Sunday, 31 March 2024

Your Secret Self Book Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Your Secret Self - Illuminating the Mysteries of the Twelfth House - A Guide to Using Astrology & Your Dreams for Personal Growth by Tracy Marks. Published by CRCS Publications. 
This book provides specific dream interpretation methods, and majors on Twelfth House astrology. How to deal with self defeating problems, escapism, family dynamics, symbolism, inner conflicts, repression, our shadow, inner demons, what lies in our subconscious mind, and how to gain inspiration, compassion and spirituality, transformation, are fascinating and exciting topics. Examples of case studies are given, we are also provided with a dream journey and questionnaire, worksheets, and information on each planet and sign
Though no special knowledge of astrology is required, I think it helps to understand the finer points of this book.
Tracy Marks is a popular astrologer and psychotherapist, and has interests in dream work and journal writing. 

Secrets of Paradise Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: Secrets of Paradise Tarot - Inspired by Caribbean & Latin American Culture& Mysticism. By Leticia Ferrer-Rivera. Illustrated by Laura Bello. Boxed set of 81 cards and Guidebook. Published by Hay House. Date Jan 2023 UK : £22

“May the oceans bring blessings, abundance, and healing to all who inhabit the Planet Earth.”

Sample: Madre Tierra - About this card - This title replaces The World in traditional decks, and depicts the Ceiba Tree (the sacred tree of the Maya) from Puerto Rico. Animals from Africa, Spain, Uruguay, and Puerto Rico appear in this card, under the Sun and Moon. Card Meaning: This card appears when a person needs to evaluate their position in relation to the rest of the world. Is this person in an eternal night under the moon or burning under the baking Sun? Or are they as grounded, centred and strong as the sacred Ceiba Tree? This card is also a representation of power and shows how much influence someone has over their circumstances. It highlights knowledge and education. We must always learn from situations, and not only be interested in what we can easily master. This card might also show a deep love of nature and a person’s deep caring for the planet. This card honours all wildlife and animals. 

The Hoffman Process

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Hoffman Process - The World-Famous Technique That Empowers You to Forgive Your Past, Heal Your Present, and Transform Your Future by Tim Laurence. 

The Hoffman Process is a world-famous technique that empowers you to forgive your past, heal your present, and transform your future. This book provides a method to address hurts and heal the self. The method, the Hoffman Process was developed by Bob Hoffman and this book is written by the Founder of the Hoffman Institute UK and a Director of Hoffman International who studied with Bob Hoffman. A personal story is provided, with many exercises, such as a dialog with your parents, releasing resentments, letting go of old hurts, etc.


Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: How to use Neuro-Linguistic Programming to Change Your Life by Ali Campbell. Published by Hay House. RRP UK £8.99  

NLP is a powerful method of personal change and this book describes the most important NLP methods in an easy to understand way. All the major parts of Neuro-Linguistic Programming are here. What is NLP, anchoring, modalities, the swish technique, changing states, Meta models, etc. There are exercises, timelines and checklists that demonstrate the method to help you change memories, strengthen your communication, manage your mood and mental health. 

Life Magic

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Life Magic - The Power of Positive Witchcraft  by Susan Bowes. Full Colour Hardback. Published by The Speaking Tree. 

This book is a positive thinking celebration of life. It connects us to nature and to others through the Divine Feminine. Many male and female deities are featured, the meaning of magic, spell making, rituals, candles, the calendar, astrology, the moon, numbers, trees, cards, and other pagan topics are covered here. This is the time of the return of the goddess, of the witch! Accoutrements, rites of passage, and working with spirits of the Otherworld are included. 

Healing With Past Life Therapy

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Healing With Past Life Therapy - Transformational Journeys Through Time and Space by Lorraine Flaherty. Published by Findhorn Press. RRP £12.99  

Case studies of regression to past lives and the Inner Freedom Therapy author’s own personal biography are documented. Using the story of the Wizard of Oz, we are taken on a journey of healing, to notice obstacles, and discover a greater purpose. We are given exercises: past lives, soul groups, soulmates, cleansing, spirit attachments, karma, reaching our full potential, a fabulous future? 

A great deal is assumed in terms of belief, and it is a highly promotional book with a great deal of confirmation bias - without any evidence - so do I recommend it? If we can be discerning, and keep an open mind, there are areas that are interesting and worth a read. 

Saturday, 30 March 2024

Sephirot - The Spheres of Heaven Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Sephirot - The Spheres of Heaven Tarot by author, Georg Hobmeier, and illustrators, Eliot Baum and Viv Tanner. Boxed set of 80 cards and guidebook. Published by Hay House. RRP US $24.99 : Can $33.99 : UK £18.32

Sample card text: Nine of Cups - Love cannot last in a static form. It either transforms and grows anew or perishes. This is the nature of life of all energy in the universe and it is the lesson of the 9 of Cups. While the fountain of love, like edifice of this card, is magnificent, it’s also strangely ephemeral. Eventually we will have to move on. If we don’t stand up and leave this tranquil fountain of our own volition, something or someone will force us. This is the tale of caution, but also hope. Life is motion, and love is life in motion. If the flow is maintained, there will be countless more fountains. We need not cling to this one.  

Saturday, 23 March 2024

The Virgin and the Pentacle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Virgin and the Pentacle – The Freemasonic Plot to Destroy the Church by Alan Butler, published by O Books, paperback 192 pages £12.99 

This book opens with describing the vision of the Madonna at La Salette, France, on 19th September 1846 when two illiterate children (a 14 year old girl and an eleven year old boy) delivered to the church authorities a message of great criticism. The date was strategic as it was the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows (which takes place in the sun sign of Virgo, that of the Virgin). On this date, the planets were aligned in such a way as to be very extraordinary and the place also was very interesting. There are ancient lines throughout France known as ‘salt lines’ often ending in ‘al’ or ‘hal’ meaning ‘salt’. La Salette is on one of these ancient lines. It is stated that when many of the Knights Templar escaped when their order was persecuted, they arrived in Switzerland, Portugal, Scotland and perhaps America, and taking with them their secrets, such as the honouring of Mary as a symbol of Isis, the ancient goddess. The KT had connections to the great Cistercian abbeys, created by St Bernard and possibly they had connections to the Essene Brotherhood which were thought to have influenced Jesus and John the Baptist. 

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Transient Light Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Transient Light Tarot by Ari Wisner. Published by Hay House. Boxed set of cards and guidebook. Poetry by Fausta Joly. RRP US $28.99 : Can $35.99 : £19.16

Londoner and queer artist, Ari Wisner’s previous Tarot deck is titled ‘Trinity Tarot’. The the inspiration for this Transient Light Tarot deck is his personal life and in his understanding of transience in circumstances and in life. Using imagery and symbolism, he has made a genderless Tarot where everyone can find themselves, and for this reason the titles of some of the Majors are changed: Revealer, Nurturer, Defender and Proclaimer are examples. The Court Cards are: Apprentice, Champion, Keeper, and Crown and the suits are Wands, Vessels, Swords, and Coins. There are suggestions for ritual and personal practice. 

Old English Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Old English Tarot by Maggie Kneen, 78 cards and instruction booklet in pack, published by U.S. Games Systems Inc.

"Focus your knowledge of the past - and your hopes for the future - on the present moment."

The artist, Maggie Kneen, researched at the British Library, and discovered the Luttrell Psalter written and illuminated in the 14th century by a wealthy landowner. This, and the oldest available tarot card images inspired this beautiful card deck. Peasant life, religious scenes, mythical beasts, musical instruments, transport, fashion and footwear, architecture, kitchen utensils, furniture, harvest scenes are some of the delights in this deck, and the borders and patterns are extremely enjoyable.

Friday, 15 March 2024

Holistic Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Holistic Tarot – An Integrative Approach to Using Tarot for Personal Growth by Benebell Wen published by North Atlantic Books
Licensed Attorney specialising in venture capital and global investments, qualified Tarot Master, Benebell Wen is a member of the American Tarot Association and the Tarot Association of the British Isles. She is a Feng Shui consultant, I Ching practitioner, numerologist and an astrology enthusiast.
With these impressive credentials, Holistic Tarot is highly academic but also very practical. It is a comprehensive textbook for those who wish to use tarot for professional purposes. The recommendations for this book come from the echelons of our greatest tarot experts, such as Kat Black Liz Dean, Barbara Moore, Bonnie Cehovet and many more who have written extensively on tarot, some even creating their own decks.  

Thursday, 14 March 2024

The Healing Power of Illness

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Healing Power of Illness - Understanding What Your Symptoms are Telling You by Thorwald Dethlefsen and Dr Rudiger Dahlke. Published by Vega Publishing. RRP US $14.95 : Can $22.95 : UK £9.99 

This is an alternative to allopathic medicine, it looks at illness as though it is a symptom of a psychological condition that carries a message for us. When we change our consciousness, we create greater balance and harmony rather than excess, and the thinking that creates the symptom - that creates illness - will change. All kinds of illnesses are explained, including infection, disease of body organs, even our sexuality, and accidents. We are introduced to thoughts that govern our health, including good and evil, addictions, cancer, etc. 

Wednesday, 13 March 2024

This Tragic Gospel

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: This Tragic Gospel - How John Corrupted the Heart of Christianity by Louis A Ruprecht JR. Published by Wiley. Hardback. RRP US $24.95 : Can $26.99 

I was intrigued by the title of this book. St John’s Gospel is critiqued and compared to the synoptic Gospels by this very eminent academic. Did St John’s Gospel hope to supersede the three earlier gospels? Did John re-frame a very important event in the life of Jesus? Did John’s Gospel create a different emphasis on Christianity than the one we most accept? How much manipulation took place and how are we to live as Christians with such deep divisions and questions posed by today’s world? 

It’s good to ask questions and come up with new ideas. The New Testament is a very creative space. 

The Forgotten Gospels

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Forgotten Gospels - Life and teachings of Jesus supplementary to the New Testament. This new translation is published in hard back by Constable & Robinson, edited and compiled by Tim Newton. 

This fascinating and thorough book identifies key texts, many of which are tiny fragments, but are the most significant outside of the New Testament. Each is explained and newly translated. There are two unknown gospels, plus gospels of the Ebionites, Hebrews, Nazareans, Egyptians, Thomas, Secret Gospel of Mark, Miscellaneous sayings of Jesus, Clement of Rome’s sayings of Jesus, Quadratus, Papias, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Julius Africanus, and many other important texts. In addition, the chronology of texts, sources, the family of Herod, Christianity and the family of Jesus are included, and a suggested genealogy of Jesus. Though many are not ‘forgotten’ but more accurately lost and re found, these are not as we think of as gospels, but fragments of sayings and reported moments in the lives of Jesus and his disciples. The Forgotten Gospels has a long introduction, with maps and a glossary. I really enjoyed this book! Recommended. 

Ancestral Healing Review and Extract

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Ancestral Healing - for Your Spiritual and Genetic Families by Jeanne Rutland & Shantidevi. Published by Earthdancer (an Inner Traditions Imprint). RRP US $15.99 : Can $19.99 

The book begins with an instruction by Jeanne Rutland. This book uses practical exercises, meditation, journeying and rituals using Hawaiian Huna, trauma and shadow work, shamanic and energetic traditions that pertain to Aumakua spiritual ancestors, your higher self and your forebears that can go back thousands of years. Repressed emotions, family secrets, betrayals, injustices, unfulfilled lives, distress and illness can be handed down the generations. The Aumakua and other terms are explained. Love and gratitude are at the core of this book.

Text from the introduction:

The Goddess Changes

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Goddess Changes - A Personal guide to Working with the Goddess by Felicity Wombwell.  

The late Felicity Wombwell was well qualified to write a book about the Goddess in many of her major divine feminine roles, alchemical, Grecian, Celtic, Dianic and she was also an ecologist and campaigned for women’s mysteries, traditions and rights. She was a priestess of the Fellowship of Isis where she was a Priestess of Astraea and she has written and spoken extensively on many specialist subjects. The Changing Goddess is the weaving goddess that becomes twelve and all are explained in the easy to read text. The author gives much personal perspective and personal, intimate history which is to stimulate the reader to embark on their own research. Her own search for the goddess began by reading The Spiral Dance by Starhawk which she read in a day. There is meaning and strength in being a woman! 

Daily Kabbalah

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Daily Kabbalah - Wisdom from the Tree of Life by Rabbi Gershom Winkler. Published by North Atlantic Books. RRP US $17.95 : Can $22.00 

Providing an inspirational reading for each day of the year, this book has original and rare writings and stories from the Jewish mystical oral traditions. 

I love a daily meditational and study topic. Each morning upon awakening, a few sentences are sufficient to motivate me on my spiritual path. Sometimes at night, I will refer back to that page and re-read it and often notice that something happened during the day to which that day’s reading gave insight. 

This is a wonderful book of wisdom. It is full of calm understanding, many truths about life, and it draws our attention to what is beautiful, good and caring. 

Curanderismo Soul Retrieval

Mind Body & Soul Ezine: Curanderismo Soul Retrieval - Ancient Shamanic Wisdom to Restore the Sacred Energy of the Soul by Erika Buenaflor MA JD. Published by Bear & Co. RRP US $18.00 : Can $22.50 

The author is well qualified to write a book on this topic as she has a Master’s Degree in religious studies, specialising in Mesoamerican shamanism from the University of  California. She has studied and practised Curandera and ancient shamanic healing traditions of Mexico, Maya and Peru for more than 20 years. In this book there is a step by step guide to Curandera soul retrieval method. Soul theft, fragmentation, etc., require trance journeying into the Underworld, Middleworld and Upperworld to locate and reintergrate the soul. 

The soul is explained, how trauma affects the soul, and the physical and mental illness that can result. Breathwork, dance, intoning and chanting, and hand postures, and pressure points are explained. The five cardinal directions are explained as a portal to the Otherworlds. Contemplative exercises are included with animal guardians and meditations help the process. 

Tuesday, 12 March 2024

The Sacred Path Beyond Trauma

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Sacred Path Beyond Trauma - Reaching the Divine Through Nature’s Healing Symbols by Ellen B Macfarland PhD. Published by North Atlantic Books. RRP US $16.95 : Can $20.00

Written from a Jungian perspective, this text book is for therapists and for the person who wishes to be a healer and work with healing symbols, such as horses, dolphins, wolves, and trees. All terms and concepts are explained in the opening chapter. Depth Psychology, emotions, dualistic thought, imagination, the unconscious mind, are all part of this recovery method. Myths, fictional and real life stories, including her own personal experience are used to give examples of how negative and painful trauma thinking styles can be transformed, mitigated, honed and aligned with greater understanding of positive mental health and life style. 

Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs - The Israelite Pharaohs of Egypt by Ralph Ellis, 370 pages paperback and kindle formats. Edfu Books. 

A thorough study of the Biblical and Egyptological records leading to a redefining of the patriarchs of the Old and New Testaments. The author suggests that Jesus was the last of a line of Egyptian kings. There is a parallel between the exodus from Egypt and the Hyksos pharaohs leaving Egypt. The author suggests that the royal line of Jews was in fact the Hyksos dynasty which came originally from Egypt.  Therefore Jesus, as of the royal line of King David, would have been of this ancestry and was a rebel leader. The author also uncovers the life of Saul (aka Paul of Tarsus) as the historian, Josephus Falvius. He suggests that Jesus was the governor of Tiberias and owned a castle there and died during the 70AD siege and not in crucifixion in 33AD. In his sequel to this book, and whilst working on “Jesus, the Last of the Pharaohs”, the author found an ancient Egyptian stele with a Biblical quote about a conference that organises the exodus. He put this discovery into “The Tempest and the Exodus”. Other discoveries are the site of Mount Sinai and Mount Ararat. Interesting? Yes! Very! 

The Coming of the Holy Grail

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Coming of the Holy Grail by Claire Nahmad. 

This book, by author Claire Nahmad, explains what the ‘Holy Grail’ is, how it was created, whether it was stolen, rescued, hidden for safekeeping, and whether and how it can be recovered. The time has arrived for all to be revealed about a new world order that cherishes all life on our planet. Brought to the author from the angels who revealed divine truth, the Great Mother was the Great Originator/Creator, and contained a masculine principle within herself. This is extremely important understanding, as when one accepts the female as the Creative Intelligence, one automatically sees within the natural world fecundity, growth, development, colour, beauty, joy, resilience, strength and other powers and energies that are needed to save our planet from extinction. 

The Art of Ritual

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review - The Art of Ritual - A Guide to Creating and Performing Your Own Rituals for Growth and Change by Renee Back and Sydney Barbara Metrick. Published by Celestial Arts. 

Rituals are explained, the purpose, relevance, power and need for it. The myths that surround it, symbolism, sacredness, grounding, our tools and keeping them sacred, our altars, seasonal rites, etc,m are all covered. We are given 10 guidelines to assist us in creating our own rituals with a useful worksheet, the making of vows, and affirmations. Examples are added, the elements are detailed, and explanations are offered to integrate our ritual experiences. Ritual allows to register and commemorate important times in our life. I liked the ritual for planetary healing. There is a Winter and a Spring ritual provided as a guide. There is advice on depression, for teenagers, and a ‘stop smoking’ and ‘divorce’ ritual! I hope there will be lots of mature applications found. A glossary of terms is at the back of the book. 

Sunday, 10 March 2024

Understanding the Messages of Your Body

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Understanding the Messages of your Body - How to Interpret Physical and Emotional Signals to Achieve Optimal Health by Jean-Pierre Barral DO, paperback 240 pages, published by North Atlantic Books £17.99 Author website:

This is written by the academic expert in this field, and written for professionals more than the average reader. If you are a beginner, I suggest you watch some of the excellent videos which are available from the Barral Institute's YouTube channel. 

The information in the book provides explanations of how to access wisdom from our body, as though our body is speaking to us, warning and applauding our life style, intake of foods, exercise, etc.

The Mysteries of Merlin

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Mysteries of Merlin - Ceremonial Magic for the Druid Path by John Michael Greer. Published by Llewellyn Books. RRP: US $18.99 : UK £15.99 

This is a book of ceremonial magic that will take you through the steps of self-initiation based on Druidry and pagan deities. It’s foundation is three degrees that are taken throughout the year, the Ovate, the Bardic and the Druid. Merlin is used as a deity symbol for spiritual growth, and his legend is provided within the text. Magical influences from the Golden Dawn and modern witchcraft are included, with detailed instructions, building an altar, rituals, meditations, exercises, summoning and banishing with the pentagram, and the use of the tree of life is the basis of spiritual teaching. 


Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Merlin - Priest of Nature by Jean Markale. Published by Inner Traditions. Translated from French into English by Belle N Burke.

Jean Markale is the pen name of Jean Bertrand, a Celtic scholar and teacher. He used original material to question the many stories that exist about this mysterious character; Did Merlin ever live? Was he a magician? Was he a major player in a royal court, such as Arthur’s Camelot? Can a person with a magical persona be psychoanalysed?

All Markale’s books are well researched, comprehensive and deeply passionate as he channels in his writing, a deep love of his subjects! The literary and historical texts are examined in detail. Merlin is an enigmatic and compelling character, a spell caster, poet, fool and shaman, a man who lived after the time of Arthur in sixth century Scotland. He is an archetypal divine representation of the rustic madman who resides in a sacred forest clearing as a hermit living with the fairy queen, Vivian or Gwendydd, the Lady of the Lake, at his side as his companion. Markale does not shy away from controversial subjects such as ‘sacred’ incest! Merlin is a person who lived close with nature, knowing the animals, plants, the springs and deities of the forest. His philosophy is relevant for today. It is one of universal brotherhood, enlightenment, a respect for nature, a love of his companion, and one who sees and speaks truth and justice.  

Saturday, 9 March 2024

Love and Rage

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Love and Rage - The Path of Liberation Through Anger by Lama Rod Owens. Published by North Atlantic Books. RRP US $17.5 : Can $23.95 : UK £14.99

There are several definitions of love and of anger and examples are given for these emotions. Written by the co-author of Radical Dharma, we are guided, using philosophy, meditation, exercises, breathing, and other Buddhist practices, to contemplative steps that look deeply at these subjects, not to bypass them or excuse them, but to find understanding and the love to transmute the rage into something palatable, something related to health and well-being. 

Using the authors own experience, we are invited to share his journey and hear how he has used mindfulness and compassion to transform his woundedness into acceptance and self care, kindness and manageable emotions. We are referred to as ancestors in training, so we hand on our learning and wisdom of dealing with difficult events in our life to the next generations. 

Friday, 8 March 2024

Wild Woman Rising Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Wild Woman Rising - An Oracle Deck by Angi Sullins with artwork by Jena DellaGrottaglia. Published by U S Games Systems Inc. Boxed set of 44 gilt edged cards, a full colour guidebook and an organza drawstring card pouch. $26.95

Find the truth, eat the fruit, unmask the myth, let it burn!’ ‘Many say the end is near; the truth is, the beginning is here!’ 

Sample reading: Dig Deep 24 : She has deep roots, they say of the rising woman. Roots that cannot possibly come from this Earth alone. Through honeycomb and loam, sap and sunlight, and the rich, fertile soil of soul, we are connected to the world tree - the great source that pulses through all worlds, both seen and unseen. When we feel disconnected or disconcerted, our first step towards wholeness is tapping into our root source. When we reconnect inwardly to the source of life, Wild Woman rises!  

The book begins with a poem to “unmask a myth”. It’s an attractive and strong box which has golden highlights and a magnetic clasp. Inside the box is a black bag for the cards which has yellow gold edges. 

The Divine Feminine Oracle

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Divine Feminine Oracle by Megan Watterson, Pack contains 53 cards plus booklet, published by Hay House. £15.99 

"For embodying love"
Each card bears an image of a young woman with a title, subtitle and affirmation. Further information is contained in the booklet about each card image. Saints, mystics, gurus, goddesses throughout the world portray divine feminine energies which aid self empowerment and help your discovery of your own answers to questions. Megan Watterson has a relationship with each 'sacred lady' and asks readers to develop their own relationship with the cards which can be developed through reading and meditation on each card. Our story might contain understanding not known to the author. The booklet provides an invocation, and each card carries a question and an intention.

All ages can enjoy working with these cards, though the photographs and computer graphics suggest it is a young woman's deck.


The Sacred Feminine Anthology

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Voices of the Sacred Feminine – Conversations to Re-Shape Our World, Edited by Rev Dr Karen Tate, Published by Changemakers Books. paperback £10.38 400 pages 
This is an anthology of specially chosen articles from keynote speakers, authors and activists who are supportive of the Divine Feminine, each article is between 400 – 1,000 words in length and a short autobiography of the contributor follows each article. All articles cover some aspect of the goddess and are derived from many cultures, for instance, sacred activism, social change, planetary welfare, healing, empowerment and mutual support, in addition to challenges to major patriarchal religions. Worship of the Divine Feminine fills many a gap in general religious thoughts and fails to promote women to positions of power and influence or to recognise the importance of the many benefits that are offered from honouring matriarchal spirituality. Amongst the articles are several interviews which have been aired on the radio broadcast by the presenter Karen Tate. Several of the articles are written from a US perspective but where-ever one is in the world, one can gain something from each and every contribution provided. I have not provided each of the article titles but just idea/s that caught my eye which I thought worthy to mention.  

Amazing Women Cards Review

AMAZING WOMEN CARDS 45 inspirational cards by Mara Pala and Vicky Benaim. 
Illustrated by Josefina Schargorodosky. Boxed set of 45 Cards and full colour Guidebook. Published by Watkins Publishing. ISBN 9781-1-78678-822-1   RRP UK £19:99

Welcome Spring and the Divine Feminine with this delightful inspirational set of cards . Each card features a remarkable woman  who has helped to shape the history of humanity. The introduction highlights how we are familiar with men who have made history, and here we have a selection of accomplished women who are prominent historical fugures. This oracle card set is about honouring women from history and empowering modern women. 

The Goblin Market Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Tarot Card Deck Review: The Goblin Market Tarot - In Search of Faery Gold by John Matthews with artwork by Charles Newington. Boxed set of 80 cards and Guidebook, published by Watkins Publishing. £22.99 

This tarot deck is loosely inspired by the dreamlike poem The Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti (sister of Dante Gabriel) and was written in 1862 when she was 32 years old. It is a poem of innocence, temptation, indulgence, redemption and sacrifice. You will find it rich in wild abandon, naked naughtiness, witchy wonder, charms, spells, mystery, mischief, strangeness and forbidden secrets, with fruits, vines and flowers, in mossy glades and forest streams, and with enjoyable, witty and sometimes tricky and fancy characters that are easy to bring to life in your readings! 

The Abundance of Less

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book review: The Abundance of Less - Lessons in Simple Living from Rural Japan by Andy Couturier. Published by North Atlantic Books. RRP US $19.95 : Can $25.95 

This is an in depth study. It presents 10 men and women in urban Japan who lived ordinary lives surrounded by all the trappings of Western life. Yet they escaped to a life with less things, less stresses, and less dependence on modern technology. Sustainable living provides many answers to the ecological difficulties experienced by Western living. With b/w illustrations, we meet the people who have transformed their lives, finding that less is more. I loved meeting these people through their life stories and through their words and creativity, joy and caring. This book will leave you hungry to read more, and eager and to reduce your commitments to consumerism by living a healthier and easier lifestyle. 

Thursday, 7 March 2024

Romance of the Grail

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Romance of the Grail - The Magic and Mystery of Arthurian Myth by Joseph Campbell. Published in hard back with b/w illustrations by New World Library.RRP US $24.95 : UK £22.00

The first double page of this book is a mind map by Joseph Campbell of his ideas of this topic. Campbell was an expert in the study of Grail Quests and Arthurian legends and he found metaphors for psychological growth and the development of ‘amor’ - the love where we become more fully ourselves through our loving connection to others. This is the full collected written and lecture works of Campbell on these subjects. His Masters Thesis was on the “Dolorous Stroke”. 

This book covers the backgrounds of this myth, from Neolithic, Celtic, Roman and German sources and including Irish and French writers. The Knights of the Quest have their own chapters, and the Round Table is fully explained and followed up by an explanation of The Wasteland. 

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Animal Voices Children's Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Animal Voices Oracle - Connecting to our Endangered Friends by Chip Richards with illustrations by Susan Farrell, published by Blue Angel Gallery. £13.99

This deck is presented in a boxed set of 31 cards and explanatory guidebook. The cards are designed to stimulate children’s understanding for, and enjoyment of, a variety of our planet's species, such as those that swim, run, fly, crawl, climb, etc. Each card carries an image and it's title. The guidebook provides information about each animal and a special message which calls for children to get to know the unique beauty and gift of each rare animal to remember them for a lifetime. A first ever oracle card deck and highly suitable for 7 – 13 year olds - but adults will learn something too! 
Beautiful images! Excellent value!

Review by Wendy Stokes

Fairy Tale Fortune Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Fairy Tale Fortune Cards by Liz Dean. This is a deck of 36 'Lenormand' style cards which uniquely each reflect a symbol taken from popular fairy tales. The hard box with side opening holds quality cards neatly packaged, and contains an explanatory booklet, published by Cico Books. Artwork is by Bev Speight and is a very simple design which could almost be a block print. 

Cards carry a title and a simple subtitle with a direction of possible meaning. Six layouts are offered in the booklet along with instructions. You could choose a card a day for contemplation. The Master Method includes all 36 cards or you could choose a 'yes' or 'no' reading. The cards are designed for guidance, for yourself or a friend. 

Heal Your Ancestral Roots

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Heal Your Ancestral Roots - Release the Family Patterns That Hold You Back by Anuradha Dayal- Gulati PhD. Published by Findhorn Press. US $18.99 : Can $23.99 

The author has a doctorate in economics and is an energy practitioner and transformational coach. She has trained in flower essence therapy and constellation therapy and lives in Boston, US. 

Many of the difficulties that hold us back are rooted in our family history. This book teaches us how to recognise unconscious patterns with journaling, exercises, visualisations, mind mapping, and a Vedic ritual. Dr Anuradha gives us her autobiography and life experiences. She dedicates the book to her spiritual lineage, her ancestors, and her parents, saying that they are the wind and sails in her life and she cannot explain how much they have done for her. 

Dreams of the Goddess

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Dreams of the Goddess - Discovering the Divine While You Sleep by Scarlett Ross. Published by New Page Books. US $13.99

Scarlett Ross, the author is a teacher, a dreamer, a seeker, a kitchen witch who provides workshops on personal divinity and a non profit New Age educational group. In this book she gives us nightly rituals, exercises, and guidance to contact the Goddess and record her messages, meaning and visions in the journal provided. 

The Ancient Science of Geomancy

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Ancient Science of Geomancy - Living in Harmony with the Earth by Nigel Pennick. 

Also with the subtitle “Man in Harmony with the Earth”. 

Black and white illustrations and photographs illustrate this interesting and easy to read book that covers architecture, geometry, geography, cosmology, art, archeology, numerology, astronomy, astrology, surveying, religion and mythology. Churches, alignments, sacred sites, tombs, and other visible and invisible aspects are covered throughout the world. Salmon return to their birthplace, the swallow returns to its nest, animals find salt licks and water, homing pigeons find their way back to the coup. Stones, trees, springs, mountain tops, all possess an energy, recognised for millennia. There are places in the landscape that hold special vibrations due to their antiquity. Divination and boundary markers date back to ancient times too. There is lots to interest the reader in this fascinating topic and to increase their knowledge of landscape use and appreciation of vibrational energies. Enjoyable! 

An Inconvenient Truth

Mind, Body & Soul Book Review: An Inconvenient Truth -  The Crisis of Global Warming by Al Gore.

From the award winning film, this is an enlightening book with full colour photographs. Every human being on this planet contributes in many ways to global warming but by being more conscious of our purchases, our uses of power, and by changing our lifestyle, we can reduce our impact.

We are at the turning point in this global catastrophe. If we care about the lives of our children and grandchildren and of millions of people around the world, we must address this crisis immediately.

Sunday, 3 March 2024

The Muse Tarot

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne, published by Hay House. £21.78 cards and an accompanying guidebook are presented in a quality hard box. Visit website:

Words printed on the inside of the box: "There is magic in truth, there is truth in my veins. Where my blood speaks in sooth, and my mind has no reins." 

Friday, 1 March 2024

Anamchara Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Anamchara Oracle - Be guided by your loving soul companion. By Saorsa Sionnach. Boxed set with 44 cards and full colour Guidebook. Published by Rockpool Publishing. RRP US $24.95 : UK £18.99 (published 11th April 2024)

The word, anamchara means soul friend, spirit advisor and invisible confident. Love is the universal language and the deck focuses on kindness, peace, and contentment, providing good advice with caring intention. The front of the box and sides are gold embossed and the cards have gold leafed edges. The Guidebook has an excellent introduction to the focus of the oracle, about the Celtic culture, and our connection to others. It is well written with information on how to use the cards and self development. Mana is the golden lion, and Gabriel is the lighthouse in all storms. Due to the child-like images, I am recommending this oracle as a gift of love, and close friendship for young people, though the text is not immature.