Saturday, 29 June 2024

Mystic Sisters Oracle Deck

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Mystic Sisters Oracle Deck by Emily Balivet, published by US Games Systems Inc. Boxed set of 51 cards and instruction booklet. 

Learn of the Mystic Sisterhood of Goddesses and mythological  archetypes. They will reveal to you powerful feminine wisdom and will asist you to meditate, sing and accept, develop relationships, and move forward in your love and power. 

Each card has a name and image, and there are a few keywords in the book for each archetype and 200 words for each sister. All images are figurative, pleasant and appeal to young women especially. Spreads suggested are: a Single Card, a Two Card, a Three Card and a Five Card Spread. 

The Master Game

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Master Game - Games Worth Playing by Robert S de Ropp 

Dr Ropp's Master Game emerged from 1960s human potential movement, and a number of philosophers and psychologists are at work here, including Gurdjieff’s influence. It answers the question we all ask “What shall I do with my life?” That is, how can I find a meaningful and fulfilling life for myself and my loved ones? This self help book, by scientist de Ropp sold 200,000 copies and is ideal for seekers who want to make the most of their time and live a good and flourishing life. It covers the nature of low, neutral, high and then Master Games! 

This ticks all my boxes! 

A manual on how to give nice strokes! Create a safe environment. Appreciate the familiar and the commonplace!  De-escalate and manage problems. “We are resourceful - we can deal with this”. Co-operation. Building Bridges. Enabling health and well-being. Giving loving support. Moderation in all things, avoiding extremism. 

The Philosopher’s Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review - The Philosopher’s Tarot - An Apprenticeship in Philosophy with SEREPTIE. Published by Repeater Books. Boxed set of 78 cards and instruction book. UK £19.99 : US $24.95 : CAN $27.95 

Male and females are in equal measure in this deck that is based on the traditional Rider-Waite tarot system, so the deck can be used as a standard tarot or with added philosophical, intellectual and radical thought from the likes of Nietzsche, Simone Weil, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Kierkegaard, Plato, Foucault, Schopenhauer, Hegel, Kafka, Kant, Simone de Beauvoir and others equally well known thinkers, and some less well known. Excited? I am! 

Your Spirit Animal

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: How to Find Your Spirit Animal - Connect with Your Animal Helper for Guidance, Strength and Healing by David Carson, quality paperback, 206 pages, £10.99

This is a marvellous book for those who want to connect to the natural worth through other species, and they are here in every variety across the globe; the four legged, winged, crawlers, singers, growlers, of every kind, many of which are endangered and need our support!

50 of our planet's unique and astounding creatures are features, and ways to contact them, relate and feel at one with them through exercises, meditations, visualisations, ceremonies. When you have made your choice, the author explains the Quest of the Shaman, the process of working with these energies in dreams, for healing, to make altars, create sacred space.

In ancient times, other species were honoured and admired. Connecting with other species is vitally important for their survival and for the planet's wellbeing. Snake, mole, turtle, hawk, cat, whatever you are guided to, will help and support you in some way. Start at the beginning and work through each creature to fully experience the beauty of the species in the book. 

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Zodiac Tarot Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Zodiac Tarot by  Cecilia Lattari & Ana Chavez. Drawer pull quality box of cards and full colour guidebook. Published by U S Games Systems Inc.  £27.50 Jan 2023 

We are made of star dust! Sample card. Queen of Cups. The Queen of Cups is the manifestation of the soul of water. She loves  unconditionally, Deeply sensitive and receptive, she knows how to listen, and has exceptional empathy. She is pure of heart and doesn’t let herself be influenced by the judgements of those she encounters, because she can see the soul. At the same time, however, she can feel overwhelmed by emotions if she does not learn to set clear boundaries to protect her heart. She is the true embodiment of maternal strength. Keywords: ability to listen, healing, unconditional love. The guidebook provides information on how to prepare for a reading, and how to use these cards. It includes an introduction to the Tarot which is based on Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot. The Major Arcana cards, with Roman numerals, are connected to 12 Zodiac signs and 7 major planets which are shown on the card images. In addition to the 4 elements, the Minor Arcana cards are divided into fixed, mutable, cardinal signs and decans. Each card is linked to a specific time in the astrological calendar, all revealed in the text. 

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Discovering the Lead Codices

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Discovering the Lead Codices - The Book of Seven Seals and the Secret Teachings of Jesus by David & Jennifer Ellington. 

The authenticity of the lead codices is a controversial one and there are those who say that the finding of the codices is a deception! If you are fascinated by the life of Jesus, this is a book that will entertain you and you will be, in parts thrilled, and in others disappointed. The book details a few high profile archaeological discoveries that have proved to be forgeries.

Was the Ark secreted away into a cave in Jordan near mount Nebo or was it a New Ark aka a New Covenant? Did Peter possess secret Nasorean knowledge for which he holds the keys? Did the eight pointed star symbolise Melchizedek to whom did Abraham show obeisance? What is the significance of the House of Jesse? Who were the Hebrew Christians? Who were titled “the poor”? What were the mysteries associated with the Temple of Solomon? Does the W letter shin represent the shekinah or female wisdom energy? 

Zodiac Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review - Zodiac Tarot by Lee Bursten and Luca Raimondo. Published by Lo Scarabeo. 2004 

There is another deck of this title by US Games so be sure you get the one you are wanting! Luca Raimondo is also the artist on Olympus Tarot and Pagan Tarot. Tarot plus astrology, both meanings on each card. cardinal signs are depicted in daytime, Fixed signs are night scenes, and Mutable sign are at dawn or dusk. The 7 planets are shown as a grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, son, daughter, and child. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are expressions of social change. The Golden Dawn method of numbering is used. Cups are shown as Waves, Pentacles as Stones, Wands as Torches, Swords as Clouds. 

This deck is featured in parts 64 and 65 of Total Tarot The Definitive Step-by-Step Tarot Course.

Monday, 24 June 2024

Seeking Faery

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Seeking Faery - An Introduction to the Hidden World of the Fae by Emily Carding, with illustration by Siolo Thompson. Published by Llewelyn US $18..99

Pixies, Will o’the Wisp, the Sidhe, gnomes, and all the wonder of Faery land is here. Their crafts, behaviour and their extraordinary kingdoms are described and beautifully illustrated to helps you to honour and develop your relationship with these otherworld creatures. The book is aimed for beginners, but Faery exponents will also find new enjoyments here.

Ancient myths, history and folklore, poems, journeying, visions and meditations, two dozen voice and movement based exercises, Arthurian and Holy Grail connections, glyphs and symbol gateways, the moon directions and elements, the sacred landscape, wells, springs and guardian spirits, Faery etiquette, offerings and shrines, how to find your Faery ally and enjoin with a Faery tree, how to connect with nature, and Faeries throughout the year, are all wonders that are included, with a Faery vow and a Faery blessing. 

The Gospel of Barnabas

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Gospel of Barnabas by David Sox. 

Written just a few hundred years ago, this book describes many events that are standard to the canonical gospels, but for the most surprising story of Judas suddenly has a change to his face and body and becomes exactly like Jesus in appearance. Then Judas is arrested, tried and dies on the cross instead of Jesus. 

Jesus is said to be a prophet, similar to Mohammed and the book is thought to be a way of discrediting The New Testament and the life and death of Jesus. It wasn’t written by Barnabas who was a Disciple of Jesus,  Jewish Levite from Cyprus, and leader of the early church in Antioch, where the word Christian was first applied. Barnabas introduced Paul to the Jerusalem church and he defends the claims of Gentile Christians and becomes a missionary in Asia Minor and titled Zeus. The two separate and Barnabas, founder of the Cypriot Church. 

Sunday, 23 June 2024

Flower Therapy Oracle Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Flower Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves. Boxed set of 44 cards and guidebook £13.99.

Enjoyable high colour cards featuring flowers from across the world. How to use the cards, how to clear them, consecrate them, invoke angelic protection, and how to ask a question. Choose a 3 card spread or multiple cards! Each card is explained with 100 words of information on insight and healing. Gold leaf edging on mine, enjoyable high colour photo quality card images! Hay House is always good value and excellent quality card stock. The cards provide guidance for yourself and others. A latin and local name are given for each flower and a slogan of advice. Friendly, easy, take them to the coffee bar to share the readings with friends and family. 

Review: Wendy Stokes

Saturday, 22 June 2024

The Future of Healthcare

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Guiding Philosophy for the Future of Healthcare: It’s Not What You Think… (Actually It Is What You Think!) by Nancy J Gordon PhD Paperback (106 pages) £8.99 Published by Ayni Books Author website:

Dr Gordon is a psychoneuroimmunologist and has worked for 22 years as a national wellness consultant, lecturer and coach for individuals and corporations. With tools and techniques that monitor thoughts and emotions, she helps people to become the best they can be and she has worked with US Olympic swimmers on mental well-being. She creates a wellness programme to meet  individual needs. She provides education and training in Universal Laws, stress reduction, ergonomics, self-care, teamwork, work-life balance and anger management. She has written many papers, articles and books on enabling and empowering people.

Friday, 21 June 2024

The Tarot Wheel

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Tarot Wheel - A Fast & Easy Reading System by Jim Edward Lucier. Published by Schiffer Publishing. RRP £22.99

This ”spin a wheel” Tarot reading system is based on the 78 cards of the Rider-Waite Tarot.  It provides a plastic wheel of 7 rings. Each ring has a title: 1 The Present, 2 The Past, 3 The Future, 4 Ambitions, 5 Spiritual Influences, 6 Strengths, 7 Outcome. Starting with the innermost ring and moving outwards, with eyes closed whilst thinking of your question, turn the transparent dial in either direction for your 7 card reading. Stop. A card will fall within the dial. There is a very simplified keyword crib for each of the 78 cards. 

Monday, 17 June 2024

God’s Gold

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: God’s Gold - A Quest for the Lost Templar Treasures of Jerusalem by Sean Kingsley. 

Author of “Barbarian Seas”, “Shipwreck Archaeology of the Holy Land”, and Co-Author of ”The Pirate King”, Sean Kingsley has an unusual background as a marine, but here he chases the golden candelabrum, silver trumpets, and the bejewelled Table of the Divine Presence which were plundered from Herod’s Temple by Vespasian and Titus in AD70.  The Colosseum in Rome was said to have been built with the proceeds. These Temple treasures are well described and termed, God’s Gold, and there are descriptions from the Bible about the beauty, extent and reasons for the treasures! But where was Solomon’s Temple, as it could only have been a small affair despite the Bible’s description, and when this first Temple was sacked by the King of Babylon, the wealth and the people were carried away.

Friday, 14 June 2024

Servants of the Grail book review

Video of Philip Coppens speaking about the creation of sacred space
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Servants of the Grail - The real-life characters of the Grail legend identified by Philip Coppens, published by O Books. Paperback 325 pages £11.95. Author website:

The legend of the Holy Grail rose to prominence at the very end of the 12th century but the origins of the story are far older than  Wolfram von Eschenbach was the poet who first described the legend. The late Philip Coppens traces this mystical story through many countries, the Middle East, Germany, Wales, Ireland, Spain, France, England, Egypt and Greece, to name a few! Was it a cup, a stone, a person, a code, an initiation, a secret knowledge, a cult, a doctrine or a sacred Brotherhood? Original texts are examined and many aspects are researched, including the Kabbalah, Cathars, astrology, Hermetic doctrine, numerology, the bardic tradition, spiritual quests, paganism, the Madonna and cathedral building.

Thursday, 13 June 2024

Shamanic Wisdom Keepers

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Shamanic Wisdom Keepers - Shamanism in the Modern World by Timothy Freke, published by Godsfield Press.

Each chapter features an interview with an authority on on a specific firm of traditional shamanism, such as Jamie Sams (Cherokee and Seneca), Malidoma Patrice Some (West African Dagara), Miguel A Kavlin (Amazonian), Haleakala Hew Len (Hawaiian), Lama Khemsar Rinpoche (Tibetan Yungdrung Bon), Andy Baggot (Celtic), Aiko Aiyana (Santo Daime), Martin Prechtel (Tzutujil Mayan), Ernesto Alvarado (Apache), and Lorraine Mafi-Williams (Australian Aboriginal), with poetry, prayer and colour plates.

A promotional coffee table book! Look at the photos and dip into the text. Many of the stories are similar but have many differences. 

Monday, 10 June 2024

Turin Shroud

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Turin Shroud - In Whose Image? The Shocking Truth Unveiled by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince. 

The book’s hypothesis is that Leonardo invented the earliest photograph to create the Turin Shroud in 1492 as a substitute for the earliest documented one (first described in 1350) carbon dated from between 1260 and 1390 though there were earlier reports of a facial image. In the first part of the book, all kinds of possibilities are examined and the strange image of a tall bearded man is investigated in detail in the last part. It is mentioned that Aristotle in 4th century BC, Ibn al Haifam in 11th century AD, English John Peckham in 1279, and in 1552AD, Neopolitan Giovanni della Porta also were involved in creating photographic style images. 

Sunday, 9 June 2024

Earth Magic

 Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Earth Magic - Ancient Shamanic Wisdom for Healing Yourself, Others and the Planet by Steven D Farmer, 265 pages published by Hay House. 

Our lives have become detached from nature and this book provides a way to relate once again to its beauty, meaning and importance. It helps us to appreciate, watch, value, learn from the seasons and cycles of life. Our 'sacred assignment' is to be a steward of this planet and to care for all species. The price of civilisation is one of consumerism, addictions, pollution, global warming and extinction of species. Ancient tribal spirituality honours the Earth. It has the capacity to heal through the rhythms of the drum, through dance and meditation, through ceremony, storytelling and ritual and through connecting to the Otherworld.
The author develops contemporary shamanism around philosophies and practices, giving ancient knowledge a modern approach. We are provided with philosophy and exercises which enhance our understanding of the natural world and how we can work ecologically to heal our life. 

Saturday, 8 June 2024

Climate, Psychology and Change

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Climate, Psychology, and Change - Reimagining Psychotherapy in an Era of Global Disruption and Climate Anxiety compiled by Steffi Bednarek. Published by North Atlantic Books. 

“Psychotherapy in a time when the familiar is dying.”  

This academic book was written during the CoVid epidemic. It is in the form of communications, conversations and presentations between eminent international professionals, such as humanitarians, activists, and healers in the psychology sector. Described as a ‘gateway’ book, it is ideal for students, as a gift, and for those who work in the mental health fields who are interested in future health, community and culture. It draws our attention to the rapid changes and various crises that take place in our fragmented world and that these larger problems are not covered by psychology training but are part of everyday dreams, concerns and aspirations. 

The Fey Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Fey Tarot by by Riccardo Minetti and Artist, Mara Aghem Published by Lo Scarabeo. 

This is a fairy style tarot deck, where the enchantments of nature and human life meet. It is based on Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot but bring new creativity and meanings to the readings. The Major Arcana card of Death is depicted as a young fairy sitting with a chess board, looking straight at the reader because the White King is surrounded by Black Pawns. The White Pawn represents Hope is some distance away but behind her is the egg, symbol of rebirth. There is lots of action in these cards, with suggestions of what is happening to the Querent and possibilities for outcomes. 

Thursday, 6 June 2024

The William Blake Tarot

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The William Blake Tarot - of the Creative Imagination by Ed Buryn, published by REDFeather, Boxed set of 79 cards and full colour accompanying booklet. Illuminated 3rd Edition RRP £31.99 

Time is the mercy of Eternity: without Time’s swiftness which is the swiftest of all things: all we’re eternal torment.

Sample Card: Man of Poetry “To justify the ways of God to Man”. The shedding of protections and pretences. Clearing away darkness to boldly reveal the truth. Applying foresight and generosity of spirit to challenging circumstances. Overcoming your ego to act as a master of spiritual expression. Taking the authority to assert how things will be done. Possessing mature and well tested vision, but a tendency to be rigid. In the creative process - when you see the whole picture of your project, you can take charge to boldly direct it towards achieving its divine potential.

The flip top magnetic closure box is solid and strong. The card stock is excellent quality - and have gold leaf edges. The artwork is excellent by poet, mythologist, and mystical artist, William Blake with incorporated modern ideas by Ed Buryn..

Saturday, 1 June 2024

Rose Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine card deck review: Rose Tarot by Nigel Jackson. Magnetic presentation box containing a set of 78 tarot cards and full colour instruction book. Card size 2.75 x 4.5 inches. Published by Llewellyn Publications. US: $32 : U.K. £26

Every prayer brings an Angel into being and using this deck for consultations is described as bringing the ‘Angel of the Rose Tarot’ into being! 

Truth-v-illusion; being-v-appearances; knowledge-v-illusion; reality-v-trickery! These are cards that “trace the journey towards spiritual reintegration!”