I really loved this book, written by two very experienced and knowledgeable women witchcraft practitioners, who consider themselves to be 'kitchen' witches! This book evolved from a year's online course, so is complete with marvellous ideas and practical exercises and is a journey of personal discovery, so it is suggested you keep a journal of your journey with the goddesses through the wheel of the year. There is also an oracle card deck to accompany this book-style course.
Tuesday, 25 April 2023
Arc of the Goddess
I really loved this book, written by two very experienced and knowledgeable women witchcraft practitioners, who consider themselves to be 'kitchen' witches! This book evolved from a year's online course, so is complete with marvellous ideas and practical exercises and is a journey of personal discovery, so it is suggested you keep a journal of your journey with the goddesses through the wheel of the year. There is also an oracle card deck to accompany this book-style course.
Monday, 24 April 2023
Earth Power Oracle

Cards offer a title, an image, mixed media, and a 20 word affirmation. The guidebook provides further information on each card and location. There is a a key message for each of the 41 places of magical interest around the world, a Global Positioning System location finder, and an element. There is also a creation story, advice on how to dedicate your cards, and information about how to recognise and experience a 'genius loci', a place of spiritual power and beauty.
Cards feature locations in the vicinity of of lakes, mountains, rivers, islands, ancient ruins, holy places, examples, Amazonia, Avebury, Cathedral of Notre Dame, Delphi, The Ganges, Gobekli Tepi. Suggested spreads are The Atlas - 7 cards, The Temple - 6 cards, The Hemisphere - 2 cards, The Journey - 9 cards, The Compass - 4 cards.
Friday, 21 April 2023
The Grand Universal Tarot
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Grand Universal Tarot, by Bruno de Nys, published by REDFeather, an imprint of Schiffer Books. Boxed set of 78 cards and companion book. UK £27.99 : US $29.99 (28/12/2022)
These are brightly coloured cards with traditional images based on the Marseilles Tarot. Described as an ‘alphabet’ and language’, a ‘road map’, the Tarot is explained, with all aspects of our life covered, it warns, encourages, prompts and guides. 5 rules are important to remember - never impress a crowd with your Tarot readings. Do not use it to control others. Do not live your life based on a tarot reading - you are to remain in control of your life. Keep your readings simple and accessible. And do not assert but suggest!
Thursday, 20 April 2023
Horik Svensson
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Review: The Runes - The Future Revealed with the Ancient Norse System of Divination by Horik Svensson, published by Carlton Books. Box set contains 25 ceramic stones bearing a runic letter, a hessian bag, an explanatory instruction book.
Wednesday, 19 April 2023
Celtic Spirit Oracle
Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: Celtic Spirit Oracle - Ancient Wisdom from the Elementals by Nicola McIntosh. Boxed set of 36 Cards and full colour Guidebook. Published by Rockpool Publishing.
I enjoyed these cards, their gentle coloured drawings, beauty, concepts and write-ups on each card. The cards display an image, a number, a title and three keywords on their face. In the guidebook, we have more information in up to 1,000 words of meaning for each card. Information on how to use the cards is detailed. Focus on the outcome you desire. Ask an open question, such as “What am I Missing?” Several other suitable questions are suggested. Spreads include The Triquetra or 3 Card, Past, Present, Future, the 5 card Pentagram, and the 10 card Celtic Cross.
Nicola practices Celtic Shamanism and her card titles bring elemental messages of the land, and the myths and traditions of the Celts. Information is provided about ancient and advanced beings called Elementals. She describes how each card relates to her.
Oracle of the Roses
Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: Oracle of the Roses - Blessings to Support Your Heart and Soul by Cheralyn Darcey. Boxed set of 44 cards and guidebook. Published by Rockpool Publishing on 13/3/2022 size: 10cm x 14cm. £17.99
“But he that dares not grasp the thorn. should never crave the rose.” Anne Bronte
The deck’s creator is an Australian florist, organic gardener, ethnobotanist, and has more than a dozen other botanical titles already published. She has a regular popular radio show “At Home with the Gardening Gang”.The very beautiful paintings are in the public domain.
Sample Card: The Ancestor - Cherokee Rose (Rosa laevigata) The beginning, the ending, the space between worlds is the place to find the essence of what it is to be you, and where you might find answers that better align with the core of your beliefs. This may be an ending, but in all completions comes the chance to set forth once again. This is an indication or affirmation that your intuitive feelings are leading you in the right direction. The Ancestor leaves the gifts of their experience in the DNA of time for us to discover and work with, so that we in turn may leave something of worth, a thin layer of our truth and view.
Flower Reading Cards
Tuesday, 18 April 2023
Astral Realms Crystal Oracle
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Astral Realms Crystal Oracle by Leah Shoman, a boxed set of 33 cards and instruction box. Published by Rockpool Publishing.
Cards with impressive red gold leaf edges, and gentle pearl pink cards. Using crystals, astrology, colours, elements, chakras, and mantras, there is lots of woo-woo here to enjoy. You will be a woo woo expert! I would say that this deck is for readings for oneself not for others as too much explanation will be required to explain the concepts involved.
The book provides information on how to use the cards, though you are invited to use your intuition. Each card has an image, a title and subtitle, a number, keywords, a message, activation guidance and an affirmation. Spreads suggested are Single-Card Pull, a Three-Card Spread and a Five-Card Guidance Spread. The book provides a chakra chart.
The Medicine Woman Oracle
Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: The Medicine Woman Oracle - by Catherine Maillard, artwork by Caroline Maniere. Boxed set of 49 cards and Guidebook. Published by Rockpool Publishing. £18.99 (10th Nov 2022) card size: 9cm x 13cm
Can you hear her song? Mother Earth is calling you!
Archetypes of 13 moons, ancestors, seasons, totems and endangered animals offer to awaken us with many aspects of the sacred life of women, as an encouragement - and a reminder - of the strengths, healing, empowerment and wisdom of our sisterhood. The deck is divided into 13 brown archetypal medicine cards, with advice, a message, guidance, and a ritual, and 12 pink gifts cards also with advice, a message, guidance, and a meditation, 12 green totem/allied spirit cards with a channelled message, symbolism, guidance, animal contact and a ritual, and 12 red wisdom action cards.
Mandala Source Book

The book contains 150 full colour complete mandalas from a variety of cultural and spiritual backgrounds, the majority have a title, explanation, a three step procedure of how to work with the mandala and a quotation.
I love mandalas and find them enjoyable, to meditate on, and to appreciate the geometric designs, the colours and symbols. I also find them relaxing even trance inducing. The information includes ways to work with the designs, the history, variety and creativity of mandalas.
Saturday, 15 April 2023
The Cree Healer and His Medicine Bundle
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Cree Healer and His Medicine Bundle - Revelations of Indigenous Wisdom by David Young, Robert Rogers & Russell Willier. Full colour book Published by North Atlantic Books. US $24.95: Can $28.95
‘Our health is dependent on the health of other species.’
Healing plants of Native American traditions, especially the Cree, with practices and stories. These are 3 experts on the uses of plants and recorded them with warnings against misuse. We are all interdependent. A highly specialised book by Anthropologist, Dr David Young, Ethnologist, Robert Rogers, and Medicine Man, Russell Willier. English and Latin names of plants provided, an extensive bibliography, and maps of where to find the plants.
Tuesday, 11 April 2023
Ancestral Healing
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Ancestral Healing -…For Your Spiritual and Genetic Families by Jeanne Ruland & Shantidevi. Full colour book published by Earthdancer, an Inner Traditions imprint. US $15.99 : Can $19.99 : UK Kindle £6.99 and paperback £9.99
“Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it!”
Extract: “Haniel touches your third eye, and your heart, gifting you with a memory of a very special moment when your father first held you in his arms, after you were born, and when you met, soul to soul, looking deep into one another’s eyes, he realised what a miracle he had conceived, and that it came about through his love of your mother.”
The Fourteen Holy Helpers
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Fourteen Holy Helpers - Invocations for Healing & Protection by Christiane Stamm. Published by Earthdancer, an imprint of Inner Traditions. US $12.99 : Can $16.50 : UK £9.99
These 14 ‘saints’ are in Catholic and Christian theology can intercede/petition for us and bring specialised power to us. They have been venerated, especially in times of difficulty and over the centuries, they have represented particular professions. Their traditional life stories are given in brief. Prayers are provided for each helper, to be recited in triplicate, and there is a communal prayer to all fourteen. These helpers and their prayers can be used for the self or for others in need. There are, alongside each helper, the ailment they attend to (mostly modern and common illnesses that we would recognise).
The Charles Dickens Tarot
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Charles Dickens Tarot by Chris Leech. Boxed set of 78 cards and companion book. Published by Schiffer Books £31.99
Quality presentation box with magnetic lid. The full colour book and cards are well produced with gold edged cards. The deck describes the Dickensian era and reflects the life and history of Charles Dickens through the Major Arcana, so we have real people, such as his family members and these are mixed in with the fictional characters from his books.
The computer graphic illustrated cards are presented in landscape to suggest an open book. The 4 suits are Fire, Water, Air and Earth, and the Court Cards are Father, Mother, Son, and Daughter to give a Victorian family energy to the readings. We are given the card image, and each card carries a new title and the book to which they refer. Dickens taught himself as a young man to write in shorthand, and this is stylised in the deck with keywords.
Sunday, 9 April 2023
Messenger Oracle
Quote from the introduction: "I am Gaia. I am the daughter of Great Spirit who is the Source of All. I am both magical and divine, as is all which I create. I am the Great Mother. I am your mother, and you, beautiful soul, are a physical manifestation of my love."
The artwork has great flair and imagination with dragons, snakes, trees, foxes, big cats, masks, raven, turtle, wolf, fox, owl, raven and other imaginary and real species. She began art as therapy to solve depression issues and began to specialise in the Earthy and magical, in Gaia and the Green Spirit.
Nature Spirit Tarot
Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: Nature Spirit Tarot - For the Journey of the Soul, illustrated and written by Jean Marie Hertzel, Boxed set of 78 Cards and Book, published by Bear & Co. US $35 : Can $43.99 : £25
Drawer pull, quality boxing of comprehensive full colour book and Tarot card deck. We are provided with a blessing to begin our exploration of this interesting concept deck which deepens our understanding of the natural world as birds, flowers, insects, reptiles, herbs, and other symbols and motifs are taken from many of the world’s traditions and philosophies. Some are rare and some endangered species are included.
The Zen of Animals
Mind, Body & Soul Card Deck Review: The Zen of Animals by Pamela Matthews. Published by Blue Angel Publishing. A sturdy box containing cards and accompanying guidebook. £17.99 Size 13cm x 17cm
"Having no destination, I am never lost." Ikkyu
36 cards size 13cm x 17cm with figurative and animal art that expresses symbolism and meaning.
From the accompanying book - Sample: Rabbit: Productive, daring, unpredictable, courageous. Smart little rabbits can win your heart. If kept domestically, they are capable of providing similar delights as a cat. They can be brave beyond belief. They are also beautiful to see and touch. Message: remember your rabbit qualities and charm dear to delight others with your unpredictability and sensual attributes. Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows by itself. From Zenrin-kushu
Animal Love Oracle Cards
Animal Love Oracle Cards - Advice, Compassion & Wisdom from Our Animal Mentors. Written and Illustrated by Nadine Gordon-Taylor. Set of 52 cards and guidebook in magnetic flip top box. Published by Bear & Co. US $30 : Can $37.50 UK: £25 :
Sample card reading from the book: Lion – Authority, Cooperation, and Overcoming Struggles.
Your Message: The card I have selected for Psychic News Magazine readers shows a soulful lion emerging from an energetic portal. The lion radiates strong and powerful frequencies. When the lion appears in the deck, it means you are a dominant force in your relationships and you have the ability to influence and lead others. It doesn’t matter whether you have a quiet or a flamboyant personality, you affect people in ways you don’t even appreciate. When you are with others (at work or home), balance yourself and don’t push too hard. Ask for help when needed. When you want something done, it might be to your advantage to work together with others. Don’t be afraid of spreading the power when collaborating. If situations in your life are not to your liking, change your frequency. Sometimes roaring doesn’t help. Even though you mean well, it might not always come across that way. Remember, effective leaders always speak from the heart.
Enchanted Blossoms
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Enchanted Blossoms Empowerment Cards, by Carla Morrrow. Boxed Set of 44 cards plus guidebook. Published by Blue Angel Publishing £17.99
Secret Life of Trees
A delight on every page! Amuse your friends on your walks with precious stories from across the world about these common and wonderful plants. Trees feature in fairy tales, biblical stories, ancestral research, local history, they keep all species alive, we could not survive without them, and they are with us from the cradle to the grave. This book will make you fall in love, whether flowering, cones, nuts, berries, this book is lyrical and evocative with astounding research. This is a labour of love for what others take for granted! A deep fascination for an extraordinary subject! Practical, wise, knowledgeable, and tackling one of the most important matters for our society. On the button Colin! You are a gift to our world.
Animal Dreaming Oracle
"... And ask now the Beasts And they shall teach thee; And the Fowls of the air, and they shall teach thee; or speak to the Earth, and it shall teach thee." Book of Job 12: 7-8
Portraits of Australian species with Interpretations for inspirational readings. Divided into 4 elemental sections of Fire, Water, Earth and Air, the cards have excellent artwork by Karen Branchflower, a title of the animal depicted, a one word message and what elemental position is has been given. In the top, usually right hand corner is a symbol, suitable for a tattoo artwork. This image was channelled to the artist and represents both the animal and its message.
Thursday, 6 April 2023
The Healing Power of the Sacred Woman
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Healing Power of the Sacred Woman - Health, Creativity, and Fertility for the Soul by Christine R Page MD, paperback with b/w illustrations of 384 pages, $20.00 Kindle: $14.17 Published by Bear & Co
Kabbalistic Tarot
Chakra Cards
Wednesday, 5 April 2023
The Heart Path Oracle Cards
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Heart Path Oracle Cards - Miraculous Messages of Love by Nadine Gordon-Taylor. Published by Bear & Co. Boxed set of 53 cards and guidebook. US $30: CAN $37.50 UK: £25.00 Website: https://nadinegordon-taylor.com
"A gateway to the invisible"
A quality, magnetic flip top box contains the cards and the instruction book. Each card offers artwork and title and keywords on the face. The book has meanings for each of the cards. Both art and text provided by New York experimental and visionary artist, tutor and gallery owner, Nadine Gordon-Taylor MFA, EdD.
"Step through the portal"
"Designed to be felt rather than intellectually understood"
"The symbols are our mentors".
Saturday, 1 April 2023
The Angel Guide Oracle
The Angel Guide Oracle by Kyle Gray with artwork by Jennifer Hawkyard, published by Hay House, Boxed set of 44 cards and Guidebook. US: $19.99 CAN: $25.99 UK: £15.99
Text from the inside box:
Thank you, angels, for reminding me of your presence and for revealing to me
what I need to know. I am willing to listen and receive. And so it is!
Angels record our life and evolution. They are extensions of divine love and are messengers from God. When we connect to angels, we connect to God. They want to guide and protect us and send us messages, signs and reminders of our true and highest aspirations. We all have a guardian angel to guide us and who knows us intimately because they were created especially for us.