Tuesday, 31 December 2024

The Jolanda Witch Tarot

Mind Body & Soulja Ezine Card Deck Review: The Jolanda Witch Tarot - The Healing Art of Magic by Rosie Bjorkman & Hans Arnold. Boxed set of 78 cards and Guidebook. Published by Findhorn Press. RRP US $40.00 : Can $49.99

This Tarot deck has a strong female emphasis. It also has a witchcraft theme, which covers female archetypes, animal guides, esoteric symbolism, alchemy, and shamanic, Theosophy, Jungian psychology and many other traditions. The author is known as Jolanda the Witch. She trained in the Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society and this is her ‘method’ of reading Tarot. The artist is Hans Arnold who has produced a very nice RWS influenced deck with clear images and nice colouring. 

Natural Magic

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Natural Magic - Spells, Enchantments and Self-Development by Pamela J Ball, published by Capella Ring in a binder book describing, since earliest times across the world, the mystery, wonder and excitement of spiritual traditions and belief systems. With rituals, blessings, prayer, meditations, spells and symbols; information about elements, sacred space, lunar magic, etc. Well presented in workbook style, I enjoyed this book and learnt much that is practical, creative and imaginative.
The author is from Hawaii and is a writer of great renown with these additional books to her name:

Monday, 30 December 2024

Cathedral of the Black Madonna

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Cathedral of the Black Madonna - The Druids and the Mysteries of Chartres by Jean Markale. Published by Inner Traditions.

It’s been 50 years since I visited Chartres Cathedral on a road trip through rural France. The countryside was almost mediaeval in those days and Chartres stands out in my mind as place of great peace and holiness. I wonder if it retains this atmosphere! In place of a visit, this book by Jean Markale will sustain you! He describes the site as a Druid grove where the Gauls met annually to honour ‘virgo paritura’, the pure young woman who gives birth to the world, to humanity, to the role of women in perpetuity, a symbolic representation depicted in the black Madonna of the Pillar statue. He describes the Christian Mother Mary with Jesus on her lap as having pagan roots in the solar goddesses and in Cybele and Isis. 

Arcanum Tarot Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Arcanum Tarot by Renata Lechner, published by Lo Scarabeo (also Llewellyn) 78 cards and multi-lingual lwb. 2018 12cm x 7cm. 

From the word ‘arcanum’, meaning mystery or secret, this Tarot deck has been named. The images are digitally produced photos, ideal for modern, young, readers and enquirers, created by Renata Lechner, with author, Jaymi Elford who authored the Steampunk, the Art Nouveau, Thelma Tarot and the Runic Tarot decks. 

Based on Rider Waite Tarot, Court Cards are traditional King, Queen, Knight, and Page. Cups are blue, Pentacles are green, Wands are gold, and Swords are blue/grey. 

This full colour Tarot deck is included in the Total Tarot Collection course, Magazine numbers 18 & 19. 

Sunday, 29 December 2024

Tarot of the Moors

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Tarot of the Moors by Gina G Thies. Published by REDFeather, Boxed set of 78 cards plus guidebook, £28.99

Illustrated and created by Gina G Thies who is Editor and Columnist for Tarot Tips of the Tarot School. She is a member of American Tarot Association and Tarot Professionals. She is also the co-host of Oracle Soup podcasts and has produced Tarot for Pink, and Triumph of Life Tarot, and the book Tarot Coupling.  

For each of the Major Arcana cards, the information provided is the image, the numbers in Roman Numerals, a title, esoteric title, astrological, element, Hebrew letter, Path, other keywords and a Basic Interpretation of 50 words, for example: The Chariot, Esoteric Title: The Child of the Powers of the Waters, the Lord of Triumph of Light. Astrological: Cancer. Element, Cardinal Water. Hebrew Letter - Cheth. Path 18th House of Influx. Core Keywords, Victory, Success, Competition, Contest, Motivation. Basic Interpretation: Upright - You have the will and the want to achieve anything you set out to accomplish. Having the trust and confidence of peers and community. Finding enjoyment in racing or other high-risk activities. Reversed, Misuse of authority. Defeat. Lack of control and the absence of willpower.

Saturday, 28 December 2024

The Priestess of Light Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Priestess of Light Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor and Kimberly Webber, published by Hay House, boxed set of 53 cards with guidebook. US $21.99 Can $28.99 

“You have the power to transform your life”. 

This is a collaboration by the authors, with Kimberly Webber, a Contemporary Symbolist Fusion artist,  also providing the card’s oil paintings of animals and the divine feminine archetypes, including geometric designs and mandalas. The original paintings are made with lapis powder, azurite, mica, marble dust, malachite, gold, copper, and cobalt. This is her first card deck and has many admirers. 

Information is given on how to read the cards, and the guidebook provides 500 words of guidance on life issues, patterns and influences to bring joy, achievement, confidence, and awareness with affirmations.  Read through the guidebook before choosing cards to read for yourself and others. In time, you will develop your own interpretation style as you develop greater intuition and trust to explore. We are all priestesses (and priests) of light. The deck was created to reveal the sacred light within every person, animal, element, and totem (tree, stone, river, mountain, antler), and how to maximise its power. A short invocation is provided. You will become a Priestess of Light, and increase the sacred ceremony that is your life. 

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary Book Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the Visions of Ven Anne Catherine Emmerlich, published by Tann, 385 pages.

Anne Catherine Emmerlich (1774 - 1824) was an eminent German Roman Catholic nun who was at first refused her wishes to join the convent as she was poor and uneducated. She was a mystic and had the marks of stigmata and lived alone in a tiny shack. There was controversy as to whether she bore the true marks of the crucifixion on her body and she was assisted in the writing and translation by Bretano, a matter than was questioned as to its authenticity.

Emmerich was a visionary of the life of Mary the Mother of Jesus. Women were only briefly mentioned in the New Testament and much of their life is unrecorded, so this gives a highly possible understanding of a women of Mary's time. 

Saturday, 21 December 2024

Mystical Kipper

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Mystical Kipper is a very elegant deck of 36 fortune telling cards, created by Regula Elizabeth Fiechter and the artist, Urban Trosch, and published by the card deck specialist, AGM Urania.

Sample: Tree is numbered 17 and is titled 'Receiving a Gift'. It shows a Christmas tree with fairy lights. Gifts are laid out around its base, we guess who purchased these, and who they are for and what might be inside the wrapping paper. Will this be a happy Xmas event? Someone has gone to much trouble to create a perfect setting. It is a card which draws us to the creation of homely happiness and sharing a time of celebration with others.    

The Mystical Kipper cards, however, do not depict all sweetness and light! Some cards highlight the more difficult aspects of life which are ever present for the unsuspecting. There are false persons, unhappiness, prison, bereavement, and other dangers. All 36 cards can be laid in an 'All Cards' spread, nine cards in four rows and the cards are read horizontally, diagonally and vertically. 

 This is a delightful deck, as is it's companion, the Mystical Lenormand, by the same creators, Fiechter and Trosch. I like to use the Mystical Kipper cards alongside the Lenormand Cards to create a 72 card combined deck. There is sufficient information in the little white booklet in the deck packs to get the beginner started. 

The Fairy Tellers

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Fairy Tellers - A Journey into the Secret History of Fairy Tales by Nicholas Jubber. Published by John Murray Press. £10.99 

The author, Nicholas Jubber, has established himself by writing other books and articles inspired by his travels across many countries of the world. He, very obviously, has an immense love of fairy stories and delves into several extraordinary and ancient stories, finding deeper meanings of wonder and greater depths of intrigue. The book has small print and it is packed with wonder and amazement, incredible in the extreme and incomprehensible for at least 300 hundreds of pages. 

Though I didn’t know the stories chosen, I was immediately engrossed by the opening sentences, and as the stories grew, I grew in excitement! The stories are beautifully written, the messages within them are wonderfully explained, and each were specially chosen for their ability to touch us in amazing ways. Only a few moments of deep disgust within the text. 

Friday, 20 December 2024

Ben Mijuskovic - Loneliness

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Loneliness in Philosophy, Psychology, and Literature by Ben Lazare Mijuskovic  is available on Kindle £2.52 with 309 pages and there is a FREE download of the book from the website.

This book focuses on the link between literature, psychology and philosophy throughout time and on humankind's ability to deal with loneliness. The author, Ben Mijuskovic, explores the various ways society uses loneliness, for example, "punishing" prisoners by isolation from others. The book discusses in detail the reasons why children fear being alone and how adults deal with a similar anxiety but do not share their concerns with others. The author is Professor and this is very much reflected in the style of writing. The book provides in depth academic understanding and will be of great interest to students and fellow academics. Reviewer: Susan Griffiths: http://www.spiritualsteps.co.uk/

Fairy Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: Fairy Oracle with text by Jaymi Elford and artwork by Victorian artist, Arthur Rackham. 36 cards and booklet in several languages, published by Lo Scarabeo, £15.99

Aka 'Oracle of the Good Folk', these cards are positive with a little hint of mischief. The artwork, as one would expect from specialist Victorian fairy illustrator, Arthur Rackham, is delightful and totally believable. They were produced at a time when fairies were extremely popular in children's fairy tale books, such as Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland. From his pen, ink and watercolour illustrations of fairies, sections have been taken to showcase on the cards for insight and creativity.

The text by Jaymi Elford accompanies each individual artwork and is both useful and pertinent. Ask a question for a One card, Two cards or Four cards reading. The card faces offer an image which invites dialogue. In the multi lingual booklet, a title for each card is given with approx 40 word description of the image plus approx 40 word meaning. Sheer magic! Enjoy and deliver your best ever readings! 

Review: Wendy Stokes https://wendystokes.co.uk 

Thursday, 19 December 2024

Fairy Messages Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Review: Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue contains 44 cards plus 109 guidebook with 109 pages. £13.99 Various artists. 

This easy to use pack provides information on using the cards, such as how to consecrate them and receive an answer to a question. Ideal for a one card choice per day, there is also a three card spread or use of a multiple card spread suggested.  The book contains not just the title of the card, a picture and message, but in the book there is more information about the message. The card stock is excellent, as usual for Hay House, this deck is edged with gold leaf, and the artwork is of good quality. Some of the card titles are: 'Good-Bye to the Old, Hello to the New', 'Ask for What You Want', Your Wish is Granted', all cards carry a positive message and are ideal for first time users and can be used for self or others.

Sunday, 15 December 2024

Moon Magic

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Moon Magic - Harness the Gift of Lunar Energy by Marie Bruce. Full colour hardback published by Arcturus Publishing Ltd. RRP £9.99

A delightful book that would make a nice gift for a friend newly interested in Wicca and ritual. Includes information on the lunar cycle, symbols, myths and stories, moon deities, totem animals, the moon in the astrology chart, how to create a lunar altar and scrying by the moon, keeping a journal, a moon meditation, and how to incubate dreams and dream symbols, all with full colour images. 

Mary Queen of Angels Cards

Mary who is the beloved mother of Jesus and is known as the Queen of Angels for her ability to bring healing and positive change where hope has been lost. She works closely with advocates, teachers, therapists and mediums. She is devoted to making a safe world where our children and grandchildren can be happy and healthy. Her message to you is to expect a miracle and have faith that your prayers will be heard and answered. Faith is the light that illuminates your pathway. Without faith, the future can look threatening. It is essential for you to take any necessary steps to keep your mind focussed and your emotions balanced. Do not give up hope on yourself or on others. Keep the candle of faith burning within your soul. Just an inkling of light can eradicate the darkness of despair. You can be the light for others at a time of hardship, loneliness or sadness, to be there for others, shouldering their problems, help making them stronger, as in doing this, you will make yourself stronger too. You are asked to let go of worry and keep your thoughts positive. Notice and follow divine guidance, as it will present itself to you over the following month. If you can seek healing as it will help you manage situations that might be unexpected. If you would like to work closely with Mary, ask her at Christmas for a divine gift. 

Saturday, 14 December 2024

The Stone Circle Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Stone Circle Oracle - Transformation Through Meditation by Sophia Kelly Shultz. Boxed set of 45 Cards and b/w Guidebook. Published by Schiffer Books. RRP US $39.99 

There are no wrong answers! 

Sample card and text: Phoenix Emergent: keywords: Rise Out of Darkness. Failure is part of life. Rise up. The courage to try again. Rebirth. Renewal. Emergence of a new consciousness. Out of a dark, swirling void rises the magnificent phoenix, renewed after being reduced to ashes. The Phoenix occurs in many mythologies worldwide. Destined to be destroyed and then rise from its own ashes, it is a creature of rebirth and regeneration. But in order for the Phoenix to rise, it must fall and burn. No one wants to fall, to crash and burn, but it’s normal part of the cycle of life. Whether because of situations of our own making or because of health issues, a family death, or severe injury, we all experience times when we feel like we have been beaten, our lives laid bare. There seems to be nothing to guide us. We are all extremely resilient, and as we explored previously, it comes in many forms. The long darkness evaporates and we find we are not the same person who was plunged into the darkness, but someone different, brighter, with elements burned away. It was a painful process, but look at the result! 

Thursday, 12 December 2024

Faery Blessing Cards Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Faery Blessing Cards - Healing Gifts and Shining Treasures from the Realm of Enchantment by Lucy Cavendish with artwork by Amy Brown. Published by Blue Angel Publishing. Boxed set of 45 cards plus guidebook. £17.99

Each card has an attractive image of slim, female like figures with long hair and wings, in nature scenes. The cards also carry a number and title. The guidebook explains how to work with the cards, how to connect and receive guidance, how to cleanse, shuffle and invite the blessing which is a gift that is given with each card. Fairies are ancient elemental spirits that unite us in their love and protection for the planet. They communicate in a special way and with special words which are explained. There are highly specialised faeries, such as Faery Goddesses, and their lives and world are detailed. There are one card readings for both A Blessing for the Day and a Blessing for the Night. Other spreads are: 3 card reading - The Triple Faery Goddess Spread; 8 card - 7 Pointed Star reading; 8 card reading - Wheel of the Year.

Very beautiful artwork!  💘

Friday, 6 December 2024

Dream Oracle Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Dream Oracle Cards - for the Awakened Dreamer by Kelly Sullivan Walden with artwork by Rassouli, Published (2nd edition) by US Games Systems Inc.

53 of the most frquently dreamed symbols are profiled as love letters from home, written in our first language, the language of the soul, speaking in images and metaphors from our unconscious mind. The book provides a meaning and mantra for each of the 52 cards with insights into the dream. 

Information is provided on how to work with this deck. The cards are presented in alphabetical order, such as Airplane, Angel, Award, Baby, Bathroom, Box, Bridge, Car, Cat, Ceremony, Child, Colour, Computer, Dance, Doctor, Falling, Fire, Flower, Flying, Key, Money, Naked, Ocean, Party, Teeth, etc., all common dream symbols that are al around us and to decode and to understand them and why they appear in our dreams will help us to 'awake' and to understand our life in greater depth. For wach symbol there is a message, meaning and mantra. 

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Yuletide Tarot Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Yuletide Tarot by Kristoffer Hughes, Art by Erin O`Leary Brown. Published by Llewellyn Worldwide ISBN 978-0-7387-7045-1 RRP $32:99

Yuletide Tarot is an absolutely charming and fascinating Tarot concept, which I believe is the first of its kind . It was created by Chief of the Anglesey Druid Order in Wales Kristoffer Hughes. He had casually mentioned to his Editor at Llewellyn that there was no complete Tarot that honoured the Christmas season. He was then asked if he would like to create a deck on this theme. The set is gloriously illustrated by Erin O'Leary Brown who specializes in children's illustration as well as botanical and nature themes. 

Da Vinci Enigma Tarot

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Da Vinci Enigma Tarot - by Caitlin Matthews, Boxed set of book and 78 cards with artwork taken from Leonardo's notebook drawings and writings, published by St Martin's Press. For more information: https://redfeathermbs.com/writing-the-da-vinci-enigma-tarot/

For the author, tarot is not a method of fortune telling but a method to prepare for the next move by examining the present situation. We are urged to ask questions of this oracle. Sayings and quotes from Leonardo are included with information on elements, numbers, shuffling, choosing, clearing, augmenting, bridging and interpreting. Reversals of card meanings are provided but the card backs are not intended for upright AND reversed meanings. 

Each Macrocosm card (the Greater Archetypal World) has more than a page of explanation and is given untraditional titles, such as Enigma for II, Twins for VI, Imagination for VII, Time for X, Experience for XII, Passover for XII, Pain and Pleasure for XV, Deluge for XVI, Way Shower for XVII, Conception for XVIII, Birth for XIX, Renewal. Each of these 22 cards have a Latin numeral, a title, a message, an explanation of the image and background information to help with the reading, such as Soul-code, upright reading, reversed and disconnected. For the Microcosm cards (the Lesser Manifest World) each have a title, a message, and an explanation of the background of the image, a soul-code, reversed and information about a disconnected energy relating to the card. 

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Fairies Healing

Mind Body & Soul Ezine card review: Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, 44 cards and a 68 page guidebook with general meanings and instructions for working with the cards. £13.99 Artwork by various artists.

Sample reading:  'Awakening Your True Self'. The card's message is about discovering your authenticity and the person who you were born to be. This means you must go on a journey of discovery, for your true interests, passions and desires. You will discover your original sense of humour and childlike, innocent enjoyments. A cloud of falseness will be lifted as you no longer try to fit in with what someone else wanted you to be. Use the affirmation: I now give myself permission to be true to my self.

Doreen Virtue offers workshops, books, cards, etc., and her card decks are suitable for use for oneself or for another person. Within the deck there are no negative concepts and the deck is easy to use and can be used for a first time deck user. The artwork is enjoyable and features unicorns, imps, birds, water fairies, fireflies and otherworld images. Cards provide a title, such as 'Detoxification', 'Honouring Your True Feelings', and 'Stand Your Ground' and further information about each card is contained in the guidebook. 

Spellcasting Oracle Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Spellcasting Oracle Cards by Flavia Kate Peters & Barbara Meiklejohn-Free. Artwork by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman. Published by Hay House. Boxed set of 48 cards and Guidebook. RRP US $22.99 : Can $29.99 : £14.99 

Hail and Welcome!

Moon phases, candle magic, herbs and crystals, invocation and incantation, favourite spells and messages are here for you to use and enjoy, any day of the week! Practical tips are included, do’s and don’ts, directions and elements, how to cast a spell, steps to choosing a card and a selection of card spreads. The Guidebook provides magical guidance, a spell, and the meaning of choosing that card.

Universal Celtic Tarot Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Universal Celtic Tarot published by Lo Scarabeo by Cristina Scagliotti. 6.5cm x 12cm

We have a deck that focusses on the time of the ancient Celts who lived in the areas of Ireland, Scotland, France, Northern Spain, and Turkey. They were creative, artistic, courageous, freedom loving, strong, and spiritual people, who were wonderfully imaginative storytellers, who loved nature, and whose world was filled with wonders. They had regular seasonal festivals, and celebrated the beginning of the year at Lughnassah, and the spring festival on May Eve. 

The deck describes their value system, the ogham letters, little people, and plant spirits, their myths and legends. We see the cauldron of the Dagda in the Ace of Cups, the flower maiden, Blodenwedd, and Ceridwen in the Wheel of Fortune. Any Tarot card spread can be used. Try the 3 card, Past, Present and Future for starters! 

It’s a beautiful Tarot deck! The booklet does not do it justice, but do your own research! You will love it!

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Fingerprints of Fire

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Fingerprints of Fire - Footprints of Peace - A Spiritual Manifesto from a Jesus Perspective by Noel Moules  Paperback £12.99

Noel Moules is the founder of 'Workshop' a Christian vocational training programme based in the UK under the auspices of a registered charity, the Anvil Trust. 

How can we discover the Jesus of the New Testament and understand his message of love, hope and peace after two thousand years of religious schism and manipulation? 

Pre-Raphelite Tarot Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Pre-Raphelite Tarot with art by Giuliano Costa published by Lo Scarabeo. 78 full colour cards with multilingual lwb. 6.5cm x 12cm. RRP £25

The inspiration for this deck comes from the Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood, who were an artistic group who signed the paintings with the initials PRB, and had as their emphasis “ Beauty as the defined essence intrinsic in every aspect of creation.” Here we see the divine embodied in nature, in romance, and in the mystique of this beautiful and enchanting Tarot deck. Card backs are not mirrored so you know which way the cards have fallen in the layout. 

Da Vinci Tarot

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: "Leonardo Da Vinci Tarot" with Artwork by Iassen Ghiuselev and Atanas Atanasov and the text of the little white booklet included in the pack by Mark McElroy. Published by Lo Scarabeo. 

The basis of the 78 images in this deck are artworks of Leonardo da Vinci which have soft muted and sepia tinted tone. Computer graphics have been added to Leonardo's artwork to create this tarot deck and I enjoyed the cards and was transported back in time to Renaissance Italy. As Leonardo might have met Ludovico de Sforza who commissioned the earliest tarot decks of his time, maybe there was a consideration of the tarot in Leonardo's mind. 


Monday, 2 December 2024

Fairy Tarot Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Fairy Tarot Cards by Radleigh Valentine with mixed media stand computer graphic illustrations by Howard David Johnson, published by Hay House. Boxed set of 78 silver edged cards plus guidebook.

This tarot deck has been produced for positivity and guidance for oneself or for another person. Each card has an image, a number and title and short 8 word message. The booklet provides information on how to clear, prepare, shuffle and choose, and offers a meaning for every card. Spreads suggested are: a 3 card reading and a 10 card Celtic Cross Spread. Some Major Arcana titles have changed, such as: The Dreamer is 0, Unity is 5, Awakening is 12, Release 13, Balance 14, Ego 15, Life Experience 16, Renewal 20. The Minors are divided into 4 seasonal suits with Fire (wands)  spring, Water (cups) summer, Autumn (coins) earth, and Winter (swords) air.

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Oracle Reading

The first card is from Shining Woman Tarot by Rachel Pollack and is Five of Rivers - traditionally the 5 of Cups. The design shows a Native American earthenware image dated to around a thousand years ago. This card teaches us about change, so we flow with the ups and downs of life, adapting, growing, developing and changing. Here we have acceptance of what is, because no situation remains the same for ever. 'This too shall pass!'