The beauty of medieval fine art and computer graphics takes us back to the Middle Ages when moral virtues and spiritual qualities, sensitivity, deep perceptions, the nobles of the royal court, clergy, courtiers, battles, Crusaders, theological and philosophical discussions are all present alongside daily lives and beliefs.
This is a classic deck, created in 2005, but a fascinating deck to provide new perspectives. Guido Ziborde Marchesi has produced a masterful deck. He also produced The Giotto Tarot. Beautiful images. You can get some rather wonderful readings from this deck.
“May your heart be opened and touched by Kuan Yin, Divine Mother of Compassion. May you realise her beauty is a mirror of your own divine Soul.” Om Kuan Chi Yin Poosa - Om Mani Padmi Hum!
“Change me, Divine Beloved, into one who can allow Love to lead my life.”
Strong card quality, gentle, beautiful artworks, and loving prayers. All the information is given on the card faces which provide a title, subtitle, an image, and a few sentences of advice. Images are figurative, of nature and places of relaxation and beauty. Mostly women, of various cultures, traditions and races - of not exclusively youthful, slim frames - I enjoyed the artwork very much.
The author invites us to use this oracle to address problems, connect to the Divine and invite Love into our lives. These cards call for a ‘shift’ towards our highest self. We can use the cards for ourself or to give others a few words of prayerful advice. I am using a card a day for a short prayer in the mornings.
"Wisdom from an ancient empire!"
"O Imperial City, City fortified, City of the great King... Queen of the queen of cities, Song of Songs, Splendour of Splendours." Niketas Choniates, 13th Century.
The founding of Byzantium was 657BC and this deck has an extraordinary ability to give us a 'spirit of place' and transport us in a reading. The instruction book provides the history and myths of Byzantium through new titles of Major Arcana cards, such as Holy Fool, Magus, Sophia, Patriarch, Diabolos and Kosmos. For each Major card, the book provides an explanation of the symbolism in 50 words, the 'Tradition' text is 300 words and a divinatory text of 200 words. For the Monors and Court Cards, the information is the same - symbolism, 'tradition' and in a reading, but will less text, approx, 30, 100 and 100 words respectively. For every card there are 5 keywords for upright readings, and 5 keywords for reversed readings.
The three stages are detailed, each archetype described in turn, with meditation, tools, energies, symbols, rituals, practices, inner experiences, and how to gain balance and spiritual growth through the initiation.
The text covers history, religion, psychology, Freemasonry, art, the New Age, the supernatural, and includes a great deal of occult information. Topics are alchemy, consciousness, death, the divine, the Golden Age, the Higher Self,
It is presented as a practical text book with vast amounts of notes and in depth understanding. The bibliography is considerable. Kabbalah, meditation, rituals, shamanism, energies, warfare, the Will, and many other popular topics of occultism and magic.
First published in Psychic News Magazine:
Playing cards for recreational games of chance and skill were first developed in China and were printed on bamboo strips for use by the leisured class. Due to advances in paper and wood block print technology in the 9th century Tang dynasty and, over several centuries, a large variety of these card games spread westward along the Silk Routes to appear in the Middle East with ornate calligraphy and elaborate abstract designs. These were known as Mamluk cards (in the Topkapi Palace Museum) and were used by the Sultinate in Egypt from late 1200s with Moorish and Saracen associations. In the 1300s, card games reached Europe with designs of birds and Roman Gods, some included astrological symbols and elements (such as the Minchiate deck) and depicted people in medieval costumes. Cards were used by wealthy nobles, merchants and scholars and were often hand painted and with gold leaf.
Nice drawer pull box containing quality cards and full colour instruction book. The deck is divided into 4 suits: Roots (blue and being), Trunk (brown and healing), Leaves (green and wisdom) and Flower, Fruits and Seed (russet and power). Each card presents an attractive tree and title. Booklet information adds subtitles, botanical species, properties, myths, cultural associations and a channelled message from the tree deva (nature spirit). Thereare readings for upright and inverse cards.
Information is provided on how to use the deck, think of your question, shuffle, deal and chose your spread. Spreads suggested are Single-Card Question that has a sample reading, Past, present and future (3 cards), also with a sample reading, Horseshoe Spread (7 cards) also with a sample reading. It is suggested you keep a record of your readings.
Sample: Oak diva message I am strong and steady and I am an essential part of the age a child mysteries of the forest. If you’re calling me I can give you alter physical power and inner emotional strength whenever you need them let me show you the way.
This is a remarkable tarot, full of daydreams and supernatural visions of mystical and otherworldly creatures. A rich delight of wonder and beauty, presence and mastery. Beyond wild and delightful! Worth buying for the artwork alone! The deck is inspirational, and offers new pathways, paradigms and powers from the cards’ messages and suggested life lessons. Some Major arcana are retitled, take for example Number 15 The Djinn and here Number 5 The Mentor.
Sample card: 5 The Mentor - Welcome the mentor of esoteric knowledge. As a teacher of wisdom, spiritual guidance, and peace of mind, he shares the knowledge of past and present life experiences. He’s here to remind you to learn not only from outer sources, but also to learn from within. Representing perpetual interaction, the lemniscate on the Mentor’s forehead connects him to the roles of the hierophant; infinitely teaching and infinitely learning. Message: Ask yourself how your belief system affects your life. Align your actions with ideals. Consider shaking up your old routine and paradigms, and venture into the unknown. Remember your power, and let your curiosity unearth your sacred truth. Keywords: Open-mindedness, discovery, questioning, seeking, self in empowerment. Reversed message: You have the power to peel away structured restrictions. Reversed Keywords: Close mindedness, satiety, herd mentality, status quo, self-doubt.
Dedicated to restoring of our relationship to nature, and the knowledge of how we are a necessary part of the intricate web of this planet’s amazing life.
From the box lid: Discover the Magic of Communicating with the Spirits of Nature
The intention of Messages from the Spirits of Nature Oracle is to help us to connect to the beauty, majesty and wisdom of the elements; to help us to understand the messages from plants, rivers, stones and species; and to help us to honour the natural world and appreciate how it can guide and teach us. The deck provides a revival of the ancient shamanic knowledge and is designed to help shift our consciousness towards navigating through the challenges we face, personally and collectively.
All similar- each unique!
The Land of Mystereum Tarot is presented in a smart magnetic box with ribbon drawer and it contains intensely colourful cards in an Avant-garde / Surrealistic leaning genre. I found the card images are complex and enigmatic with a slight overwhelm. The accompanying book contains detailed, elaborate and innovative text for each card. We are told to take a good look at a card image, then say what we are feeling out loud. These strange cards speak from individual characters within the Tarot but not in the usual manner. There are sections of information for each card for explanation and creativity. I am pleased to have an informative book to accompany this non conformist, unconventional concept deck, designed to “take our imagination to new heights and depths”.
Bouquet - The Card of Wishes Granted |
Would an itinerant preacher have the responsibilities of a wife and children, one wonders, especially as Jesus provoked ire from the powerful Jewish elite! The Essenes were celibate, and John, the cousin of Jesus, an ascetic, may have been an Essene. Maybe Jesus was too! There is question whether The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife is a forgery! Was Jesus married and if so, to whom? This is the subject of this study and unlike many sensationalised and lucrative accounts, it is dealt with in an academic manner by a scholar of Jesus and the time in which he lived, and with an open mind and without an agenda! It is written in a chatty and easy, modern style.
Sample: Truth - Lao Tzu We give without expecting anything in return. We do not dwell on past accomplishments, and do not glory in any praise. Great savages never praise or blame. They live above the common drama of ordinary folks. In doing so, they tap into a greater consciousness and glow in a way that draws others near. Not much is known about Lao Tzu, the writer of the Tao, but he was able to tap into greater consciousness and describe the importance of humility, balance and flow. Tao #77 The Tao of heaven works in the world like the drawing of bow. The top is bent downwards and the bottom is bent up. The excess is taken from and the deficient is given to. Who is able to give to others from the excess? Only someone who is following the way of the Tao. Reflections: find lightness and playfulness in your day. Notice when you get caught up in a drama. Be more like water, strong yet yielding. Affirmation: go with the flow.
Sample: 18 Cat. Cat spirit animal reminds you to embrace your physical form, connecting with internal feelings and physical sensations. We often reside in our head and rarely consult the wisdom of our body. Sleep when you need to, move when you yearn for physical activity, eat when you need nourishment. There is an intrinsic wisdom in your body. It helps you notice internal issues, energies and emotions that have become stuck. These feelings and memories need an outlet. Listen to your body, explore the sensations, even the uncomfortable ones. They all carry a message for you of an inner hurt denied, and inner cries unheard, that desperately want to communicate with you. As you direct your attention towards your inner life, you will notice that stuck feelings can manifest as heat, cold, electricity and magnetism. Your conscious attentions will help release these trapped thoughts and feelings from your body.
‘Into the Grey we follow like a thousand flickering stars. And there in a sunlit hollow we lose and find what is ours.’
This deck is versatile. You can read for yourself or others, work with archetypes that you make your own and bring new meanings to them. The cards can be used for meditation and you can converse with the characters. Upright and Reversal meanings (light and shadow) are provided in the Guidebook. How to connect to the cards and other full information is provided, including questions to ask. Suggestions for spreads are a Daily Message; Light & Shadow 2 cards; Light Worker Illumination 3 cards; Calling in Love 4 cards; and Soul Joy 3 cards. Each card has keywords for both upright and reversed and an affirmation. All 78 cards are individual full colour art. The Court Cards are Page, Knight, Queen and King, and the suits are Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles.
Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: Insight Tarot by Stanislav Reshetikov, published by Red Feather, Quality boxed set of cards plus guidebook. £33.99 Card size: 5” x 3”.
79 cards (including The White Card) in this elegant package with a magnetic flip type lid and instruction book. There are good leafed edges to the cards which are a nice touch. The creator, Stanislav Reshetikov is from Moscow, and is a Jungian psychotherapist whose depth psychology works with the unconscious mind, and explores myths, metaphors, symbols and dreams. We are invited to “Discover yourself, possess yourself! There’s much more to it than pain!”
Gold leaf edged cards in a red and black box with gold lettering. Card size: 2 and a half inches by 4 and a half inches.
After a visit to Romania and hearing stories of Vlad the Impaler (1431-1476) the author developed an obsession with the character, his exploits, and the times and place in which he lived.
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Extract - The Feminine Universe - An Exposition of the Ancient Wisdom from the Primordial Feminine Perspective by Miss Alice Lucy Trent. Published by the Sun Daughter Press.
“When above the heavens had not been formed, when the earth below had no name, Tiamat brought forth them both. Tiamat,m mother of the gods, Creator of all.”
From the Introduction: “This book is the first systematic exposition of the perennial wisdom. It is an attempt to express in the clearest possible terms, and in the smallest possible space, the primordial philosophy accepted and understood in all times, and an all places before the aberrations of the modern world. It gives this philosophy in its feminine form - that being the earliest known on Earth.