based author: Messages from Spirit, Remembering the Future, Journey Through the Chakras. Review by Wendy Stokes 

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