Wednesday 3 April 2024

April card reading

The first card is number 8 and titled Manifestation from the Numerology Cards by Michelle Buchanan. This card indicates a need to acknowledge the power of your mind and your ability to manifest your desires. You are being urged to familiarise yourself with the Law of Attraction and clarify your wants and needs, for you have entered a powerful cycle of Divine manifestation. Provided that your dreams serve the greater good, as well as the intentions of your soul, the Universe will assist you in making them come true. By drawing this card, you are being reminded that successful manifestation requires more than just positive and wishful thinking. You must also surrender the outcome to the Divine and detach from the results. Remember that the Law of Attraction works both ways, so pay attention to your doubts, worries and fears, and monitor your negative thoughts. Then focus predominantly on what you want rather than what you fear or don’t want. In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonise with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life – cycles that are leading you towards a time of manifestation. By making peace with your life as it is today and appreciating what you already have, you will create the life you have always imagined. Affirmation: I use my thoughts to make my dreams come true.

Next is Problem Solving: Acknowledgement of your predicament will prevent a crisis. You must ensure the best outcome for your situation. Turn a negative into a positive. “You don’t drown by falling in the water, you drown by staying there!” E Cole. An Irish story describes Lleu of the Long Arm who requests admission to the King’s banquet. The doorman says “What skill have you to serve the King?” Lleu states, “I have many great skills” but the doorman refuses him entry with the words, "We have great men with your skills". “Ah! But do you have someone with all those skills?” asks Lleu. No, they hadn’t and Lleu gained entry to the feast! Problem Solving requires a great many skills - unlikely to be present in one person (except for Lugh!). Many skills are necessary for the best outcome and many people make a project enjoyable and successful. You are invited to consider your problem and walk with your mind within the landscape of this image, meeting wise teachers, gaining experiences and seeking solutions to your problems through active imagination. 
Next is number VIII of the major arcana of The Dali Tarot is titled 'Justice', also known as ‘mindfulness’. It is but a small step from the card of the Chariot but this card is not concerned with abstract principles, but tries to answer the age-old question: How do we manage to do what is right and how do we abstain from what is not. The land on this illustration shows us familiar territory, water and uncharted land beyond. In order to judge wisely we must connect the known with the unknown and distinguish one from the other. The scales measure that which is known and our prejudices must be overcome and all current knowledge evaluated.

Dali painted the woman of the Justice card in the manner of Lukas Cranach. Her wild mane represents an abundance of life force and the invincible spirit of justice. Her young body hints are two kinds of virginity. Some people consider virginity and innocence are lost with the first sexual encounter. Others see virginity and innocence as goals of personal growth that we must work towards. “Innocence is nothing than can be lost , but something that can be gained.” Bertold Brecht   

This kind of virginity and innocence is exemplified by mindfulness and the ability to get involved without getting entangled! Advice: The more precise the investigation, the more loving the judgment. “The more knowledge is contained, the greater the love.” Paracelsus What is currently needed is the courage to criticize and praise, especially the willingness to shed the discerning light of love on every person and event, on both the high and the low points of life. 
  Then lastly from Cat's Eye Tarot by Deborah Givin, we have keywords for the 8 of Pentacles are: Diligence, Knowledge and Detail. The reading is: Are you working to live or living to work? Are you using your talents to the fullest? Have you found meaningful work that satisfies you? Life is not always about achieving goals. Satisfaction comes from skilful execution of a task or learning something new. Here in the image we see Mother cat with her brood of kittens as she teaches them how to be a strong and healthy cat when they grow up.

 Reading by Wendy Stokes

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