Saturday, 26 August 2023

Nature-Speak Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Oracle Card Review: The Nature-Speak Oracle by Ted Andrews, published by Dragonhawk Publishing in a good quality box which contains 60 cards plus explanation booklet. Card size: 11.9 x 9.4 x 4cm

The cards are related to the ‘Green Kingdom’ and bear photos of nature within an oval frame. Cards bear titles and subtitles and are divided into 4 suits - ‘Landscape Oracles, such as beach, borderland, desert, forest, garden, hot spring, lake and pond; Flower Oracles, such as iris, gardenia, orchid, tulip; Seasons and Climate Oracles, such as fog and mist, summer, snow, blue moon, clouds and Tree Oracles, such as maple, walnut, palm, redwood and rowan.

Thursday, 24 August 2023

Animal Whispers Empowerment Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Animal Whispers Empowerment Cards - Animal Wisdom to Empower, Heal and Prosper, by Madeleine Walker, illustrated by Richard Crookes, 45 cards plus booklet, publish by Findhorn Press, £14.99

Leonard da Vinci: There will come a day when men will deeply know the animals; and on that day, a crime against an animal will be considered a crime against humanity itself.

Quality magnetic box and good card stock, with a full colour booklet. Animal intuitive and healer, Madeleine Walker communicates telepathically with wild and domestic species, and delivers their messages of wisdom. She asserts all species wish for humanity to become one with them in love and compassion, to access the rhythms of nature and to know the guidance and inspiration that is available by studying them. Her travelogue details her insights and we can all do this through empathy and sensitivity. 

Tuesday, 22 August 2023

The Priestess Path

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Priestess Path - 13 Powerful Lessons to Build Your Inner Strength by Stacey DeMarco. Published by Rockpool Publishing 2023. UK  £16.99 : US $18.95  
June,  2023 

Are you considering becoming a priestess? This book explains what the path involves, how to get the best from your training, and it suggests 13 useful lessons to learn along the way. Several major deities are detailed, such as Gaia, Pele, Odin, Brigid, Aradia, and others with their myths (stories with a truth), their respective tasks, how to walk the path of each, their specific meditations and invocations. Ceremonies are outlined, such as births, naming, puberty, hand fasting, and croning. The seasonal rites for Northern and Southern hemisphere are given, and there is a useful reference section. 

Sacred Mothers & Goddesses

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Sacred Mothers & Goddesses by Claudia Olivos, Boxed set of 40 Oracle Cards and Guidebook, published by Blue Angel £17.99

We look back at the earliest deities and we find a resurgence of interest in the sacred feminine to redress the imbalance of power that has dominated our world. The essence of the divine feminine is ready to be amplified! 

Saturday, 12 August 2023

Gift box for tarot lovers! The Enchanted Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Review: The Enchanted Tarot by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
Box containing 78 cards, 192 page fully illustrated guidebook Published by Connections Book Publishing 

We are invited to enter ‘a realm of myth and magic’ and this quality deck certainly delivers both by providing a depth of symbolism within traditional and other tales. I can vouch that this deck will come up to expectations for tarot card and art-work enthusiasts. Its strengths are its profound wisdom set within the card concepts and also the beauty and majesty of its illustrations (which can be viewed under a magnifying glass for added enjoyment).

Oracle of Visions card deck review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine card deck Review: ORACLE OF VISIONS by Ciro Marchetti, published by U S Games Systems Inc, pack includes 52 cards (size 3.75 x 5.5 inches) and explanatory booklet. £17.99

It’s a feast! Carnival in Venice meets Cirque du Soleil meets Las Vegas Harlequin! You won’t find more Hollywood glamour than this!  
Ciro Marchetti has excited us yet again with his distinguished artwork! Following on from his immensely popular and amazingly beautiful tarot and Lenormand cards, we now have an oracle deck - but with a difference! Most oracle cards carry simple messages and lack depth but Marchetti has created this deck to inspire the reader. With minimal input, our inspiration, insight and intuition is encouraged to be individual and versatile. The cards carry a number only. If you wish for a title, the booklet provides titles, quotations and 100 – 200 words of information. All cards are read upright.
The cards are divided into 4 suits: Situations; Emotions; Actions and Behaviour. Two interpretations are provided for drawing for one card reading. A six card combination reading is also offered as a sample.  

Friday, 11 August 2023

Auset Egyptian Oracle Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Auset Egyptian Oracle Cards - Ancient Egyptian Divination and Alchemy Cards by Elizabeth Jensen, illustrated by Marie Klement (pastels on canson paper), Artist website: Published by Rockpool Press. Boxed set of 44 cards and instruction book. Card Size: 5.5" x 3.75" 

The book gives information on how to prepare to give a reading, to shuffle, pray to an Egyptian deity, and lay out the cards in spreads, for a one, three or seven card reading.
Each card provides a hand painted image, a number, a title, and a subtitle that relates to the energy of the card. The book provides further information on the card energies and meanings and includes channelled messages. More information on abundance, love, work, travel, health, family and future are included. 

Thursday, 10 August 2023

Mystical Healing Reading Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Mystical Healing Reading Cards by Anna Segal, illustrated by Jake Baddeley. By Rockpool Publishing. Boxed set of 36 cards and instruction book. Card size 5 inches x 3.75 inches.

"To the awakening of our spirit self"

It is suggested you meditate on the card images and read the message in the book. Questions to ask: What feelings and emotions are felt, what connections do you think of, do the symbols mean something personal, what does the card say about your past, your present life, and your possible future???

If you are tired of skimming surfaces, and are looking for something more meaty, this deck is a good start.

Wednesday, 9 August 2023

The Journey to Enlightenment Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Journey to Enlightenment Tarot -A New Tarot for Alchemical Transformation by Selena Joy Lovett, illustrated by Daniela Manutius-Forster. Published by Watkins Publishing, Boxed set of companion Guidebook and 78 Cards  £19.99  Published Feb 2021 card size: 9.5cm x 13.5cm 

Sample: Card 18 The Moon Keywords: Intuition, mystery, dreams. This card can show up when you are not sure of your path forward. Let go of mental blocks and trust that intuition will lead you forward, shining its light to show you where to step. Don’t just take things at face value, listen to your intuition and feel into whether someone has a hidden agenda. Don’t allow an active imagination to confuse you further as you may be projecting your past fears onto what’s happening around you. Allow yourself time to feel into the situation, investigate. Make sure you are in the centre so that you can trust your intuition. Listen to your dreams as they may be heightened, showing you things you need to see.  Look at the cards around the moon to see the deeper meaning. Look at the cards that come next in the reading. 

The Journey for Card 18 The Moon. This energy is mysterious and has an immense power, and this could indicate something is hiding in the shadows, something that can’t be seen clearly. Uncover the solution by tapping into your intuition, identify your fears and move forward. Listen carefully to your dreams as they may be receiving intuitive wisdom dropped into your subconscious mind. Trust yourself and your instincts, take time to get into your centre and really know yourself and what you care about. 

Tuesday, 8 August 2023

The Inner Compass Deck

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review - Inner Compass Deck - Discover Your Authentic Self by Teal Swan, published by Watkins Publishing. Boxed set of Guidebook and 200 Cards, published Nov 2021 : £20.83

“Follow your North Star to Find Your True Values”

The North Star, Polaris, has been the guiding light for navigators for centuries. This deck provides the knowledge to follow a course of sincere spirituality. True and well thought out values will keep you on the right path to your destination and to a life of richest personal and spiritual values. Each card offers a different value, and provides a short explanation so your internal persona matches your external persona, so there is no insincerity, pretence, denial or conflict. You live in alignment with your vibrant identity and ongoing maturity.

Monday, 7 August 2023

Rituals to Change Your Life

Mind Body and Soul Ezine Book Review: 21 Rituals to Change Your Life by Theresa Cheung, quality paperback, published by Watkins Publishing, £7.99 Visit:

Simple advice for ritual, i.e., ceremonies consisting of a series of actions performed in a prescribed way to change your life. Actions for each morning, such as breathing and prayer, honouring food and giving thanks.

Theresa Cheung is a best selling author who writes knowledgably and provides powerful methods that can improve your life. I really like this book and have incorporated many of the suggestions into my daily routine. 

Chakras The Essential Guide

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Essential Guide to Chakras - Discover the Healing Power of Chakras for Mind, Body and Spirit by Swami Saradananda, quality paperback, £10.99 published by Watkins Publishing, 288 full colour pages.

This book is excellent value indeed for all the thorough and well organised information that it contains. It is a teaching guide as well as a reference book to work with the chakras for energy and healing. The book explains what chakras are, how to tell if they are malfunctioning, how to balance and cleanse them, how to protect yourself while working with them. There are exercises, meditations, breathing instructions, and mantras. Each of the seven major chakras are explained in detail, including yoga poses.

I Ching for Beginners

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: I Ching for Beginners by Kristyna Arcarti published by Headway. 

The I Ching is an ancient method of divination, sometimes called The Book of Changes. It was written about 5000 years ago and is one of the oldest books in the world, and contains wisdom provided in old Chinese poetry of the feudal Mandarin era. Though highly complex, this book presents the matter very simply. The philosophy relates to the opposing energies that exist in the world, but shows that within every polarity is a part of the opposing force that creates eventually balance and harmony. ☯️

Sunday, 6 August 2023

Goddesses, Gods and Guardians Oracle Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review:  Goddesses, Gods and Guardians Oracle Cards by Sophie Bashford, Art by Hillary Wilson, Boxed set of 44 cards plus guidebook, published by Hay House. £15.99

From the box lid: ‘I receive your wisdom with an open heart. Thank you for revealing sacred truths that illuminate my soul’s path.’

This deck has a cross cultural emphasis, with women and men of differing ethnicity, skin colour, and age ranges, including non-binary and all genders. Featured archetypes are presented with messages from divine teachings with a name and subtitle, a few words of advice, information and a message, additional meanings and a short invocation. All are positive and uplifting messages that bridge the gap between daily life and a walking a spiritual path. You can ask questions of the cards and receive practical and spiritual advice. These cards don’t completely predict the future and will not take away your free will. They show possibilities, yet you have the power to change outcomes in your life. 

You Can Thrive After Narcissistic Abuse

Mind Body and Soul Book Review: You Can Thrive After Narcissistic Abuse The #1 System for Recovering From Toxic Relationships by Melanie Tania Evans. Published by Watkins Publishing. 224 pages Paperback: £7.00 Kindle: £6.99

Narcissists admire their own attributes far more than anyone else's. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a common trait  and can cause abuse by a parent, child, romantic partner, work colleague, neighbour, etc., and can relate to mental, physical, financial, sexual or spiritual abuse. In this book, the reader is informed as to recognition, how we attract a person with this pattern, the ways in which the abuse takes place, how to address the problem. The author, Malania Tania Evans, details her own  personal story of five years with an ex spouse, and how she developed the unique Quanta Healing Method to provide wisdom tools to identify, detach and release, heal and reclaim her life. Melania is a Narcissistic Abuse Recovery expert and she has coached and mentored hundreds of women who have suffered and states that we are all vulnerable to this type of subtle often hidden abuse due to empathy, forgiveness and unconditional love. 


The Seven Types of Spirit Guide

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Seven Types of Spirit Guide - How to Connect and Communicate with Your Cosmic Helpers by Yamile Yemoonyah. Published by Hay House. £12.99 

There are full explanations on what a spirit guide is, how to recognise the various types, to see what is wrong and make changes, set high standards, find out what specialist spirits can teach you. There are 7 types explained in this book, i.e., deities, ancestors, ascended masters, nature spirits, animal guides, star beings, and angels. Other explanations are of god, how to align with your higher self, how to avoid egotism, how to serve, to live your life purpose, what are the dangers, are there evil and random spirits, what is cultural appropriation, and what is spiritual bypassing, etcetera. All important points!

Saturday, 5 August 2023

12 Type Enneagram

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The 12-Type Enneagram - Know Your Type. Improve Your Life By Matthew Campling. Published by Watkins Publishing, paperback: £10.99 250 pages, Author website:

I like the traditional Enneagram as a method of personality definition, so when a new method is introduced, I feel excited. This book will be of interest to those who are entirely new to the Enneagram and to those who have experience of its insights.

The new development is to combine the Enneagram with astrological planets, such as Lunar, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, categorising 6 Main types and 6 Hybrid types. The book describes how to work with the system and another book by this author on the 12 types is currently in process. You can identify which you fall into, your family and friends, work colleagues, romantic partners, children and others. Even famous people are profiled.

Tarot of the Golden Wheel

Mind Body Soul Magazine Card Deck Review: Tarot of the Golden Wheel by Mila Losenko, published by US Games Systems Inc. Boxed set of 78 cards and guidebook. £15.99

With inspiration from Russian folk tales and with bright hand painted artworks of costume and the traditional rural culture of the Slav ccountryside, this is a deck of great beauty and meaning. The artist and concept writer, Mila Losenko originates in the Altai Mountains. She has a degree in Teaching Fine Arts and works as a book illustrator. She has produced a very interesting card deck in the Tarot of the Golden Wheel with exquisite water colour paintings!

Friday, 4 August 2023

The Ritual Yearbook

Mind Body Soul Magazine Book Review: 
The Ritual Yearbook - 365 Simple Daily Practices to Boost Happiness and Fulfilment by Theresa Cheung, published by Watkins Publishing, Paperback: 400 pages, £14.99 

The Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Theresa Cheung is a prolific writer and adds a huge further conveyor belt dimension - in fact 190 new rituals - to her previous book on 21 rituals for changing your life and an additional 21 rituals for igniting your intuition. There are rituals here for every possibility - sleep, health, energy eating, lifestyle, tranquility, finance, stress, mind, body and spirit, etc., etc. I tried a few! Good to take time out from pressing engagements and daily chores. This is 'me' time for sensual pleasure of candles, incenses, readings, cards, actions, meditations, contemplation, breathing and other interludes in a busy schedule. The last section is a 4 week plan ending in a number of closing rituals. You get your money's worth from this, for sure!

You are invited to contact the author either through her website above, or via her email address:

Thursday, 3 August 2023

The Truth-Seeker's Tarot Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Truth-Seeker's Tarot - Oracle Cards of Insight, Clarity and Wisdom by The late Prof David Fontana with artwork by Sylvie Daigneault. Boxed set of 78 cards, plus an explanatory booklet titled 'Understanding the Tarot' £16.99 published by Watkins Publishing. 

The booklet contains autobiographical information about the author with information about archetypes and symbolism and how to use and work with the cards. The deck is presented as a progression along the path of inner development, described as 'the Fool's Journey'. Each of the 22 Major Arcana has a page of esoteric information and advice 'when you work with this card, ask yourself'. The basics of the Minor Arcana are included. The suggested spreads are: the Seven Card Horseshoe, the 6 card Celtic Cross, and the 11 card Tree of Life. The images are attractive with gold highlights. 

I am using as a sample the card of 'Justice' which is traditionally depicted as a woman, following the ancient Greeks for who Themis was the goddess of justice. Her sword is ready to cut through ignorance that impedes spiritual enlightenment and represents the spiritual power that divides Heaven and Earth and guards the gateway to the Garden of Eden; while her scales, help her to weigh the value of all things and maintain the balance between trhe material and the spiritual. In many cultures, they are a symbol for weighing good deeds against bad at the moment of judgment in the afterlife.
Justice wears the red robe of worldly power. 
When you work with this card, as yourself: Am I using my inner judgment to guide me on my journey of self-realisation? If not, what prevents me? By examining your integrity and weighing the pros and cons of your actions, you can try to attain perfect equilibrium in your life.  

Numerology Guidance Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Oracle Card Review: Numerology Cards by Michelle Buchanan with artwork by Jonathan Quintin. 44 cards in box with instruction booklet published by Hay House. Card size 3.8 x 9.5 x 14cm. £14.99

These are high quality cards and the instruction booklet explains how to bless and connect to the cards by talking to them, placing them over your heart and affirming your intentions. Then perform a 5 minute visualisation. There is also information on how to use the cards and how to perform a reading, such as being clear about asking a question and selecting your card. In addition to a one card reading example, a 3 card reading is shown which offers ‘situation’, ‘action’, ‘outcome’ or a ‘3 points of view’ card. There is also a multiple deck reading where you use ‘Numerology Guidance Cards’ with another deck, such as an angel or tarot deck. Every card in the deck has a different colour for recognition, a number and a title. In the booklet, there is an explanation for every card and number and an affirmation. The design is the same on the front (it is described as a ‘Merkaba star tetrahedron’ and the backs of the cards are a blue/purple colour with a circle described as a ‘Flower of Life’.   

Wednesday, 2 August 2023

The Blind Spot Oracle

 Mind Body  & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review:The Blind Spot Oracle Cards by Teal Swan, boxed set of 78 cards and guidebook, published by Watkins Publishing.
These quality cards are packed in a sturdy container with a comprehensive instruction book. Also in the pack are 49 non toxic, removable tattoos. The cards carry a design, described as a sigil, that was hand drawn and painted whilst undergoing a trance state. The artist and author of this deck has created each card to be a doorway and a manifestation of the required energy and to have magical powers. The design on these cards is a living entity in itself and each design influences the user as a teacher or guide would influence. 
The information on how to prepare for a reading, how to use this oracle, what might be missing, and the meaning of each card is of interest. Spreads offered are: The Conflict 2 cards, Time 3 cards, Responsibility 8 cards and Sector 4 cards. Titles are: Bypassing, Denial, Not seeing Signs, Blinding Optimism, Projection, Superiority, Enabling, Gaslighting, etc., etc.

The Earthcraft Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Earthcraft Oracle by Juliet Diaz and Lorraine Anderson with art by Danielle Boodoo-Fortune, published by Hay House, boxed set of 44 cards with guidebook. US $19.99 Can $ 25.99 

‘Earth Mother I worship thee for thy body is my temple, my religion reclaimed.’
“Cut the vine, pick the fruit, take a bow, thank the root.”

The topic of planetary welfare is of utmost importance, and this card deck helps us to focus on the planet as our birthplace, our home, our provider and our Mother. It reminds us to reconnect to the Earth, and to ourselves and to respect and appreciate the healing we are offered. Indigenous people have handed down knowledge that we have forgotten about the Earth and its wonders. The importance of the Earth is detailed within the deck’s messages, and the deck can appeal to women (and men) of all races, genders, sizes and skin tones - all are children of Mother Earth. 

Sacred Spirit Reading Cards

Mind Body Soul Card Deck Reviews: Sacred Spirit Reading Cards - Spiritual Guidance for your Life Journey by Anna Stark, illustrated by Louis Dyer (a mixture of digital paintings/mixed media artworks). Published by Rockpool Publishing. Card size: 19cm x 8.5cm

Quality magnetic flip boxed set containing 36 cards and a full colour instruction book. Cards have an image, number, title and subtitle. The book text provides information on how to prepare for a reading, how to use the cards, and to set an intention. It asks "what are you seeking?" There is an affirmation, a crystal suggestion, and there is Angelic Assistance provided for each card, and you can call on Chohans for assistance with specific problems. The cards can also be used for meditation. They are a larger size than usual. You will find much to read and enjoy in these cards!