Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Animal Totem Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Animal Totem Tarot by Leeza Robertson with illustrations by Eugene Smith. Published by Llewelyn Worldwide.

"Each animal is a teacher, imparting wisdom beyond words. May their lessons guide you on your way."

This is a workbook that connects animals to the tarot and has with space for writing experiences on the animals wisdom detailed in the cards. The book provides information about power animals and animal guides, totems, archetypes, elemental energies and how to perform a reading with these cards. Each major arcana card represents an animal and has a channeled message from each animal, plus information about the meaning of the card and its message when it appears in a spread. Each card carries information about Business & Career, Family & Relationships, Health & Well- Being, Card- of-the-Day and Journal Prompts.

Monday, 10 March 2025

The Triple Goddess Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Triple Goddess Tarot - Using the Power of the Major Arcana, Chakra Healing, and the Divine Feminine by Isha Lerner, illustrated by Mara Friedman, set of 33 individually illustrated cards and explanatory book in a sturdy drawer pull box. Published by Bear & Co. £30 

'Live each day as though you are a goddess'

25 cards carry an illustration, a number and a title that does not equate to RWS decks. These Alchemy cards have mauve backs and mauve framed images and represent the mystery and wisdom of the Divine Feminine. The deck contains also 7 'chakra' cards with green backs, no titles, illustrated with chakra colours, which can be read alongside the Alchemy cards or alone. The almond shape of the vesica piscis  - an ancient symbol of femininity and birth - runs throughout all 33 card illustrations.

Pagan Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Pagan Tarot. By Gina M Pace. Published by Lo Scarabeo

Created in 2004 by an American Wiccan priestess, the modern Wiccan style deck is for balance in spiritual and material worlds, remember this in your readings with this deck, and that it is designed for pagans too. Though we might have specific beliefs, the real nitty gritty is leading a functional daily life. We need personal fulfilment, get our needs met, have aspirations, financial and health concerns, and we also focus on developing good relationships. The balance is in achieving many aspects of our lives without excess and with ease. 

Sunday, 9 March 2025

Kingdom of the Ark

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review - Kingdom of the Ark - The Startling story of how the ancient British race is descended from the Pharaohs by Lorraine Evans 

I read this in hard back with the title depicted in gold! I enjoyed the story immensely. It kicks off with investigation on the Hill of Tara and archaeological finds of a boy’s skeleton and fiance beads that link a special necklace with Egypt at the time of the 18th dynasty pharaohs, and another found in Devon of very similar design. If this was not sufficiently an amazing connection, an Egyptian boat was discovered in Yorkshire! The Kingdom of the Ark describes in detail, the 18th dynasty pharaohs, Amenophis III, and his heir Akhenaton, who brought about a new religion and art form, a new centre in Armarna, his wife, the beautiful Queen Nefertiti, and the exalted Scota (aka Mayati), their daughter and later his wife, who supplanted Nefertiti. What a time in history! It is a thrilling story of discovery, amazement and wonder! The conflict that destroyed the god Amun and instigated worship of the Aton, the building of the new city to the Aton and its terrible demise are all wonderfully described. 

Scota was promoted to Queen of Egypt but fled war, plague and the Amun priesthood and, as a late teenager, married a foreigner, maybe the Prince of Tyre. Trade between Egypt and Mycenae was established, but more interestingly amber, used as a principal mode of barter, had strong routes across Europe as long ago as 5,000 years ago. Into Algeria and through Morocco it is suggested, after many great difficulties, they travelled, maybe they left an image of the Aten Sun Disc on a mountain pass, and maybe left their DNA in the Berber like tribe known as the Tuareg, who still survive in the High Atlas Mountains today. From there, Scota and her people took a boat to Cadiz, known to the Phoenicians, and made their way along the River Ebro. 

Simply Deep Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Simply Deep Tarot by Chanel Bayless with artwork by James Battersby. Published by Schiffer Publishing. Boxed set of 78 Cards and Guidebook. RRP US $24.99 

Sample card: Ace of Cups - keywords: Gratitude, Refreshment, Compassion. Upright: Unconditional love is overflowing in your life. Let peace fill your heart. This is the beginning of an emotional journey in which you will be called upon to learn a higher form of love, evolving outside of physical intimacy. Reversed: Smothering isn’t good for either party, as it feels like forced affection. Love may be conditional, or this is a negatively energised relationship that outweighs any benefits.

Here we have a Tarot with vibrantly painted images by an Irish artist. The 78 cards come in a magnetic fliptop box with the guidebook. Detachment is suggested for readings without bias, prejudice or emotion. A preparation method is given for highly individual personal readings for yourself. No spreads are suggested, but shuffle the deck and ask your question, lay down one card as an answer. Look up the meaning provided in the guidebook. And look at the card - what do you see immediately? What personal meaning does it have for you? What does it remind you of? Write these answers down. An example of a one card reading is provided and there are a variety of exercises. I like the method presented in this Tarot. 

Silver Witchcraft Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card a deck Review: Silver Witchcraft Tarot by Barbara Moore, artwork by Franco Rivolli. Published by Lo Scarabeo. 

Each major Silver Witchcraft card has a definition and keywords. The images are highly individualised Anne add to a reading. Milestones, turning points, lessons and warnings of events to come that are outside our control.  Insight and understanding of our situation is what we seek in the Tarot card reading. This deck provides bridges and connections, and like RWS can be used for divination or meditation. I like Barbara Moore! Intellectual and down to earth. 

Card decks also by Barbara Moore: Steampunk Tarot, Mystical Manga Tarot and Triple GoddessTarot. 

This deck is profiled in  the Total Tarot course collection in magazine numbers 42 and 43.

Saturday, 8 March 2025

Visconti Tarot Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck review : Visconti Tarot - An Extraordinary example of Renaissance Art, published by Lo Scarabeo. 

From the distinguished specialist card publisher, Lo Scarabeo, this is the perfect gift for a tarot enthusiast! These are most beautiful images from the earliest known tarot decks (1300s) - known as Visconti-Sforza. They are displayed in museums across the world or owned by privileged private collectors. Tarot experts think that the tarot was probably designed for education purposes, not for divination: this was a development that occurred later, most likely in the 18th century. These cards offer beautiful works of art which can be appreciated by using a jeweller's eye glass to see the detail. 

Egyptian Star Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Egyptian Star Oracle by Travis McHenry. Published by Rockpool Publishing. Quality drawer pull box with set of 36 gold leaf edged cards, companion book and golden eye of Horus pendant. 

This is an authentic 5,000 year old Egyptian styled deck with artwork, translations, and spells with source material from the Pyramid and Coffin Texts. There is information about the Calendar with readings based on 10 day periods. There is more detailed information about the calendar and the stars of the night sky from the author’s book on the topic “Cult if the Stars”. 

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Oracle Card Reading for March

The first card I have chosen is from the Fairy Tale Fortune Cards by Liz Dean where each card is accompanied by the story of a fairy tale that has a valuable message. This chosen card is titled 'The Tree' and whenever it is chosen, it brings the possibilities of improved health and long term benefits. The tree itself is a symbol of spiritual growth, development in relationships and of course, it is a symbol for our family tree, so we remember those within our extended family and those who have gone on the great journey into the world of spirit. The booklet includes a story of the Singing Ringing Tree which has the message that growth is always possible, no matter what our situation, we can make the best of it and remember that past challenges make us stronger.

The Bohemian Animal Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Bohemian Animal Tarot, written by Scott Alexander King and illustrated by Sharon McLeod. A boxed set of 80 cards and guidebook. Published by Rockpool Publishing. 

This is a truly beautiful Tarot deck. It is enriching, nourishing, and powerfully connects to many rare and iconic species that will facilitate great enjoyment for the reader and their clients. I like the deck and I like the work of Scott Alexander King. In addition to the suggested spreads, the deck can be worked through by choosing one card for each day. The species that are depicted are illustrated realistically and in great strength and skilfulness and admirability. 

Before Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine card deck review: Before Tarot by Corrine Kenner with artwork by Eon and Simona Rossi, published by Lo Scarabeo. 

Based on the images of the traditional Rider Waite Smith deck, Before Tarot anticipates the time beforehand, the circumstances, situations, actions and behaviours, and even the possible conversations that are taking place. 

Monday, 3 March 2025

Tarot of Ascension

Mind Body & Soul Ezine card deck review: 2012 Tarot of Ascension by Pierluca Zizzi with artwork by Michele Penco and published by Lo Scarabeo at £17.99 

This is the end of the world as we know  - and is a gateway to transformation! As each soul reawakens, all humanity will also Ascend. This is a pack of 78 tarot cards (size: 7 x 12.5cm) and an instruction leaflet in 5 European languages which gives information on each card. 

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Starman Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Starman Tarot by Davide de Angelis, published by Lo Scarabeo. 

The amazing artwork of this deck was inspired by the late musician David Bowie. There is so much going on in every card: they are busy images that I am looking at through a jeweller’s eye glass for fine details, of which there are many in every inch of these cards. I think a beginner will find it easy to work with this deck because the images are immensely inspiring, and experienced readers will also enjoy their mind expanding quality. I don’t usually like modern art, but I like this art by Davide de Angelis very much. You get 78 amazing artworks with this deck. The art has a high energy, has lots of colour and design, is colourful and attractive, and there is lots of ideas and action. There is lots happening in every card to produce a good reading. 

The Wandering Star Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Wandering Star Tarot written and illustrated by Cat Pierce. Boxed set of 80 cards and guidebook. Published by Hay House. Nov 2021UK: £22

“Gather Knowledge. Love deeply. Soak in joy.”

Sample: 3 of Cups: The air is positively crackling with possibility! Pleasures, flirtations, and frovoloty beckon. They beg you to indulge a bit – to leave cars behind, laugh, heartily, and enjoy the lighthearted energy that is costing through you. You have worked hard and been very diligent, and you deserve a moment of fun. Seek out friends and family members, who are light and easy and help raise your vibration. Avoid and put up a boundary against people who drain your precious life for us. This is the time to emerge. The bear is positively crackling with possibility! Pleasures, flirtations, and for Valatie Beaconsfield. They beg you to indulge a bit – to leave cars behind, laugh, heartily, and enjoy the lighthearted energy that is costing through you. You have worked hard and been very diligent, and you deserve a moment of fun. Seek out friends and family members, who are light and easy and help raise your vibration. Avoid and put up a boundary against people who drain your precious life for us. This is the time to energise and soak in an abundance of earthly delights… So be careful not to overindulge! Too much of a good thing can also text the spirit. A day without laughter is a day wasted.

Messages from the Spirits of Nature Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Messages from the Spirits of Nature Oracle by Dr Steven D Farmer. published by Hay House. Boxed set of 44 cards and guidebook. UK £14.99 : US $22.99 : Can $29.99

Sample Card: 36 Snake : Shedding. In many belief systems and mythologies, the snake is seen as a living representation of the duality of good and evil, as a deity, the soul of life, the gateway to the heavens, a healing force, or an embodiment of the underworld. Once such example is the caduceus, an emblem with two snakes intertwined around a pole. Several times a year, snakes shed their skin in one continuous piece. The body grows, but the skin does not, and a new layer was generated, while the old is discarded like clothes that no longer fit. The process takes a few days, during which it’s important that the snake is not disturbed. Unlike the dragonfly butterfly, there is no physical transformation from the shedding just a bigger snake and a larger skin. It’s an inevitable transition for you, and one where you will still be you, yet with a greater sense of purpose, and a willingness to continue changing as each new era in your life presents itself. Though some struggle, you must trust the process, a bigger self will emerge. 

Bach Flower Inspirational Cards Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Bach Flower Inspirational Cards by Gianmarco Canapini with artwork by Antonella Castelli, published by Lo Scarabeo, 38 cards with booklet in English, Italian, Spanish, French and Dutch.

Quality box with flip magnetic lid contains individually created cards, 3.25 inches by 5.75 inches in size, with the instruction booklet. Explanation is provided about flower and tree essences which were devised by medical doctor, Edward Bach 100 years ago in the U.K., known as Bach Flower Remedies. He was influenced by homeopathy and personality profiling, and his remedies relate to twelve behavioural characteristics. A short biography about him and his work is supplied, with information on how to read the cards. 

Goddess Power Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review.: Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid. Pack contains 52 cards plus guide booklet. Published by Hay House. £30.99 Card size: 15cm x 20cm. 

"Who could we become if we reclaim our power".

Each card in this deck represents a Goddesss from across the world. It is packaged in an elegant box which will make an impressive gift.

The author, Colette Baron- Reid, is an oracle card specialist who has designed many decks to her credit. She has a TV show in the US. The booklet provides information on how she created this deck. There is also useful information for the reader on how to prepare for a reading, to create a sacred space, and it supplies a prayer to recite before a reading. Upright and inverted readings are both provided. Each card is numbered, titled and subtitled, and the guidebook provides information about each goddess. There are several spreads suggested: 3 card spread, 4 card Special Guidance, 4 card Full Moon Spread, 4 Jewels.

After Tarot

 Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: After Tarot published by Lo Scarabeo

“The river of time is constantly flowing.”

The images of the traditional Tarot card deck, the Rider-Waite-Smith (Radiant Wise Tarot) are taken forward in time, and After Tarot images are what happens next. We have new characters with new situations, the artwork all in keeping with the original deck. Some examples, originally Fool walks near a cliff edge, in the After Tarot, he is hanging by his fingertips on the ledge, Hermit has a dog, Star bathes naked in the water, a woman appears in Moon card, Hanged Man has a female helper, Temperance has a dove, and there are similar alterations to the Minor Arcana. 

I enjoyed working with After Tarot. It fleshed out my readings and gives new inspiration!

Friday, 28 February 2025

Shaman Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Shaman Tarot by Massimiliano Filadoro, Sabrina Ariganello and Alessia Pastorello. Published by Lo Scarabeo.2010

The path of the shaman is to heal the world, care for other species, live in harmony with others, to see sacredness in water, stones, trees and all nature, and trance to travel the Otherworld for messages of wisdom and compassion. The time is right to be working with these energies! 

All Major and Minor cards have new titles, eg., Dance of the Sun, The Mother of the Worlds, The Hunter of Demons. Elements are are renamed: Drums are Earth Pentacles, Bows are Air Swords, Bones are Fire Wands, and Stones are Water Cups. There is a fifth element of spirit. Court cards are Shaman, Ally, Spirit Mother and Spirit Father. 

Barbieri Zodiac Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Barbieri Zodiac Oracle, published by Lo Scarabeo, text by Barbara Moore, artwork by Paolo Barbieri, 26 cards and information in multi lingual booklet. £14.99 

With emphases on the constellations, planets and elements, (and a house spread) this astrology deck is interesting and the artwork is very glamorous. All decks use synchronicity, and this deck emphasises its importance. The cards have exceptional individual artworks featuring exotic body art, extended rams' horns, slim young naked women and young men with muscles. The cards are given titles and a symbol. In the booklet, the cards also are given a number, an element, a key phrase, relevant dates and a short message. The cards are divided into fire, water, earth and air, and cardinal,  fixed and mutable energies. Information on how to use the cards and 5 techniques are provided. If you are looking for a sexy oracle deck, you will love this artwork. Though the booklet provides adequate information for each card, if you have knowledge of astrology, you can expand on the information provided about each card to make your readings individualised and more entertaining. I love Pauli’s artwork - first class!

Tarot Botticelli

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Golden Botticelli Tarot is published by Lo Scarabeo with images by the Italian Early Renaissance Florentine painter, Alessandro Filipepi known as Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510) with tarot artwork by A A Atanassov.

It is a most fabulous deck with 78 gold embossed and decorated card images that will delight all who see them. Included in the pack is a little white booklet in English and other European languages. There is a 7 card suggested spread titled The Star of Solomon with a sample reading. The lwb contains a few words on both upright and reversed meanings. The backs do not reveal whether the cards fall upright or reversed.

This is an opulent and glamorous tarot deck, one of Lo Scarabeo's specialities. When handling these cards, I feel a sense of reverence they carry power within their production. If this is your only deck, you will need no others! 

Earth Wisdom Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Earth Wisdom Oracle Cards by Barbara Moore and Cristina Scagliotti, 32 cards published by Lo Scarabeo (Llewellyn) with multi lingual information booklet, £14.99

These cards have a Celtic and Irish influence which honours the Earth, landscapes, spirits of plants, stones, water, and other species who share their wisdom for our readings. Ask a question in the here and now, not for the future. For self use, one card at a time, you should get the greatest sense of each card before choosing another one. Imagine you are in the setting of the card image. Meditate on the scenery around you, and when you feel connected, ask your questions and listen for responses. A delightful deck! 
Nature and ecology are becoming a part of the spiritual path and this Oracle connects with ecology and gentle, positive healing energies.

Review: Wendy Stokes. https://wendystokes.co.uk 

The Crystal Spirit Talking Board

Mind Body & Soul Review: The Crystal Spirit Talking Board - A Spiritual Power Tool for Light Workers by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber. Published by REDFeather Publishing. RRP US $34.99  UK £32.00

The box contains a fold up board (mat), a transparent acrylic indicator, and a guidebook with full instructions. Around the board 5 wheels of crystals, the moon, letters, words and numbers. Details are provided in the guidebook on how to use it. 

There are 15 master crystals, along with moon phases, numbers 0-9, 8 directions, letters, and words of power. These represent symbols with meaning and for, a grid of wisdom that provides answers within the guidebook. These stones are created through millions of years within Mother Earth, they hold great power to help us connect to our higher self. I visited my local gemstone shop to buy the required crystals, and these helped with readings, but the spirit board works well without real crystals.

John Bauer Tarot Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: John Bauer Tarot. Published by Lo Scarabeo and Llewellyn. 78 cards with multilingual lwb. RRP £25 

Based on paintings by prolific Swedish artist John Bauer (1882-1918) whose fantasy art of nature, fairies, sprites, trolls, and other magical forest and landscape enchantments has an Art Nouveau influence. He studied art while a teenager and was quickly accepted into the Royal Academy. His wife was a model for several cards, such as the High Priestess, the Hermit, and others. Elements are Chalices, Pentacles Wands and Swords! John Bauer, his wife and son all died in a boating accident. 

Both Majors and Minors have full artwork. Ask open questions, with what and how. I love these cards, the art is ornate and magical. My readings with this deck are laced with all kinds of wonders! You will be transported! The deck is marvellous for the artwork alone. Be aware of the light and dark within the energies. These cards are included in the Total Tarot Course Collection which gives a clear and meaningful write up for Major Arcana especially.

Thelema Tarot Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Thelema Tarot by Renata Lechner and Jaymi Elford, published by Lo Scarabeo. Card size: 7cm x 12cm. 

These cards have no white border. The artwork is fantastic, enjoyable and highly stylised. They have a New Age and Renaissance style, with slimline pretty young females with long flowing hair and long flowing dresses, and romantic males, good looking and sexy! 

I think it appeals to a young set. The cards speak, each card will state 20 words about who they are and what they represent. Each image is evocative and could tell a story, but what story would it be? I think a fairy story! Contemporary re-interpretation, based on Rider-Waite-Smith deck.

The word ‘thelema’ originates in the Greek meaning ‘intention’. The insert is in English, Italian, French, German and Spanish. A 6 pointed star on a soft green backing does not reveal which way the cards are laid. 

Tarot Lenormand

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Tarot Lenormand by Ernest Fitzpatrick (2006) pack of 78 cards by Lo Scarabeo. 

Based on the Lenormand card deck, a oracle from nineteenth century France. named after the ‘the Sibyl of the Salons’ Madam Anne Marie Lenormand (1768-1843) of the French court, fortune teller to Napoleon, and his first wife, Empress Josephine. This deck has traditional Rider-Waite-Smith titles, except The World which is titled Man. Court Cards are Knave, Knight, Queen and King. Elements are Chalices, Wands, Pentacles and Swords. 

Ernest Fitzpatrick is the creator and artist also for The Harmonious Tarot. 

Inspiring images, beautifully portrayed in artwork. Alma de Angelus.

Whispers of Love Oracle Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Review: Whispers of Love Oracle Cards - for attracting more love into your life by Angela Hartfield with artwork by Josephine Wall. Published by Blue Angel Publishing. Pack of 50 cards and 72 page booklet. £13.99 Author website: www.angelahartfield.com   Artist website: www.josephinewall.co.uk
Each of the cards carries an image, number, title and simple positive message pertaining to love and caring. Based on the Law of Attraction, you can read the cards for yourself or another person. A card for daily reading is suggested or a 3 card spread for past, present and future or a four card 'relating' spread. 

Thursday, 27 February 2025

The Sorcerers Tarot

 Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Sorcerers Tarot by Antonella Castelli by Lo Scarabeo 2005 

Good an evil are in an eternal battle! We must get the best from our reading and from our life. Neither positive nor negative magic equates to the soul of the querent. The reader encourages the querent to take responsibility for their life and to be courageous, wise and aware. Information in the cards can be good or bad as we make it. The magic enables us to build our own destiny. Willpower, intention, determination, and ability, these create the magic in your life! Magic deals with the human soul, it exists to transform the person spiritually, though we all want circumstances to be changed, this needs to happen by a change in ourselves - our actions reflect our character and spiritual qualities. Everything is related, all circumstances come together to create a whole - just one decision can have a knock on effect. 

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Sibyls Oraculum

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Sibyls Oraculum - Oracle of the Black Doves of Africa by Tayannah Lee McQuillar, with artwork by Katelan V Foisy, Pack contains 44 cards and comprehensive information book. £16.99 published by Destiny Books

"There will be a coming of the day when that which is hidden shall be revealed" 
The Libyan Sibyl

The author, Tayannah Lee McQuillar is a cultural anthropologist, scholar of religion, esoterica and mysticism. She hails from New York but conducted her research in Brazil and New Orleans and has shown great expertise in her knowledge of divination from earliest antiquity in this North African study and uniquely developed card system. She is the author of  'Rootwork'.

Lo Scarabeo Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: 'Lo Scarabeo Tarot - The art of divining begins a new chapter' by Mark McElroy with artwork by Anna Lazzarini and published by Lo Scarabeo £17.99 

Lo Scarabeo are my favourite card deck publishers. These are  slim-line cards 4.70" x 2.60". If someone has only one deck, this is the one to have! It is a combination of three premier tarot decks: The Waite-Smith, the Thoth, and the Tarot de Marseilles, and is introduced by Lo Scarabeo as a "flagship" deck. It can be used for reflection and study or as a divination deck and the traditional meanings apply. It offers a flexible approach to divination suggesting the use of intuition though a good tarot book will be necessary for beginners as contained in the pack with the 78 cards is a little white instruction leaflet that gives just the card titles and two keywords, one for upright readings and one for reversed readings. A sample reading of the suggested 9 card 'Lo Scarabeo' spread is provided.

Raven’s Wand Oracle

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Raven’s Wand Oracle by Steven Hutton, published by US Games Systems Inc. £20.45 Boxed set of 44 cards and guidebook. Card size: 4” x 6”. 

A deck based on The Dark Raven Chronicles Trilogy storyline of witchcraft that imparts the Wisdom of the Ages. Valonia, an old sage, is head of the Wildwood Coven that hides from the Illuminati Knights in the hills of Northern England in the eighteenth century. Valonia is Keeper of the Wand - as black as a raven’s feather! Many in the Coven have specific duties and powers: Sunday Flowers for forgiveness and atonement, Evelyn Ashe for acceptance. The characters are wise yet humble, profound yet practical. There are twin dragons, Hethra Oak of Summer and Rilla Baldragon of Winter. They sleep and dream, and their dream creates the patterns of life. The witches kneel each day and touch the earth to listen to the heartbeat of the dragons. They send their hopes for love and peace within the dreams of The Twins. 

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Dream Interpretation Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Dream Interpretation Oracle Cards by Luigi Di Giammarino, Text by Pierluca Zizzi. Boxed set of 36 cards plus instruction book. Published by Lo Scarabeo £14.99

The box is attractive with silver lettering. This deck is not for divination. You don’t ask questions and get answers. The cards help you to be more receptive to dream symbols, images and concepts. 

Information is provided in English, Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Russian. 

A dream diary is recommended. Go over your dream, remember as much as you can of the physical and emotional aspects. Take the entire deck of cards and lay them out, faces up. Select the cards that best apply to your dream. Put the most relevant at the top and read from the book the keywords for those cards.

Monday, 24 February 2025

Entity Possession

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Entity Possession - Freeing the Energy Body of Negative Influences by Samuel Sagan MD published by Destiny Books, 200 pages. Author website:

This book details Dr Sagan's formulated method, described as the 'ISIS Technique' which is used for the identification and treatment of undesirable spirit based entities. Examples are given, and types of entities, fragments and cords are described. Information about Reincarnation is provided. Taoist, Indian, Jewish, and other religious movements are honoured. Dangers of entity possession are explained, such as accidents, miscarriage, abortion, shocks, drugs, surgery, etc., including losses, possessions, black magic, etc. Clearing and cleansing is described in detail and the book acts as an instruction manual. 

Sunday, 23 February 2025

The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot by Louis Martinie and Sallie  Ann Glassman, published by Destiny Books. Quality presentation drawer pull box containing comorehensive instruction guidebook and 79 cards. US $35 : Can $42 

Sample card: Congo (Water) La Sirene. “ This is the card of the mermaid. While her realm is the ocean or world womb, her human qualities give her access to the mysteries of the land. She is the great bridge between those who inhabit the fathomless depths of the seas and the creatures of dry land. She is the water form of Erzulie and Agwe is her husband. In terms of Chesed she also acts as a connection or a bridge between Agwe and La Baleine, the whale.La Baleine moves freely along the ocean floor and is privy to their secrets. From her, La Sirene has much to tell Agwe.

La Sirene, as her name implies, is a loa responsible for the sake of songs of the Voodoo ceremony. These songs combine Music and the Word to generate the fascination that so strongly focus the attention of the Voodoo devotees. Here once more, La Sirene bridges two elements, music and the spoken word. 

Her card emphasises blue, which is her colour. the card of the mermaid. The whale shown swimming behind her is La Baleine, the great Mother of the Sea. La Sirene is companion to the whale and transmits the generative power of the oceans in the sphere of the emotions. She is a creature of two worlds, bridging the gap between the solid land and the ever shifting waters. Her primary attitude her primary attribute is emotional connection. Her power is that of empathy. 

Ancient Italian Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Ancient Italian Tarot.

This is a reproduction of a Marseilles style, ancient Italian decks by Carlo Della Rocca. It is highly ornate deck from the specialist publishers, Lo Scarabeo and is a joy to work with. The Major cards have Roman and Arabic numerals and the title of each Major card is in Latin. The Minor cards are Rods, Cups, Swords and Pentacles, with seasons allotted for each. They were once related to the lion, bull, eagle and man, and to the elements, fire, earth, air and water. All cards below 6 were removed from the deck. Court cards probably finally called 'coat' cards. Mediaeval monks used a system of memory training known as mnemonics, with pictures to aid recollection. The Romany word for card deck is 'tar' from Sanskrit 'taru'. Eliphas Levy considered the tarot and Cabala were related. Papua, a doctor of medicine, published Tarot of the Bohemians, and he considered the major arcana to be a spiritual journey through ups and downs of life. A superb deck! 

Golden Art Nouveau Tarot Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Golden Art Nouveau Tarot by Giulia F Massaglia. Artwork by Pietro Alligo. Published by Lo Scarabeo.

This is a very elegant luxury Tarot card deck production with golden engraved style embossing on the card images. It is based on the Rider Waite Tarot deck but I think it is of greater beauty and has a more modern influence. The Art Nouveau style was a late Victorian school of art that featured elegant swirls. It had great artistic merit and is very sought after. 

All cards are individually illustrated and are easy to read. The deck is suitable for all levels, and for any client who appreciates being offered a ‘classy’ looking tarot card reading. Glamorous! Fab, fab, fab! 

The Total Tarot Course Collection profiles this card deck in its monthly packs, part 1 visit: https://totaltarotcollection.com

Gems Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Gems Oracle Cards by Bianca Luna, 32 cards published by Lo Scarabeo. £15.99 cards and booklet in English and 6 other languages. Information on how to read the cards, each gemstone has a profile with a title, number, astrology symbol, chakra and yoga asana. Also included with each card is a 30 word message, ideas for meditations with suitable questions, and the general energy of the gemstone. Excellent card stock. Cards are arranged in element suits of fire, water, earth, air. Also included are use for a talisman and ritual for charging the cards. A suggested spread for a 4 card Treasure Chest. I found this deck precise, and it condenses a great deal of information into the space available. A pleasant surprise! 

Sample card reading: Tiger's Eye is a number 10 and shows the sign of Jupiter and links to the ajna chakra. No man is an island - or woman either! Sometimes we find ourselves in a complex world, and to live happily we must co-operate peacefully with others, help them, understand them, and sometimes challenge them when they make mistakes. The tiger's eye helps us to be far-seeing into the future and helps us with accuracy. It gives us idealism and love of humanity, and ensures our actions are purposeful, clear and caring.

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Celtic Tarot Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Celtic Tarot by Kristoffer Hughes with illustrations by Chris Down, Quality presentation boxed set of 78 cards with accompanying full colour book published by Llewellyn Publications. Cost: £22.34

This deck is designed to connect the tarot with Celtic folklore and therefore embrace the power and magic of Celtic mysteries through the medium of the tarot cards.The book includes a brief history of tarot cards and explains who the Celtic peoples were and what their mysteries entailed. Also how to work with tarot. The Kabbalah is included. Trees were important and are included as a device within readings. The major arcana is divided into three parts from the roots to trunk and then branches.

The Major cards have an image, number and title, a text of explanation for each card, a divinatory meaning and a reversed meaning. There are also keywords and a legend written from the perspective of the card itself as though a channelled message.

Land Healing Book Review

Mind Body & Soul Book Review: Land Healing - Physical, Metaphysical, and Ritual Practices for Healing the Earth by Dana O’Driscoll. Published by REDFeather Publishing. RRP US $19.99  

This is a workbook for all lovers of the land. It is transformative, and when healing the land, we heal ourselves. For healers, who want to increase their healing activity and extend it to nature. Whether you live in the countryside, town or city, this is an excellent book to increase awareness with deep listening and careful observing. 

For many years, spirituality has mean many things to many people; but spirituality is now being defined by working with nature, our enjoyment of it, and the ways in which we care for it. In this book, there is excellent food for thought, meditations, blessings, rituals, sigils, visualisations, knowledge of sacred timing, herbcraft, guardianship of holy space, creating sacred items, such as a fire ceremony, a Crane Bag, smoke and prayer bundles, seed balls, and a sacred grove. 

Tarot of Pagan Cats

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Tarot of Pagan Cats By Magdelina Messina. Published by Lo Scarabeo.

Artist and creator, Magdelina Messina has created this deck for pagans, cat lovers or both! Light hearted, the deck holds wisdom and the beauty of the artwork is a joy to work with. I noticed how like cats humans are, they express emotions, thoughts and physical awareness well and we can learn a lot from them. 

Who is Lola Airaghi? 

African American Tarot Review

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: African American Tarot - The legendary cultural identity of the Afro-Americans. Written by Jamal R with artwork by Thomas Davis, 78 cards with instruction leaflet. Published by Lo Scarabeo. Cards plus instruction insert.

The little white booklet is written in five languages (English, Italian, French, German, Spanish). The cards tell of a creation story with key concepts about traditions and associations. Each painting is traditionally African, but many cards have a smaller monochrome image of modern life and work, providing two levels of reading. There are many African animals, including rare species, beautifully produced. The artwork is original, enjoyable and stimulating. 

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

The Visual I Ching

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Visual I Ching - A New Approach to the Ancient Chinese Oracle, Boxed set of Cards and guidebook by Oliver Perrottet, published by Brockhampton Press

In the distant past, the sages of China designed a system to enable understanding that life, so full of challenges and changes, is an interaction of two opposition forces, described as Yin and Yang. These are shown as a circle , half light and half dark, with a dot of light within the dark and a dot of dark within the light. These are portrayed not only as opposing and interacting energies, but the mutual attraction between them. In writing, these are shown as a broken line for Yang and an unbroken line for Yin. A series of 6 lines is called a ‘hexagram’. 

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

The Lakota Sweat Lodge Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Lakota Sweat Lodge Cards - Spiritual Teachings of the Sioux. A drawer pull presentation box containing 50 cards and information book. Published by Destiny Books. US: $34.95 : Can: $42.95 : UK:
£26.77 Card size: 12cm x 8cm. 

‘Walk in balance with Mother Earth and all her inhabitants’.

Created to honour authentic traditions, with Chief Archie Fire Lame Deer as the consultant, this deck offers understanding of indigenous tribal heritage, healing and wisdom. The deck is divided into three sections: Wakan Tanka, the 16 Great Mysteries, the 8 Supernaturals, and 25 Elements of the Sweat Lodge purification ceremony which are designed for personal development. Included in the book is a loving dedication in the introduction, a poem, the Song of the Black Tail Deer, the Lodge Wheel, information about spirits, planets, elements, and knowledge of the Great Spirit that resembles all created life. 

Monday, 17 February 2025

Celtic Healing Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Celtic Healing Oracle by Rosemarie Anderson, Boxed set of 64 cards plus guidebook. Boxed set of 64 cards and guidebook. Published by Destiny Books. RRP US $19.99 : Can $24.99 : UK £16.99

Sample: No 11 Lap Dog - Hound of the Goddess. Intimacy with Self. Invoking Loving Attention. The hound of the goddess conveys gentle companionship to the inmost hopes and promptings of the human spirit. Unlike the hound of Hell, in Mediterranean mythology, the Celtic hound is kind and helpful, sitting at the goddess’s feet, resting in her lap, gazing adoringly at her, and nursing from her breasts. The lap dog brings comfort, and loving attention to our emotional and spiritual natures. Now is the greatest and auspicious time to replenish yourself. Old deep wounds are soothed and resolved without trauma, or even conscious attention. Harmful patterns and habits dissolve effortlessly. If you choose this card, you are attracting the benevolent spiritual forces of the spirit world to transform your life from within. Troublesome relationships transform themselves in healthy and beneficial ways. Drawing this card suggests that the spirit world is working to support you. Positive changes are moving within you. You only have to let the changes occur naturally. You are asked to trust. The natural cycle of death and regeneration are working quietly on your behalf. Avoid excessive activity. Try not to do too much overthinking, or wallowing in your troubles or planning the rest of your life! 

Sunday, 16 February 2025

The Phoenix Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Phoenix Cards  - Reading & Interpreting Past-Life Influences with the Phoenix Deck by Susan Sheppard. Presentation boxed set of 28 cards and instruction book. Published by Destiny Books. Card size: 14cm x 6cm. 

This divination deck is different to the usual oracle deck. Each card represents a different specialised symbol (letter). Cards are placed together to create a past life reading. The book explains how to use the cards, and there is an introduction to the topic of past lives with a creative meditation to open up the way to understanding past lives. In addition to the number and image on each card, there is a short keyphrase of 6 words and 8 categories with explanations of the Symbol, Place, Time, Groups, Language Groups, Appearance, Traits and Conclusions of each card. 


Templar Sanctuaries in North America

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Templar Sanctuaries in North America - Sacred Bloodlines and Secret Treasures by William F Mann, Foreword by Scott F Wolter. Published by Destiny Books, 419 pages Paperback: £14.99 Also available in Kindle format.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

The Tantric Dakini Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Tantric Dakini Oracle by Nik Douglas and Penny Slinger. Published by Destiny Books. 65 Cards and instruction book in quality drawer pull presentation box. US $35 : Can $39.99

“Look into the mirror of your mind - The home of the Secret Dakini.”

The sandstone Ranipur Jharial Temple in Sambalpur region of India dates from the 8th century when it was an initiation centre. It has 64 statues of the Dakini goddesses surrounding an inner court space where there is a statue of Shiva dancing. These are the inspiration for this oracle deck. 

The Dakinis are aspects of archetypal energies. They is a comparison with the Tarot and a parallel as the 22 Dakinis relate to the 22 cards of the Tarot’s Major Arcana. The further 40 cards in the Tantric Dakini Oracle relate to the Tarot’s pip cards. This deck has 4 elemental suits of 10 cards, and 3 Time Cards that represent the Past, Present and Future. 

Moon Magic

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Moon Magic - Myth & Magic, Crafts & Recipes, Rituals & Spells by D J Conway, published by Llewellyn Worldwide, 308 pages with text and black and white sketches.
'How to Make the Moon Work for You!'

This book, written by one of the most knowledgeable persons within the pagan/Wiccan arena, explains how to use the Moon's influences in order to deepen our connection to its cycles. Our ancestors worked with planetary influences, to plant and harvest, to take action, to honour and respect the rhythms of nature, in dark, crescent and full aspects. The female author, DJ Conway, has an extensive catalogue of authored occult non fiction and occasional fictional tales.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Sex Shamans

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Sex Shamans - True Stories of Sacred Sexuality and Awakening. Published by Destiny Books. b/w illustrations and photos. RRP US $19.99 : Can $24.99 

How to reach higher consciousness through sexuality! A great subject for a book! Many different experts have contributed and their short biography is provided. KamalaDevi McClure is the Editor. In addition, there are chapters by Bruce Lyon, Lin Holmquist, Laurie Handlers, Dr Deborah Taj Anapol, Ohad Pele Ezrahi, Dawn Cherie Ezrahi, Stephanie Phillips, Patrik Otterman, Sean O’Foolain, Ria Bloom, Raffaello Manacorda, Ellie Wilde, Stephen Soulove, Crystal Dawn Morris, Matooka MoonBear, Janine Ma-Ree, and Baba Dez Nichols. 

Topics are the initiation into the art of love, how to make love for all ages, storytelling, meditation, poetry. The text is supportive, enjoyable and interesting.