Wednesday, 29 November 2023

The Cathar Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Cathar Tarot - The Secret Wisdom of the Perfecti by John Matthews and Wil Kinghan. Boxed set of 78 cards plus explanatory book. Card size: 4.5 inches x 3 inches. U.K.: £17.99 US: $19.95 CAN: $22.95

“In heaven, there are angels, and good men and good women.” Peire Mary June 1324

“The heart of man is the church of god”. Arnaut Sicre, October 1321

This is a concept tarot deck specifically designed for those who are interested in Catharism. The Tarot according to the Cathars you could say! There is a chart comparing the traditional Tarot cards and the Cathar cards. The book contains information about the history of the Cathars and an explanation on how to work with the cards, how to get to know the deck and how to activate it. Each Major is retitled with the traditional Tarot title and a Cathar title, subtitle, explanation, divinatory meaning and keywords for the light and dark aspects of each card. The Minors have less information but it is sufficient to provide a reading. The Minors are divided into the Book of Shields, the Book of Swords, the Book of Love and the Book of Wisdom. 

Saturday, 25 November 2023

The Promethean Oracle

Mind Body and Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Promethean Oracle by Sophia Kelly Shultz and Mark Cogan. Published by REDFeather, £33.99  Boxed set of 50 cards (size 3” x 5”) plus information guidebook. 

"A road less travelled!" 

Hooray! There are so many card decks on the market that appeal to women. The Promethean Tarot has a masculine focus with powerful masculine energies, so it's ideal for male seekers and readers. 

Prometheus was the hero who stole fire from the Gods and brought it to humankind. With this deck, men can learn about themselves, not about their 'small' self, but about maturity and what they are capable of as individuals with great caring strengths and deep courage - the sort of men this world needs!

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Seeker Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Seeker Oracle by Ravynne Phelan, published by Blue Angel Publishing. Boxed set of 55 cards and accompanying Guidebook. Card size: 10cm x 15cm. £18.99

Sample reading: Choose Love - Love is the force that binds and connects, inspires devotion and a willingness to commit. We choose to view the world through a filter of love. There are countless reasons to fear, but we can only counter them with love. We acknowledge that there is bad in the world. It is impossible to deny that humanity and its impact on the world can be destructive. It is also impossible to deny that mother nature can be unforgiving. We must choose to focus on and highlight that which inspires feelings of wonder and awe and do what we can to nurture and protect the source of those feelings. Make a choice to choose love. Act with compassion, empathy, and kindness. Face the source of any pain, anger, or fear with love. Do not allow hurts feelings to make you hard or cruel. When we choose love, we choose with our heart not our head. Well there are times when we must gather the facts, weigh the pros and cons, and then make a logical and rational decision. There are also times when we must put logic and reasoning aside and follow the dictates of our hearts. Sometimes our heart speaks truer than our head. Our head might offer the most logical option, but our heart knows whether our decision is going to bring us joy or sorrow. Do what we love. Be loving. Don’t withhold love. Love harder. Give compliments, show affection, show interest, and be supportive. Our choice to choose love could transform our life and the lives of those around us. Make “I love you” a part of each day’s conversations, let others know how much we care. All the time. Do it even if it makes us, or them, feel uncomfortable.

Ancestral Path Tarot

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Ancestral Path Tarot by Julie Cuccia-Watts, newly published by US Games Systems Inc. £18.75 Boxed set of 78 cards and booklet. Card size: 3.25 x 5 inches.

You are invited to “discover your own truths”, as the artist and card creator, Julie Cuccia-Watts expresses her own spiritual beliefs through this deck that describes human experience, histories, traditions and myths. Meaningful stories into the human condition are described for each card in 60 words. Four cultures are represented by the four suits: Japan (swords), Egypt (staves), British (cups), and Native Americans (Sacred Circles). One layout offered, the Celtic Cross Spread of 10 cards. 

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

The Avalonian Oracle

THE AVALONIAN ORACLE - Spiritual Wisdom from the Holy Isle by Jhenah Telyndru and Illustrated by Emily Brunner. Boxed set containing cards and guidebook. 
ISBN: 978-0-7643-5058-0 Published by REDFeather Mind, Body, Spirit. Previously issued in 2010 as Avalon Within - A Sacred Journey of Myth, Mystery and Inner Wisdom 
Follow in the footsteps of the Priestesses of Avalon and the Goddesses of the Ancient Welsh pantheon. This is a deck for true seekers of mystery, shadow and light. All things Avalon have a very special place in my heart. I had a strong guide in Morgan Le Fay, and fell in love with Marion Zimmer Bradley’s book The Mists of Avalon. It was where I started my own "path" and remains at the heart of my spiritual life. So it truly is a divine privilege to review this deck.

Sunday, 12 November 2023

Wild Kuan Yin Oracle

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Wild Kuan Yin Oracle - Soul Guidance from the Wild Divine by Alana Fairchild, Artwork by Wang Yiguang, published by Blue Angel Publishing, boxed 44 cards plus guidebook.

"For free spirits, passionate hearts and dreamers of impossible dreams"

The Guidebook provides information about how to use the deck and suggests spreads: Bridge of Transition 4 cards, Seeing from a New Angle 4 cards. The Guidebook is excellent, providing different types of information about each card, meaning, divination, guidance and healing aspects.

The cards bear a number and a 5/6 word message and an artwork influenced by the Far East with many animals, women in flight, attractive fabrics and natural settings. The Award Winning artist, with a Masters Degree, has a distinctive style and is a teacher of Fine Art in China.

Friday, 10 November 2023

The Secret Language of Animals Oracle Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: the Secret Language of Animals Oracle Cards by Chip Richards, published by Blue Angel Publishing £15.99 46 cards with explanatory booklet.

The booklet provides information about how to use the deck, with each card numbered and titled and provided with keywords, a spiritual perspective and a message and affirmation. There is a section about the importance of understanding current planetary concerns and some recommendations of charitable institutions who are involved in protecting endangered wildlife, many of which are teetering on the edge of extinction

There is a dedication to the 'loving, living pulse of Mother Earth and all her sacred children' and that God speaks through nature and how our evolution is bound up with our awareness. The whale, bee, snake, eagle, all so different, all so unique. The author was influenced by nature as a child in Colorado and now living on the coast of Australia where he feels in communion with the natural world.

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Archetype Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Archetype Cards by Caroline Myss, published by Hay House, boxed 80 card deck with information booklet. £28.00 Author website:

The information provided assists you in self examination to discover which archetypes are active in your life. Questions help self examination and learning. How can I be more fulfilled? What is my purpose in life? I think these archetypes are a big improvement on astrological horoscopes as they look at self improvement and the question of 'life assignments'. The book examines: life journey, unique challenges, life lessons, behaviour patterns, the inner shadow, and how to step into your archetype.

Friday, 3 November 2023

Tarot of the Kingdoms

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Tarot of the Kingdoms by Paige Ozma Ashmore. Published by REDFeather, a subsidiary of Schiffer Books. £31.99 Boxed set of 80 cards with full colour guidebook.

  • Solid card stock in an attractive box. All 80 cards are pretty pastel crayoned artworks. The deck’s creator, Paige Ozma Ashmore, is a mural artist and creates Soul Portraits. She worked on the film, Eleven, as a film artist.

Sample from the book: Ace of Fire - The Phoenix rises from the ashes of an old dream.  

Divinatory Meaning: A birth of something new. Sometimes a troubling birth, but it rises brilliantly. Direction to Take: An action on your part is required. Take that step. 

This deck is designed to dispel negativity, and to help you find your higher purpose. Majors, described as Archetypes, are rainbows. Air is pink, wands, east, and of the fairy kingdom. Fire is red, swords, south, kingdom of the phoenix. Water is blue, west, and kingdom of the merfolk. And Earth, green, north, pentacles, kingdom of the tree spirits. The fifth element is a card titled Spirit. Another addition is a card titled The Universe. Animals are well represented as are women, nature and multicultural influences. 

Thursday, 2 November 2023

Auset Gypsy Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Auset Gypsy Tarot by James Jacob Pierri, original illustrations by Rebecca Stotsenburgh and Heather Scott. Published by REDFeather. UK: £22.99 US: $24.99

Mind Body & Spirit Ezine Book and Card Set of 78 Cards and full colour guidebook is contained within a magnetic clip closure quality presentation box. Good sturdy card stock with gold leafed edges, size: 7 inches x 4 inches.

The concept of this deck is unconventional. It’s an ‘on the move’ dream-like adventure, with modern styling and a hint of antiquity. It was 20 years in the making! It dances, struggles, juggles, charms and heals. It’s quirky, joyful, Bohemian, and it is full of the wonder and magic of the goddess Isis and of the Gypsies. There is autobiographical information provided, as the deck is the very personal perspective of the Creator, Designer and Writer, James Jacob Pierri, an Astrologer and International Tarot Reader who was known under the name of the Auset Gypsy when reading cards at Islands of Adventure in Universal Studios Theme Park. From there, he built a clientelle of movie stars and other celebrities. The two female artists are graphic artists who add their quirkiness to the mix. Within the deck are astrology, myths and secrets, gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines, and it has a canny style of know how, and it introduces us to all the fun of the fairground! It unlocks spiritual insights but always suggests you use your own intuition. The cards can be used for meditation, inspiration, and personal development. “The bitter truth is better than the sweetest lie”.