Thursday, 29 February 2024

The Mythic Oracle

PROFILING: Tarot oracle with images from Mythic Oracle - Wisdom of the Ancient Greek Pantheon by Carisa Mellado with artwork by Michelle-Lee Phelan

Wednesday, 28 February 2024

The Fifth Agreement

Mind Body & Soul Ezine: The Fifth Agreement - A Practical Guide to Self-Mastery by Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz. 

With Janet Mills, described as “Mother of the Book”, the author of the Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz introduces us to his apprentice, his son, Don Jose Miguel in this book that follows from the bestselling previous book, The Four Agreements. Once again, stories illustrating the importance of the agreements are detailed. These are agreements we make with ourself throughout life, but clearing old and unwanted agreements and creating new and useful ones are the basis of this book that reminds us of the four previous ones, and introduces us to a fifth. 

The Agreements are:  

Be impeccable with your word

Don’t take anything personally

Don’t make assumptions

Always do your best

Be sceptical and learn to listen

Tibetan Shamanism

Mind Body & Soul Ezine book review: Tibetan Shamanism - Ecstasy and Healing by Larry Peters PhD published by North Atlantic Books. Paperback 208 pages £15.24 Kindle £11.39 

I recommend this as reading for anyone who has a serious interest in shamanism in general whether they be a beginner or not.
Larry Peters has been awarded many academic accolades for his work with indigenous peoples and is the world authority on the Tamang Nepal tradition with twenty years of dedicated study and research. In addition he is an initiated practitioner. He has worked with indigenous Shamans in Nepal, Mongolia, Siberia and China and in this book he presents new and interesting perspectives on the last four indigenous Tibetan Shamans who lived in exile in Nepal. They are no longer alive so the information gathered by Dr Peters is beyond price to posterity. The indigenous Shamans from Tibet have survived as a respected tradition in outlying areas. As Buddhism has been the religion of the area for over a thousand years, shamanism has incorporated many aspects of the dominant culture.

Liber T aka Tarot of the Stars Eternal

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Liber T by Roberto Negrini and Andrea Serio. Published by Lo Scarabeo. RRP UK £22  EU €25

This is a tribute to the Thoth Tarot written by Aleister Crowley with art by Frieda Harris (1938-1943). Crowley was influenced by Samuel Liddell Mathers and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. This stylish, art deco style, published in 2007, is a complex esoteric deck, fully illustrated, and ideal for experienced readers. There are astrological and Kabbalistic influences. 

Some Majors have the titles, I Magus, VIII Adjustment, XI lust, XIV Art, XX Aeon, XXI Universe. Justice is VIII and Strength is XXI 

Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Lynda Stevens - An Interview

Introducing my readers to Lynda Stevens. Please tell us something about yourself Lynda: "I work as an artist and am engaged in creating abstract mixed-media works on canvas using materials ranging from glass fragments, clay and paper with acrylic, and metal foil, in layered landscapes. I work on paper too, creating collages. I see this path as a constant search 'for the pearl of Great Price', an image of wonder and beauty.

"My first degree was in English and Italian literature, but I graduated in 198 and there were 500 graduates to every job! I used my time to get two further qualifications in Art and I am actively involved in the 'alternative' Budapest scene where I exhibit with a group of life drawers, and take part in monthly creative events in the ruined pubs here, and I work outside with the Budapest Montmartre group in the summer. 

Monday, 26 February 2024

The Gospels' Veiled Agenda - Harry Freedman

Mind Body & Soul Book Review: The Gospels' Veiled Agenda - Revolution, Priesthood and The Holy Grail by Harry Freedman, published by O Books, paperback 182 pages £11.99

Dr Freedman here examines the life of Jesus and his mission which has parallels, connections and shadowing in the Old Testament. For instance, Isaac carried the wood for his own death on the pyre - and Jesus carried his cross to his crucifixion. There was a decree for all boy children to be put to death in the OT but Moses was saved in the bull-rushes - and a similar decree occured in the NT but Jesus was taken to Egypt for safety. Moses fasted 40 days and nights, as did Jesus. Many incidents in the lives of Adam, Noah, David, Joseph, Isaac, Elijah and others, find parallels in the life of Jesus, where there are similar roles or similar statements.

Friday, 23 February 2024

Creature Teacher Cards Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Creature Teacher - Animal Wisdom For All Ages by Scott Alexander King, illustrated by Sioux Dollman, boxed 45 cards and guidebook.

We can learn from other species and their intelligence, beauty and skills can provide us with guidance and inspiration that can enrich our lives. Wild and domesticated species are detailed with imaginary unicorn, dragons, etc., included.

Each card has an animal title and 3/4 word message and a hand painted image. The Guide book contains excellent and extensive information on each card. These are round cards and information on how to use them is provided. Spreads suggested are a one card reading and a three card reading. 

Thursday, 22 February 2024

Universal Prophecy Cards

 Mind Body & Soul  Ezine Card Deck Review: Universal Prophecy Cards by Julie McKenzie published by Animal Dreaming Publishing. 

Simple and minimal instructions on how to clear the cards, ask the question, shuffle, choose, bless, and seek meaning. There are gold leafed edges on these high quality cards which are read upright only. There is a card titled The Golden Prophecy which is a master card of the deck. Each card has a title, an image, and a few words of advice. Sample card titled 'colour' with the  image (right) and words of advice: Visualise rainbow colours surrounding you as you breathe in their healing energy. From a calm mind and peaceful heart, the truth you seek will emerge.
Spreads suggested are Single Card Draw - 1 card, Message from your Beloved - 6 cards, Golden Bridge Layout - 10 cards, Yearly Layout - 12 cards, Prophecy Layout, in two parts, 13 cards.
It’s helpful to have the title, image and information on the cards! 
The author is a medium and specialises in children's books. 

Review Wendy Stokes

Book Extract - Homecoming - Reclaiming and Healing Your Inner Child

The wounded inner child contaminates intimacy in relationships because he has no sense of his authentic self.

The greatest wound a child can receive is the rejection of his authentic self. When a parent cannot affirm his child’s feelings, needs, and desires, he rejects that child’s authentic self. Then, a false self must be set up. In order to believe he is loved, the wounded child behaves the way he thinks he is supposed to.

Witchcraft - David Salisbury

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Deep Heart of Witchcraft - Expanding the Core of Magickal Practice by David Salisbury Published by Moon Books 251 pages £12.99 

David Salisbury comes from a place of being – from having lived the forces that he writes about, from interacting with them on a daily basis in his life. I was very impressed when I glanced at the table of contents, and the very “simple” manner in which this book is organized – the five elements (Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Spirit), the Gods, Deep Ritual In Witchcraft, Spinning the Wheel, and Putting it all together.

Wednesday, 21 February 2024

The Enchanted Tarot Review - 25th Anniversary Edition

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Enchanted Tarot - 25th Anniversary Edition. By Amy Zerner and Monte Farber. Published by Race Point. £19.99

Over 250,000 decks of The Enchanted Tarot have been sold since first printed in 1992 and this is the prized '25th Anniversary' deck - not to be missed - as it is a very reasonable price for a boxed deck of 78 individual fabric artwork images plus a full colour book and a plum velvet bag!

Hieroglyphic Words of Power

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Hieroglyphic Words of Power - Symbols for Magic, Divination & Dreamwork by Normandi Ellis. Published by Bear & Co. US $20 : Can $24.99 : UK Kindle £8.99 and quality paperback with b/w illustrations £13.99 

Dr Normandi Ellis is an award winning author, mentor, minister, environmentalist, and archpriestess with the Fellowship of Isis. She is also the author of Awakening Osiris (translation of the Egyptian Book of the Dead) and Imagining the World into Existence. You are learning from a real expert here! You get your money’s worth! 

Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Rev Dr Karen Tate Book Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Goddess Calling by Rev Dr Karen Tate - Inspirational Messages and Meditations of Sacred Feminine Liberation Thealogy is published by Changemaker Books eBook: £6.99 Paperback: £9.99 Website:

This book has been glowingly reviewed and praised by Jean Houston, Barbara G Walker, Szuzsanna Budapest and many other ‘greats’ of the women’s spirituality movement of our time. I opened it with considerable excitement to drink in it its beauty and riches and enjoy its poetry, delight and magic. The author provides here a useful manual to explore the many aspects of the Sacred Feminine and to access inspiration, encouragement and empowerment, not just on a personal level, but also to create a “Wisdom Circle”, a community in which rituals can be held to further explore this dynamic and transformational spiritual path specially for women.

Monday, 19 February 2024

Temples of the Grail Book Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Temples of the Grail - The Search for the World's Greatest Relic by John Matthews and Gareth Knight, published by Llewellyn Publications, $24.99

Three medieval texts are freshly examined and given new and interesting perspectives by specialists, John Matthews, author of over 100 books on Arthur and Grail legends, and Gareth Knight, who has written over 50 books on Western mystery traditions, including that of Arthur and the Grail studies. 

This is no dry academic book but one that provides new depth perceptions into these ancient enigmas. This book majors on aspects of oral and written traditions of the Grail throughout the text, including the Grail Castle, the Grail Family, the Grail Hallows, the Grail Island, and the Grail King. Sections include: an examination of 

Tarot of the New Vision

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review - Tarot of New Vision by. Pietro Alligo with artwork by Raul and Gianluca Cestaro. Published by Lo Scarabeo. £25.00

The ornate artwork, inspired by Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, is very enjoyable. This is a classy Tarot deck that will impress clients. The images describe the standard scenes shown from the back, so a great deal of information is available from these cards which aid intuition and help flesh out readings with a new perspective. The art creators are brothers. Several animals have prominence, owl, swan, monkey, turtle, lamb, etc. Ask ‘What is my purpose?’ There are two spreads suggested, The Cards of Meditation for journaling on a card each day, and The External and the Internal Cards. 

It would help to have a good knowledge of the RWS cards but having that, I developed a far broader understanding of potential situations than I had before. I like this deck. It is available from Lo Scarabeo and is included in the Total Tarot Collection, numbers 44 and 45. 

Sunday, 18 February 2024

The Egyptian Origins of King David and The Temple of Solomon

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Egyptian Origins of King David & The Temple of Solomon by Ahmed Osman. Published by Bear & Co. US $18.00: Can $22.50

The book’s dedication states it is : “To the followers of Hermes Trismagistus - those people, in different parts of the world, who never forgot the wisdom of ancient Egypt.”

The text questions the accepted narrative of the Old Testament to show its parallels in Egyptian history, including the origin of the 10 Commandments. Akhenaton, the first monotheist Egyptian king is presented as the prophet Moses. Tutmosis III is King David and Tuthmosis III was Solomon. The coronation of king Solomon is in accordance with Egyptian coronation customs and his reputation as a visionary, an animal whisperer, a magician and exorcist (using his ring to command demons with its Seal of Solomon). Solomon was said to have used demons to build Jerusalem and he imprisoned the spirits in water pots in the Temple when it was built. It also states that Isaac’s father was pharaoh Tuthmose III who married Sarah (Queen). Though Solomon founded Jerusalem with a Temple and Palace though evidence of these have not been found. After the Babylonian invasion and exile of 586BC, Cyrus of Persia defeated the Babylonians and gave permission to the Jews to return to their homeland to rebuild their Temple and this was completed around 6th century BCE, destroyed by the Romans in 70AD. 

Saturday, 17 February 2024

Dreams of the Goddess

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Dreams of the Goddess - Discovering the Divine While You Sleep by Scarlett Ross, published by New Page Books 222 pages paperback 

By the author of Nostradamus for Dummies, this is a 'discovery journal' style workbook with exercises, rituals, meditations and with space at the end of each chapter to record thoughts and experiences. The USP for this book is not just for understanding dreamwork but for focussing on dreamwork that is devoted to the feminine aspect of deity, and to listen to what they say to us while we sleep at night. Scarlett Ross is a teacher and workshop facilitator with 18 years of working in the field of metaphysics. She has something new to contribute to dreamwork in this unusual and interesting method of dream therapy. A brilliant topic for goddess lovers and also for dream enthusiasts. 

Review by Wendy Stokes

Friday, 16 February 2024

The Walker's Guide to Outdoor Clues & Signs

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Walker's Guide to Outdoor Clues & Signs by Tristan Gooley, quality paperback and Ebook available, 428 pages, published by Sceptre Books. £9.99 

I had watched Chris Packham's TV programme of the dwellers of the tropical forest, and as I live on the edge of one of England's oldest forests, I fell in love with the thought of being at one with the cosmos, connected to the land, and understanding the ways of nature. Tristan Gooley's Walker's Guide is a rich source of guidance in how to enjoy the outdoor experience. For me, the best parts were the sun, moon and stars, and the section on birds and trees. Whatever the season, whether coast, mountain, lake or plain, this book will put you in touch with some wonderful secrets which will make your walks wonderfully fascinating. For intimate knowledge of clouds, rocks, shadows, soils, temperatures, water, woods, winds, plants, animals and more!             Review: Wendy Stokes 

Colours - June McLeod

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Colours of the Soul - Tranform your Life Through Colour Therapy by June McLeod, 260 pages paperback £11.99, Kindle £6.99. Published by O Books. 
     For anyone interested in colour, this book covers the topic well, and who isn't interested? We choose clothes, vehicles and decor, but what effect does colour have on our life, and if we choose a particular colour, what does that say about us? The book provides exercises so is more of a work book. It explains what colours mean, the science of colour, how we can choose the best colours for ourselves, choosing foods of particular colours to improve health, colours that relate to the chakra and aura systems, art, etc.

Thursday, 15 February 2024

Michael Meacher

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Destination of Species - The Riddle of Human Existence by the late Michael Meacher MP Paperback: £9.99 251 pages Author’s blog:

Michael Meacher is a New College Oxford and LSE graduate, a leftish Labour politician who almost became our Prime Minister during the Blair years (which I would have supported). Environment Minister from 1997-2003. He is a columnist for the Guardian newspaper and The New Statesman, has authored a book about the plight of elderly people in mental hospitals and here he examines the origins of the Universe, why we are here and where we are going. He examines a huge number of theories and perspectives, including the Big Bang, the formation of our planet, ideologies about an intelligent Creator, our development as human beings and what the future is likely to hold and why.

Luke Eastwood

The Druid’s Primer is an excellent book on the subject of Druidry and is an inspirational read for anyone who is seeking to tread this spiritual path 
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Druid’s Primer by Luke Eastwood
Published by Moon books Paperback price: £15.99 e-book price: £4.96

Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Erotic Fantasy Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: Erotic Fantasy Tarot by Joseph Viglioglia  Published by Lo Scarabeo Pack of 78 cards plus multi languages information insert. £18.99 

The little white booklet insert is in English, Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese. Setting the scene for this very saucy Tarot deck are a few paragraphs about Eros, the world of our imagination, sex and ourselves, and these are followed by keywords and action suggestions for the Majors, where beautiful unclothed women are mainly featured, there are a few males and some ambiguously gendered archetypes. The Minors are King, Queen, Knight, Knave of Chalices, Pentacles, Wands, and Swords. The spread suggested is the 3 Card, ‘Erotic Relationship’. 

The Chocolate Lover's Message Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Chocolate Lover's Message Cards by Rosie Shalhoub, published by Animal Dreaming Publishing in a magnetic flip top box with 70 cards and instructions on how to use them. 

I enjoyed these cards! Let's get together and have some fun while we learn something about self- development.

Tantric Love Letters

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Tantric Love Letters by Diana Richardson Published by Manta Books Paperback: £12.99  221 pages

The author, Diana Richardson is a leading authority on tantric sex and has written several books on the subject (some with her husband, Michael). She trained with the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh Community and the Barry Long Foundation. A qualified lawyer and therapeutic massage teacher, she conducts 7 day workshops in Switzerland on Tantra with her husband. Also authored by Diana Richardson 'Tantric Orgasm for Women', 'Tantric Sex for Men', 'The Heart of Tantric Sex' and 'Slow Sex'. 

Monday, 12 February 2024

Tarot for Lovers

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Tarot for Lovers by E W Neville. Published by Schiffer Publishing £13.99

The retired author, Ed Neville hails from Southern California and spent 28 years working in top management in government whilst combining studies on the Occult, Astrology and Tarot. This book was first published in 1987 - but don’t be disheartened - people haven’t changed, and the information is just as good today as it always was! 

Love is so extremely important throughout our life, from cradle to the grave, but fraught with so many serious difficulties and who, as a reader, hasn’t had numerous questions about relationships? If relationship questions are your weakness, then this is the Tarot book for you! Covering the Majors, Minors and Court Cards, you can not only read for others but read for yourself! 

True Love Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: True Love Oracle - Attract & Create the Love You Desire by Belinda Grace, Boxed set of 36 Cards and Guidebook, published by Rockpool Publishing US $24.95: UK £18.99.on 8/12/2022 

New levels of understanding, confidence and trust are promised! With beautiful high colour artwork by Lori Banks, these cards are enjoyable. We all want to be loved and to love others in order to be emotionally fulfilled. It is difficult to feel satisfied with your life without affection and respect. The cards carry an image, number and title. In the guidebook, you have twenty words of advice for each card and 1,000 words of extra meaning. Also included, are instructions on how to use the cards, guidance on specific issues, questions, information for a 3 card reading for singles and for partnerships. There are meditations, mantras, a reparenting method, and a reintegration of your divine feminine. 

Saturday, 10 February 2024

I Ching Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: I Ching Oracle Cards by Lunaea Weatherstone, published by Lo Scarabeo, 64 cards with multi lingual instruction booklet. £15.99

Lunaea Weatherstone has exceptional credentials - she is a Pagan Priestess and ex-owner of Sage Woman Magazine, author of Tending Brigid's Flame and a contributor to several books and card decks.
You can sense the power of these cards when you see the fabulously gold embossed black card box. It looks classy and speaks of luxury. This deck is well produced and excellent value! The I Ching, also know as The Book of Changes, is a Chinese philosophical system, one of the oldest books of philosophy in the world and thought to be over 4,000 years old. Originally, the oracle was divined with yarrow sticks, coins or stones, but these cards make a suitable and easy way of working.

Dragon Oracle Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Dragon Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper, with artwork by Carla Lee Morrow, published by Hay House. 44 high quality cards with guidebook. 

Each card has an individually painted image of a dragon, a description, what it can do for you, and a few words of advice. The instruction booklet has black/white scans and offers further advice on each card. Diana Cooper has allotted the cards elements, colours, astronomical and other categories and divided the deck into four Dimensions, of 4th, 5th, 7th and 9th. You can also have a personal Dragon. These are not the Dragons of art historians, symbols of evil and dangerous power, but fluffy and creative Dragons from the Angelic Realms to help us clear our negative energies, increase our flow around challenging situations and inspire our visions. 

Friday, 9 February 2024

Seeking Dragons Book Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: SEEKING DRAGONS by Virginia Chandler. Published by Llewellyn Publications. ISBN 978-0-7387-6970-7 RRP $19:99

Dragons! The very word conjures up all sorts of 
stirrings of the imagination, and magical sparks of enlightenment.

Virginia Chandler is an active Druid and a valued member of the pagan community. She has brought to life these majestic and mystical of beings within the 207 pages of this wonderful book. It is packed with information and inspiration. She leads us through a wide variety of topics and formulas for interacting and working with the Dragon energy that is very prevalent in the world today.

I felt a revelation dawn as I studied the pages. Many of us cannot help but think about fairy tales and folklore associated with these great mythological beasts. However, it is in this modern digital age that the presence and power - and the love and affection - for Dragons has blossomed as we are able to share our collected knowledge and experiences about such amazing beings.

The Dragon Riders Oracle

 Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Dragon Riders Oracle by Christine Arana Fader. Boxed set of 43 Cards and Guidebook. Published by Earthdancer, an Inner Traditions Imprint. US $19.99 : Can $24.99 

Are you a dragon rider? 

Sample card: KuanYin & Susuri - Kuan Yin is deeply revered in many countries. She is an ascended master and delivers forgiveness and transformation. She also brings comfort and hope. Kuan Yin teaches us to practice goodness, forgiveness, sympathy, compassion, and love. As the practice of her worship spread from the east to the west, her power grew, and she became the goddess of mercy. She is also known as Kuan Shi Yin, which translates as “hearing the cries of the world”. Her message: Follow my teachings and learn to love without expecting anything in return. In doing so, you will discover unimagined inner riches. Listen to your caring thoughts. They are most valuable spiritual possession. Let your light shine brightly. In your mind, imagine your love expanding, breath pink energy, use the name Kuan Yin to spread this pink luminous light. From the dragon Susuri: Allow me and my liked of divine love to have old you. Let me penetrate the very depths of your being. Allow me and my divine love to hold you. Let me penetrate the very depths of your being. Let me strengthen you from within so you can break your inner chains. To do this, see the beauty of the card and feel how, with my resonance I am at work within you. Over the next few days, work with the affirmation. I am divine love in action. 

Universal Dragon Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Universal Dragon Oracle. Writer and artist is Carla Morrow.   published by Blue Angel Publishing, Boxed set of 44 cards and accompanying Guidebook. Size: 12cm x 17cm £18.99

Sample reading: Leadership - This fire dragon steps up to the highest point, a beacon for all to see. He spreads his wings to shelter those around him and let’s the fire of his soul burn away the fog so the others can see what they are meant to do. That is what this dragon has called you to do. Attend to those around you. It’s challenging but guide gently and by example. You have the knowledge, strength, empathy, and wisdom to become a guide for others, and they need you right now. Speak up where you can, protect people who cannot defend themselves. It’s time to rise and be a leader for those lost in the fog of the unknown.

Dragon Magick Message Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Dragon Magick Message Cards by Lucy Cavendish, 55 printed cards 4.5cm x 10cm in a box, published by Blue Angel Publishing. 

Each card is 4.5cm x 10cm with a title and 20 word message from a specialised dragon. All kinds of dragons, star dragons, moon dragons, fire dragons! Great growth idea for kids who like dragons! I miss artwork and think these are rather expensive!

Close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly, visualise your inner fire before choosing a card from a shuffled deck. Or connect to your pure flame within, ask for guidance and choose a card at random. These dragons are wise and protective spirit beings whose power are guidance are legendary. I place a card under my pillow each night! 

Examples of card text: 

The Pride of Dragons Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Pride of Dragons Oracle by Angelo Thomas. Artwork by Sonia Hedger. Boxed set of 44 cards and Guidebook. Published by Bear & Co. £17.99 Date:22/8/2023

Sample card: 21 The Healer’s Calling. With a ruffle of its feathery main, healing, green energy falls upon you. The Healer’s Calling dragon is a bird like dragon. It is graceful and curious, and exudes heavenly healing with its every movement and angelic breath. The presence of this dragon is in response to a call to arms by the heavens to remember your soul’s purpose. Yes, you are being commanded by the divine to heal, and to be a healer in all forms of this word. The Healer’s Calling advises that, should you already be a healer, you are to undertake this role was grace and dignity. Call to this dragon when healing yourself, others, or to heal the planet. A healer’s calling need not be a career in medicine. This dragon reminds us that a healer walks many paths. A person can heal in unconventional ways. You must surrender to the healer role, and let the  energy flow where its needed, and be guided by this beautiful green dragon energy.

Thursday, 8 February 2024

Dragon Path Oracle Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Dragon Path Oracle Cards by Caroline Mitchell, boxed set of 33 cards and explanation book, published by Watkins Publishing. U.K.: £16.99 : US $22.95 : CAN $25.95 card size: 5 inches x 3.5 inches. 

This card deck is illustrated by Tiras Verey. Caroline Mitchell is the author, a dragon specialist and channeller, a tarot reader and healer. Biographical information is provided. 

Each card has an image, a number (in Roman numerals) and a title. In the booklet there is more information about each card, such as an affirmation. Each card carries a channelled message of 250 words. There is information about how to read the cards, and how the cards are divided into dragon clans: There are Earth Walk Dragons who are Empowerers, Galactic Dragons which are Connectors, The Grand Master Dragons who are Teachers, and Guardian Dragons who are Keepers of Wisdom. 

Monday, 5 February 2024

Arcanis Animal Tarot

 Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Arcanis Animal Tarot by David Depasquale. Boxed set of 78 cards and Guidebook. Published by Hay House. RRP US $24.99 : Can $33.99 : UK £22.00

“Animals are referred by many cultures as moral guides, sacred guardians, and door to the spirit world.”

XXI The World - Upright: Completion, New Beginnings, Fulfilment. The World card is a sign that the end of something big is in sight. You’ve achieved what you’ve been working towards, and you feel accomplished. Though you’ve faced adversity, you have come out as the victor, and your hard work and dedication will be recognised. You feel a deep sense of purpose and have found your place in the world. If you haven’t quite reached the end yet, know it is within reach once you tie up those loose ends. Enjoy the fruits of your labour, be at promotion, a marriage, the birth of a child, or graduation. Your contentment is well deserved. Reversed: Lack of Achievement, Loss of Focus, Inability to Complete. The reversed World card signifies that you have some unfinished business to attend to. You may have been on the cusp of finishing something, but then became hesitant, or distracted. You didn’t follow through, which resulted in disappointment and a lack of closure. You need to jump back into the game and complete your goal. You will likely feel frustrated at having to start up again, and will need to make some changes to your approach, but know that in the end, the task will be worth finishing. Proud of his accomplishments, the World sits balancing the Earth, symbolising the fulfilment of his quest to find his place in the world. 

Saturday, 3 February 2024

The Dream Weaver’s Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Dream Weaver’s Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid. Illustrations by Joel Makamura. Boxed set of 44 cards and guidebook. Published by Hay House. RRP US $24.99 : Can $33.99

“You are more than you know.”

There are two types of dreams: Dreams that are nightly, unconscious, and those that are conscious aspirations, hopes, and ambitions. This Oracle is about the second type. Information is provided in the guidebook on how to work with this deck, such as choosing a place within your home to keep special for readings. There is a prayer, an invocation offered to begin. Hold a question in your mind. There is a suggestion as to how to ask the right question. These cards are always upright, never reversed. You can choose a single card reading, a Two-Card or a Three-Card reading. How does it serve your highest good? 

Positive thinking! A good reminder. Taking a card a day! All good advice! Marvellous images. 

Friday, 2 February 2024

Soulful Woman Guidance Cards Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Soulful Woman Guidance Cards - Nurturance, Empowerment & Inspiration for the Feminine Soul by Shushann Movsessian and Gemma Summers. Boxed set of 48 cards and guidebook. Published by Blue Angel Publishing.£17.99

Written by qualified psychotherapists who teach the path of the sacred feminine. The cards encourage empowerment and authenticity. 26 different artists work are featured, contributing 48 illustrations of women's faces using computer graphics, multi media and paintings. Each card has an image, a number, title and card affirmation message. The guidebook provides a message for each card plus information on how to use the cards by using the words 'I am'. There is a suggestion of a one-card reading and a 3 card reading. Symbols are the faces of women, flowers, moon, geometric designs, eggs, birds, butterflies, hair and spirals.