Friday, 31 May 2024

Visionary Path Tarot

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Visionary Path Tarot, by Lucy Delics, published by Park Street Press. 
The writer and artist provides autobiographic information about her life in the booklet. The cards were channelled by plant hallucinogens on a trip to the Andes, Peru, for ayahuasca to heal the pain of her past. This and magic mushrooms feature within the artwork which has a psychedelic influence on the black and white, intricately designed artwork! I wanted to colour it in!  Because the cards are not always easy to read and do not contain many symbols, the reader must rely on their intuition. 

Saturday, 25 May 2024

A New Approach to Counselling & Listening Skills

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Listening to the Other   - A New Approach to Counselling and Listening Skills by Caroline Brazier  Paperback £12.99  270 pages
This is a worthy subject. Though being a good listener sounds like an easy task, the art requires considerable training. Listening is a powerful method of caring and supporting someone who is in need of quality time and attention. When a person feels that another person has understood their pain, loss or unhappiness, they are often able to let go of the past and move on, with greater hope and trust. 

Thursday, 23 May 2024

Elle Qui Oracle Review

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Elle Qui Oracle by Arwen Lynch-Poe, published by U S Games Systems Inc., Boxed set of cards and guidebook. £18.75 

"Discover layers of your forgotten self"

Elle Qui means She Who! These are 44 cards of female warrior characters of caring and wisdom, and to challenge and inspire with Asian, African, European and other ethnic groups, presenting a world view and a bridge to connect women of diverse cultural backgrounds. Each card offers three questions but suggests the reader includes their own questions in addition or instead of those provided. You are invited to tell the story of the women featured on the card you choose. How would you meet her and what would your conversation be? Each woman shown in the deck is an aspect of the reader. Each card's title begins with She Who and the reader is given the name of the woman represented on the card, her 'She Who' title and three keywords. 

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

The Sufi Path Book Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Sufi Path of Knowledge - Ibn al Arabi's Metaphysics of Imagination by William C Chittick, published by State University of New York Press.

"How can I find God?" opening chapter of this book.

An indepth study of Sufi's most well known and knowledgeable philosopher, mystic and theologian, known as The Great Sheik, Ibn al Arabi. His teachings are translated and explained in this very readable book. You are transported by beautiful, deep and loving wisdom, zen like in its poetical ambiguity. This is a close account of the path of the Sufis, a bible of divine wisdom and discovery, and one that I highly recommend.

Monday, 20 May 2024

Symbolon Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Review of Symbolon card deck by Peter Orban, Ingrid Zinnel and Thea Weller, published by US Games Systems Inc. 80 cards in the pack with an instruction leaflet that explains the use the cards and provides information on each card. There are no suits or court cards but some cards bear a resemblance to tarot images. The artwork is representational and loosely based on fairy tales, myths and archetypes and is designed to make what is unconscious more conscious, to assist with personal insight. The deck is for reflection, to summon the past, not the future. They are not intended for use for fortune telling or prediction. There are no 'yes' or 'no', only why, how, who, what and when! Each card provides 'the problem', 'the way through' and 'the solution'. I have enjoyed working with this deck in a new and creative way which is more about understanding the self than attempting to predict the future.

Sunday, 19 May 2024

Mystic Dreamer Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Mystic Dreamer Tarot boxed set with cards and book titled 'The Dreamer's Journal' by Heidi Darras and Barbara Moore. 
These cards are based on traditional tarot card meanings and reversed meanings are provided. Information on how to prepare for a reading, and there are pages for notes as this is a journal/workbook and instructions are given for its use. The card images are partly portrayed in soft tints and sepia colouring. Ask yourself 'what do I need to know about?' There is a 3 card 'past, present and future' suggestion or just lay down as many cards as seems appropriate and read the storyline. Other spread suggestions are provided. The moon is a recurring symbol in this deck, as the moon relates to intuition, creativity, magic and mystery.

Tarot of White Cats Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Tarot of White Cats by Dan Pelletier with artwork by Severino Baraldi, Published by Lo Scarabeo. £17.99

I would recommend Tarot of White Cats for young or vulnerable people. It is non confrontational and positive! 

Are you hunting for guidance? This is a very delightful, charming and playful tarot deck. It is also ideal for all that love the cat! It can be read as a traditional Rider Waite tarot or provide added joy and interest for the cat lover! The interpretations are wise and interesting! Majors, Courts, Cups, Pentacles, Wands and Swords anre all beautifully produced. Ace of Swords -A war is often won by the person who has lost all battles but the last one!

Severing Baraldi has provided art for several decks, such as The Dragon Tarot, Tarot of Druids, Tarot of the Journey to the Orient, and Ramses: Tarot of Eternity. 

This is one of the Tarot decks included in the Total Tarot Course Collection, Magazine numbers 30 & 31 include the entire deck of Tarot of White Cats!

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Crystal Oversoul Cards

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Crystal Oversoul Cards -Attunements for Lightworkers, by Michael Eastwood, Boxed set of 66 cards and instruction book. Published by Findhorn Press. £20

“Within the temples of Lemuria, the crystal kingdom holds keys to accelerate the awakening process”.

These are 66 colourful mandala images that assist attunement to energies of the ancient Crystal Oversoul. Each mandala depicts a different crystal and each crystal has a different spiritual property that relates to scents, chakras, etc. The book provides access to 22 downloadable audible meditations.

Crystal Oversoul Cards

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine: Crystal Oversoul Cards - Attunements for Lightworkers by Michael Eastwood, boxed set of 66 cards plus instruction book. Published by Findhorn Press. US $30 : Can $37.50 

A meditation site is provided: audio.inner

Sunday, 12 May 2024

Depression as a Spiritual Journey

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Depression as a Spiritual Journey by Stephanie Sorrell is in Paperback £11.99 262 pages Published by O Books Author Website:

There are a wide variety of depressive illnesses, all of which are incapacitating for the sufferer and immensely difficult to understand for family, friends and work colleagues. Stephanie Sorrell, herself a long term sufferer, has searched the world for methods that can provide insight and aid recovery. She describes her own ordeal and how it led her to achieve a Masters in Applied Psychosynthesis Psychology. Psychosynthesis was formulated by Roberto Assagioli over a hundred years ago and is described as ‘psychology with a soul’. This therapeutic approach emphasises the importance of the spiritual dimension which is usually denied by the Western medical model of mental illnesses. Because of the profound nature of depression, many sufferers will be drawn to the symbolic and metaphorical languages of the spiritual quest for meaning and enlightenment.

A Better World is Possible

Bruce Nixon writes: We are in a situation we have never been in before – an environmental crisis that threatens our very existence. Essentially, it results from our failure to live in harmony with the earth on which all life depends and each other. With another global economic crisis now unfolding, it is frightening.

"It is a time of breakdown but the good news is that breakdowns lead to breakthroughs. We have survived thorough history by learning and adapting. Human beings are enormously creative. We are capable of rapid mobilisation, as World War 2 showed. "The trouble is that political and corporate leaders appear wedded to ideologies that have not worked and they don’t see that whole system change is needed. Continuous growth defies common sense when we’re already consuming 30% more than the earth can provide and population may rise from 7bn to 10bn by the end of the century. They also think short term and fight with each other rather than collaborating.

"We know what needs to be done. We need total system change.  A vision of a better way of life will inspire and bring hope to everyone. We need a Great Transition (as proposed by the New Economics Foundation).  We need to find a new Prosperity - without growth (explored by Tim Jackson in his book of that title). Such a transition offers massive work opportunities, a better balance of work and leisure and better health for all. It can be achieved through fairer, sustainable taxation; tackling corporate tax evasion; principled foreign policies; investment in conflict resolution to save lives and release the vast sums spent on war; providing funds for green investment; and shifting subsidies from industries that accelerate climate change and harm lives to those that are sustainable. Comprehensive monetary reform is needed giving reserve banks the sole right to issue money. A citizen’s income, partly funded by land value taxation, can reduce the humiliation and cost of administering complex benefits.

Seek Joy - Toss Confetti - Cehovet and Tesh

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: ‘Seek Joy - Toss Confetti' is a book which helps us to get more out of life, to raise our vibration and experience joy. Just by reading about this subject creates an awareness of the importance of this small and often overlooked word! We are introduced to joy as a spiritual quality which provides energy and healing.

“When I am happy, when I feel joy, the world around me functions from a peaceful mode. When I am unhappy, when I do not feel joy, the world around me functions from a chaotic mode. Peace versus chaos – I choose joy and peace!

Saturday, 11 May 2024

Dark Nights of the Soul

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Dark Nights of the Soul - A Guide to Finding Your Way Through Life's Ordeals by Thomas More. Published by Piatkus. £10.99 

A quest for the meaning of life can occur at any time but mostly it occurs during the most difficult times in our life, at a time of loss, illness, or distress. Written by a Catholic monk and psychotherapist, this book brings comfort and inspiration to the seeker who is facing major life challenges and seeking answers. 
It takes us through the night sea journey, rites of passage, the underworld, love and other emotions, ways of coping and our learning about ourselves and others. 
This is a classic, a resource, a tour de force and a luxury. To be read at any time, it is a major work on this deep and painful place that some find themselves in and need to make sense of. 
Thomas Moore is the author of the bestselling Care of the Soul. 

The Wild Edge of Sorrow Review & Extract

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Wild Edge of Sorrow - Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief by Francis Weller. Published by North Atlantic Books. RRP US 
$14.95 : Can $19.50 

“Embrace you grief for There your soul will grow.” Carl Jung

This is a wonderfully enriching book, written by a very qualified facilitator who specialises in grief. Many quotes, meditation, guidance, rituals and maps, and five important gates/stages are detailed. If you feel your soul should has broken and you have lost great chunks of it, this book will help you feel whole again. It describes many ways grief is expressed, in retreat, anger, addictions, complexes. 

Extract: this book is a meditation on the sacred ground of grief and the way it enables us to walk with its realities of loss and death, how it shakes us and breaks us open to depths of soul we could not imagine. Grief offers a wild alchemy that transmutes suffering into fertile ground. 

The Twelve Faces of the Goddess

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Twelve Faces of the Goddess - Transform Your Life with Astrology, Magick, and the Sacred Feminine by Danielle Blackwood. Published by Llewellyn Worldwide. $19.99 

This book profiles 12 goddesses, one for each of your astrological sun sign. Each sun sign Goddess has a full explanation, a pathworking and a ritual. The topics covered in the text are: archetypes, archetypal astrology, the shadow, recipes, and which Goddess represents which sun sign. Astrological elements, modes, space clearing, music, the Wheel of the Year, casting a circle, and creating an altar are detailed. The Heroine’s Journey is a new horizon in our life with the development of our authenticity, the claiming of our connection to the Goddess, and the living out of our soul’s mission with passion and purpose. We will find the fierce face of Macha, the depth of Inanna or the compassion of Kwan Yin. 

The Healing Power of Trees

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Healing Power of Trees - Spiritual Journeys Through the  Celtic Tree Calendar by Sharlyn Hidalgo. Published by Llewellyn Worldwide. RRP US $17.95 : Can $20.95 

We are in a time of recognising the importance of trees in our world. So many entire forests and species are under threat. This book is a joy to read and there is much here to learn from. Tree lore is an ancient wisdom and the author writes about her own personal story, then invites us to walk with her in this enriching journey using the seasonal calendar to cultivate a relationship with trees. The Major Celtic trees are detailed, we are given guided meditations, astrology and runes information, 23 ogham letters, and tree honouring ceremonies. You will develop greater understanding of many common trees and how you can work with them to build a personal relationship with them.

The Road to Eleusis

Mind Body & Soul Ezine: The Road to Eleusis - Unveiling the Secret of The Mysteries by the late R Gordon Wasson, the late Dr Albert Hofmann, and Prof Carl A P Ruck. Published. By North Atlantic Books. RRP US $18.95 : Can $22.00 

There are a few b/w images in this book, but mostly you will be impressed with the number of detailed notes on every page written by the three very eminent authors. A Greek initiatory and secret ritual, performed as early as 2000BC every September is the subject of this book which has already been published in previous editions. The Homeric Hymn is translated in over 16 pages describing the story of Persephone and her mother, Demeter. Two families supervised the over night proceedings in the Eleusidean Telesterion. It majors in the use of kykeon, a hallucinogen, and deals with the resultant controversy. The opening chapter is about the use of hallucinogens in religious ceremonies and it continues with autobiographical stories by the late Gordon Wasson, his early interest in mushrooms and the praises that he, and others, sing about them. Plato had drunk the mushroom potion and spent the night in the Eleucidean Temple to see visions.

The deadly Ergot was known in the Middle Ages as St Anthony’s Fire, as St Anthony was the patron saint of those who cared for its victims. Was it this that infected the wheat, barley, and rye? Now it has been synthesised into effective medication for numerous ailments. A chapter is provided Albert Hofmann,  the pharmacologist who developed LSD. 

Friday, 10 May 2024

Elen of the Ways

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Shaman Pathways -Elen of the Ways - Following the Deer Trods by Elen Sentier. 89 pages Author website:

Painting by Jocelyn Chaplin
“In the Boreal woods that covered northern Europe and the Americas thousands of years ago, there seemed to have been an honouring of the deer family as having great spiritual power and this has continued to this day in many parts of the world, for instance, with the Reindeer still play a central practical and spiritual role for the Sami peoples of Northern Scandinavia. Reindeer are the only female deer with antlers and, as such, may have been, and could still be, especially sacred. The author argues that hunter gatherers would not have seen animals as good or bad as later people did. They would have been deeply respectful and attuned to all of them. Elen Sentier describes an extraordinary encounter with a female deer which was giving birth and she is able to tune in to the energies of the land and of animals and weaves her own personal experience with stories, myths, facts and theories. 

Healing Ancestral Karma

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Healing Ancestral Karma - Free Yourself from Unhealthy Family Patterns paperback £14.99 Kindle: £8.79 by Steven Farmer PhD Published by Hierophant Publishing. Author website:

Westerners believe that anyone is capable of becoming a shaman but becoming a shaman is something that finds you, rather than you finding it! Melodies are given to the shaman in dreams. Singing them elevates consciousness and readjusts energy level and activates healing. Shamanism brings the Otherworld into this world and includes morality and also involves attending to the needs of the community. 

Chelsea Physic Garden Herbal Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Chelsea Physic Garden Herbal - The Essential Guide to Herbs for Living by Deni Bown, hardback, published by Pavilion.

Divided into chapters of aphrodisiacs, aromatics, balsams, barks and woods, colourings, foliage, poisons, relaxants, edibles, tonics, and more. Everything you want to know about seed, leaf, flower and fruit of the herbal world. Modern high quality colour photography with several full colour plates of antique hand drawn and coloured botany images. 

Medicine Dance

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Medicine Dance - One Woman's Healing Journey into the World of Native American Sweatlodges, Drumming Meditations and Dance Fasts By Marsha Scarborough Paperback £9.99 198 pages 

Sky Shamans of Mongolia

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Sky Shamans of Mongolia - Meetings with Remarkable Healers by Kevin Turner, paperback, 210 pages published by North Atlantic Books, £19.99 kindle £15.19 Website:

Kevin Turner MA travelled extensively throughout this region, and this book has colour photographs and other illustrations of his travels. The ancient shamanistic traditions and practices are being revived in this area after Buddhist and Russian Communist oppression. Many ancient healing methods have been retained and are now being re introduced in the country districts. If you are interested in shamanism, you will find some gems here. 
Review: Wendy Stokes

Jailbreaking the Goddess

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Jailbreaking the Goddess - Radical Revisioning of Feminist Spirituality - by Lasara Firefox Allen, published by Llewellyn Publications, paperback 267 pages US $22.99
This is a deconstruction guide for all you have been told about goddess spirituality and provides new language expertise to express the feminine. Challenging the reproductive model of maiden, mother and crone, this revision ing provides a 5 stage rather than 3 stage model: Fomella, Potens, Creatrix, Sapienyptia, Antigua. Many childless feminists will identify with this path. Colonial and patriarchal language is challenged to reclaim women’s spirituality which heralds a new paradigm, updates the pre existing culture. 


Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Rage - Sources of Rage, Strategies for Dealing with Rage by Helen Robinson. Published by Geddes. RRP US $11.95 : Can $15.95 : UK £4.95 

We are familiar with many types of extreme anger that can result in all kinds of tragedy. Ungovernable anger surrounds us. This book asks a lot of important questions and has a number of interesting responses. We are given strategies to deal with anger, in ourselves or in another person. Bottling up our anger is unhealthy. By dealing with our own internal distress we can become more organised, have better relationships, and be more fully functioning. 

There are a host of topics in this book of anger wisdom. Every page has very important information to share and you will be an expert on this subject by the time you get to the end of the book. You will learn so much from this book, written by Helen Robinson, who is well qualified to write it from a perspective of experience and training. 

The Tipping Point

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Tipping Point - How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell, published by Abacus. Michael Gladwell's Blog is available on this link:

All kinds of 'laws', 'rules' and definitions here! How to live your life! Case studies and stories demonstrate how power and control and belief can change your life!

I always question these definitive ways to live your life, but do I believe that small things matter? Yes, definitely, and the small aspects of life, all congregate together to make the big things!
Also by the same author:
David & Goliath
What the Dog Saw
The Box Set 

Rituals and Practices with the Motherpeace Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Rituals and Practices with the Motherpeace Tarot by Vicki Nobel. Published by Bear & Co. US $15 : Can $18. 

With its focus on the Goddess and the Divine Feminine, this is the workbook to accompany the original round deck, the Motherpeace Tarot created by Vicki Noble and Karen Vogel 45 years ago. It was the first multicultural Tarot exclusively for women. Taking its inspiration from ancient cultures and modern tribal peoples, with non stereotypical settings and design, it has sold in its thousands. 

The Land in Our Bones

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Land in Our Bones - Earth-based Pathways to Ancestral Stewardship and Belonging in Diaspora by Layla K Feghali. Published by North Atlantic Books. RRP US $24.95 : Can $33.95 

This is a wonderful subject and it is written beautifully. The area of Cana’an, an ancient holy land, and ancestral land that dates back many thousands of years. This and Lebanon, the home of the author is deeply loved and described with moving dedication. With a huge percentage of inhabitants as refugees, with war and economic crisis, this ravaged land still yields magic and beauty and healing. This is a book that needed to be written to rescue and save its swiftly eroding ancient wisdom. It is a very personal account but has great layers of knowledge, wisdom and caring that is rare and impressive. 

This is a book that will change your life! A wonder of healing and magic. 

The Healing Power of Storytelling

Mind Body & Soul Book Review: The Healing Power of Storytelling - Using Personal Narrative to Navigate Illness, Trauma, and Loss. By Annie Brewster MD with Rachel Zimmerman. Published by North Atlantic Books. RRP US $17.95 : Can $ 23.95 

This is a wonderful book, written with deep personal honesty and inner beauty. It a real life story of a caring doctor who faces great challenges, and who takes the reader on an amazing journey towards greater self knowledge and compassion. The book is written by one who understands what life is truly about. You have your own story, as enlightening and astounding as those described here and you are encouraged to tell your story too through the method Dr Brewster describes. Who would benefit from this book? Health professionals, religious, academic, counsellors, all those facing difficulties or who know of those who are. It’s a very moving book, challenging at times, but readers will be wiser and more matured  by the experience. 

Persephone Unveiled

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Persephone Unveiled - Seeing the Goddess & Freeing Your Soul by Charles Stein, 140 pages, Paperback RRP US $17.95 : Can $22.50 : £13.85 published by North Atlantic Books. 
A mythical and magical story of ancient rites and initiation is the subject of this extraordinary book, which is full of fascinating potentials and wonders. 
Beginning with Hesiod and the Homeric Hymn of Demeter, the abduction of her daughter Persephone, and into the underworld, here we have a wonderful explanation of this secret and ancient story of  with greater and lesser mysteries and divine revelations. (Were hallucinogen drugs used?) I very much enjoyed reading Dr Stein’s  words and considering the wonderful circumstances that took place 3,000 years ago. He is a poet who specialises in literature and ancient Greek and is very articulate and knowledgeable.  He has authored many books. 

Invoke the Goddess

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Invoke the Goddess - Connecting to the Hindu, Greek & Egyptian Deities by Kala Trobe. Published by Llewellyn Books. RRP US $17.99 

15 powerful ancient goddesses are featured in this book that helps you to connect with them through exercises, guided visualisations, rituals, chants and mantras. Kali, Lakshmi, Radha, Sekhmet, Artemis, Persephone, Hecate, Iris, Ma’at, Hathor, Durga, Nephthys, Artemis, Persephone, Hecate, Iris, Aphrodite, Saraswati, Isis, are described in detail and are chosen to provide blessings, insight and inspiration. All information is provided, no experience is necessary to get the best from this book. 

Colours, chakras, goddess functions, are described, and there is a glossary of terms. I felt I made contact with several goddesses and enjoyed the messages I received from them and felt their presence close to me from using this workbook. 

Circles of Meaning - Labyrinths of Fear

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: CIRCLES OF MEANING – LABYRINTHS OF FEAR The Twenty Two Relationships of a Spiritual Life and Culture – And Why They Need Protection by Brendan Myers, Published by Moon Books Available as eBook and Paperback, 483 pages Author Website:

Dr Brendan Myers is a philosopher, environmentalist and a teacher of ethics and spirituality. He has a special interest in Celtic mythology and folk-lore and is involved in Druidry. He has written several books, is a columnist for various pagan publications and has made many broadcasts on radio.

The Dance of Intimacy

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Dance of Intimacy - A Woman’s Guide to Courageous Acts of Change in Key Relationships by Harriet Lerner PhD. Published by Harper Collins. RRP US $14.00 : Can $20.00 

Author of The Dance of Anger, women and family relationship expert Harriet Lerner, helps to build self esteem, create boundaries, and improve our intimacy with this excellent book, another in the stable of this successful writer, magazine columnist and senior psychotherapist at the Menninger Clinic. She provides examples and case histories to illustrate her methods. How to create a Genogram is provided. 

A Mindful Evening

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: A Mindful Evening - Complete Each Day with a Calm Mind and Open Heart by David Dillard-Wright PhD. Full colour. RRP US $14.99 : Can $19.99 

This book offers a short write up with quotations from old and new writers to read at night before sleep. Whatever your thoughts of the day, put them to one side with a reading from this book to uplift and put you in a good mood at bedtime. Slow down, reflect on good things in life. Much needed good advice and tips on a healthy mind set! 

David Dillard-Wright is a doctor of philosophy, religion and ethics who studied under the Trappist monastery tradition of contemplative prayer which he coupled with Eastern practices. He is the author of several books on mindfulness and meditation. 

Overcoming Traumatic Stress

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book review: Overcoming Traumatic Stress - A Self-help guide using Cognitive Behavioral Tecnhniques by Dr Claudia Herbert and Ann Wetmore. Published by Constable & Robinson. 

This is a useful workbook using the Cognitive Behavioural Approach to heal and remedy dysfunctional patterns as a result of excessive stress and trauma. The book helps those who are in deep distress to understand reactions and  learn methods to cope and move towards recovery. Many emotions are dealt with, such as guilt,, shame and lack of confidence. Charts are provided to help with regular self care, sleeping, etc. There is a useful book land contact list provided.. 

The Seven Types of Spirit Guide

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Seven Types of Spirit Guide - How to Connect and Communicate with Your Cosmic Helpers by Yamile Yemoonyah. Published by Hay House. RRP £12.99

Angels, ancestors, nature spirits, star beings, animal spirits, ascended masters, and deities can be contacted for guidance of all kinds. There is a chapter for each of these, what they represent, how they can most assist you. They each have specific gifts, and challenges. You can find out how to work with these spirit beings, talk to them, conduct a ceremony, and find your spiritual life purpose. There is an extensive quiz that helps you to ascertain which spirit guide is your most dominant. 

Spiritual Emergency

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Spiritual Emergency - When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis. Numerous contributors. RRP US $15.95 : Can $22.99 

Modern psychiatry is failing many who realise that their distress is the result of a spiritual difficulty. This book is written by many eminent professionals in the psychiatric and psychological sectors. It covers psychosis, self realisation and personal growth, the varieties of spiritual emergency, shamanism, kundalini, UFO encounter, spiritual practice, assistance during times of distress, the hero’s journey, and the Spiritual Emergence Network. 

The Goddess

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Goddess - Be the Woman You Want to Be by Elisabeth Wilson. Hardback. Leisure & Lifestyle. RRP £18.99

Over 100 suggestions from 30 Goddess experts, with identifying your goddess archetype, with themed sections, quizzes, ways to find out who you are, and be who you are. You don’t need to be prefect, or wait for the right time, no longer please others, gain better financial security, wear bright colours, think positively, jump start your love life, spice up your sex life, boost your body image, find out your love quotient score, be grateful, become organised, keep questioning, start being logical, throw a dinner party, create your dream home, make a beautiful garden, detox, take vitamins, take exercise, deal with rejection, make sure you bounce! 

Earth Medicine

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Earth Medicine - Ancestors' Ways of Harmony For Many Moons by Jamie Sams, published by Harper. Paperback 383 pages

Native American culture is intelligent,p - it respects nature with respect and conservation - it appreciates beauty - of the variety of the plant and animal kingdoms - of the landscapes of mountains, rivers and beaches - and of the universal rhythms and powers, of the sun, moon and stars.

Alexander Arbachakov and the Shor Shamans

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Last of the Shor Shamans by Alexander and Luba Arbachakov published by Moon Books. Lyn Roberts introduces this book as she visited the area to meet tribal elders of Tuva and Altae region with Bill Pfeiffer, founder of the Sacred Earth Network. 

Alexander Arbachakov is a native of the Shor region of Siberia and raised in a traditional village in the area. He is a photographer, an environmentalist, a local conservationist and a forestry specialist and he is Vice President of the Shortsi People’s Association. His co-author is Luba Arbachaka from a remote mountain farming area. She is an environmentalist, a folklorist and language specialist.

Thursday, 9 May 2024

Cave and Cosmos

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Cave and Cosmos - Shamanic Encounters with Another Reality by Michael Harner, paperback 301 pages £15.58, Kindle £10.50 published by North Atlantic Books.

The late Prof Harner was one of the earliest pioneers, advocates and investigators of indigenous cultures and he repackaged them for Western consumption making shamanism a popular healing method. His followers describe him as a 'shamans' shaman' on account of his vast travelling and study of this subject matter as both an academic and a practitioner. The advantages of sharing his personal experiences is that he provides a glimpse into the nature of indigenous shamanism. Shamanism was his life long passion and this book is the sequel to his classic book The Way of the Shaman, upon which he made his name as a dedicated researcher. 

The Book of Hygge

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Book of Hygge  - The Danish Art of Living Well, hardback by Louisa Thomsen Brits. Full colour Hardback. Published by Ebury Press RRP £12.99 

We are provided with a definition of the term “hygge” and how to pronounce it (hue-gah) and a wonderful write-up by the author of this exceptional way of being. The Introduction gives several quotes that describe how to live harmoniously and contentedly. The history of this Danish practice is interesting and the word derivation describes how the word originated. Hygge involves a sense of belonging, togetherness, trust, being in the moment, being yourself, equality, comfort, connection, ease, pleasure, simplicity, balance, optimism, wellbeing, informality, nourishing, welcoming, all these enjoyments and more. How to do it? 

Sunday, 5 May 2024

Tarot Deck of Heroes

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Tarot Deck of Heroes by Richard ShadowFox Boxed set of 78 cards and booklet published by Schiffer Publishing RRP £22.99 US $24.99

All that is needed is you, your question, such as “What obstacles might I find on my path”, and the cards. We are invited to shuffle the cards, place the deck face down and turn over the top card for a one card reading. Other spreads suggested are a 3 Card, a Celtic Cross of 10 Cards, and a Personality of 6 Cards. 

The card images are digitally produced and I would like to have seen them but the reproduction is far too dark and the artwork is obscured by impenetrable blackness! The video shows a preferable deck where the images can be seen. I don't think it would be unfair to say that the same muscle bound, bare chested man has been used for more than one photo. For this reason, I am not recommending these cards. Though the book text is 50-100 words of upright and for reversed cards, it is not that enlightening and has sometimes left me considerably confused as to its meaning. Though the deck is described as ‘romantic’, I couldn’t find the romance!

Sample reading: King of Cups